ARM THE TEACHERS... w-with fire extinguishers
The left's new idea to prevent school shootings
Its funny, because they tend to converge to the same ideas than us, but they are brainwashed into thinking guns are evil, so they try to find some substitute.
what about just reinforced school buildings? every class room acts as a panic room. if the shooter cant shoot anyone that would take the wind out of their sails
Why dont they just ban guns?
Truth of the matter is that not every teacher is going to be CCing or would be competent enough to CC (assuming that the government provided guns or CC training). I would love to have every teacher undergo training and start CCing but truth is not everyone is suited for it and I knew a few teachers who I for sure would not trust with a gun. At least with fire extinguishers they're dual purpose and can be used by any untrained person to take down (or at least try to take down) a attack, as well as be used on fires.
This thread is stupid and the idea has been around for years. OP is faggot.
Maybe, they should give them tasers? Or would that endanger their students?
It doesn't matter that not every teacher is going to be CC or qualified to take down an attacker. What matters is that schools present themselves as "armed and willing to retaliate". That's all security is: the promise that it's not going to be worth your time. Saying "we won't ever fight back!" is the best way to get attacked.
Because 37.7% of guns are acquired illegally/off a black market in America according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics and even a person with no welding or crafting experience can build a pipe shotgun with $20 worth of steel pipe and fittings. Prohibition has been proven not to work in America. It didn't work for alcohol, it hasn't been working with marijuana and it's not going to work with guns. Now please go step on a stonefish.
What if public schools just required students to wear a bomb collar for the duration that they're attending the school? That way if a student or group of students ever decide to shoot it up, the administration can easily eliminate them, preventing or minimizing any loss of innocent students' lives. No need to aim, eliminating the risk factor.
Tasers require contact while fire extinguishers give you a little bit of range.
Yes I agree. But not everyone is gun competent. Ideally we do both fire extinguishers and allow those qualified to CC on campus. Then every classroom can fight back in some way vs it being Russian roulette if someone grows the balls to shoot up a school even with teachers CCing.
Guns for the people who are responsible enough to use them, extinguisher for those who are not.
Preventing school shootings is an attack on American culture. If anything we need more students armed, not the teachers. Properly armed students, trained for these types of scenarios would be able to lay down covering fire and allow their classmates to escape. It would also allow for a more responsible and empowered generation of gun owners. Trusting in authority figures, whether they are the police or teachers to protect you is a path to failure and death.
Forgot to say you can choose a bunch of customizations to make your collar fit the real you.
Want a pink collar with cat tampos? You got it!
They don't already have fire extinguishers in the classrooms? wtf
0/10 bait
I have cancer
>the virgin conceal carry response vs. the CHAD fire extinguisher swing
Generally they have fire extinguishers in the hallways or sometimes in classrooms, but it's not 1 fire extinguisher per classroom. Schools would rather put money into cringe "spirit" events than pay for the yearly fire extinguisher inspections/replacements when needed.
It's a good idea to use an extinguisher, but they need some sort of device than can be used to quickly eliminate multiple attackers by throwing multiple fire extinguishers, and something that's more portable.
Like a device than can throw mini fire extinguishers very quickly.
lol. I got a good giggle out of that one you cunt.
Will this mark the return of the /Right Wing Safety Squads/ ?
giving incompetent public employees guns is dumb, these incidents are so rare that nothing should be done.