Bitch please
Bitch please
I love it when they do that shit.
For once the bad guy wins in an anime.
But Sakayanagi won?
The good guy also won
Based Albert.
Aw shit here we g-
>s2 never
oh well...
Honestly, the only thing missing in the scene is the blue haired girl sucking on his dick.
give it time
>not shaving his dick
>umbrella stand
Is there anything GigaNigga can't do?
>When you remember that half of the animes are just 240 minute long advertisement for shitty LN.
I miss 40-50 episode long anime so badly.
>inb4 "hurr durr just read the LN senpai"
I don't like reading books, thats why I read mangas and watch anime.
The it has a manga tho, it's just not very far.
Tbf, I'd read it if I wasn't worried that my dislike of reading would make me hate it.
You posted the same shit from another thread.
Because this thread is fucking dead.
One day this man is going to reach Class A and become a world power just from being carried by 50%man. He's just there to enjoy the ride.
I don't get it. He's supposedly wants to live a normal high school life yet, "all people are tools blah blah as long as I win in the end, that's all that matters." What did he mean by this?
Could be some kind of mental disorder where he's torn between two (or more) outlooks on life?
I took it as he fell back to his conditioning since the teacher pushed him into a corner.
Sooner or later she is going to use Sakura's body for his own advantage
Probable answers, but what could be his endgame?
Nah, 50% man genuinely wants to protect Sakura,
50% just wanted to mind his own business and get through these 3 years just chillin.
His class is so fucking useless that he actually has to fucking carry them all in order to reach his goal.
DESU at this point it would just be better for him to trick the B class bitch into giving him money so he can buy his way to A class.
That's obviously what she came there to do.
He only thinks of her as a tool.
Aren't sakura and karuizawa the exception to his way of thinking?
The goal is to get to A and not make such an overt gesture that would make him the center of attention. Hence all his moves needing a fall guy.
>implying chad's balls are not shaven
Do you even alpha?
That was the original goal.
But now that he fucking notices that his whole class is nothing but losers he might change his mind.
In hindsight he should've just gotten good enough scores to get into A class and then just be a discrete dude once in there.
Be 80%man instead.
They are, assmad Horikitafags are just trying to drag all the other girls down with them.
oh god the shitposter is in this thread too
Sakayanagi would have just tried to get him involved in her feud with Daiz, and after that she'd probably set her sights on onii-sama.
Oh god the Horikitafag in denial is in this thread. Maybe just more than one person has a problem with you? Have you ever considered it?
Tsundere Horikita was nauseating. I fucking hate Tsunderes
Tsundere Horikita kinda put me off desu. Used to really like her too.
Did she do that gay shit in the LN or is it an anime only gaffe?
why is he so based, s2 when
She needs her ass fucked already
I was wondering. Did she not notice him strangling her or is this some kind of japanese discrete strangle?
They're always alone together, so much sexual tension
She doesn't mind him touching her.
Seemed like he was just checking on her because she was sick
Reminder that Sudo x Horikita is OTP.
He's checking wether her thyroid has swollen to check up on her health
She was too feverish to notice the strangle
I thought he was making her pass away.
>Be 80%man
Then he'd have to fuck around with Sakayanagi from day 1.
Who is at least 60% woman
Horikita is part of 50% harem
think for himself
You mean Sudo's harem
Sudo is irrelevant
Not for Horikita
Giganigga is an ordinary employee, he chose this job because it pays well and plays to his strengths.
Shaving and holding parasols
I'm more interested in his father's endgame, with how the teacher noted that 50% may not really be moving entirely by his own will, contrary to what he thinks
I wanted this faggot fighting the huge nigger, Aryan Chad, and Japanese Chad.
WTF was the point of all this shit.
Anime only
50% man was never gonna fight anyone.
He only knows calligraphy and tea ceremony, after all
If the scene where he bribes the stalker idiot with Sakura's email address is not anime only then I don't think she's an exception
Why has 50% man turned into a villain?
Horikita has been and always will be Onii-san's property.
Its his master ruse.
Meanwhile Kouenji is living 50%'s dream being indirectly carried by him
So when does next volume come out?
I literally only care about Kushida.
Why does anyone want their waifu to end up with this guy? He seems like a sociopath.
Horikitafags, real question, why is Sudo not the better option? I haven't read any of the LNs, but Sudo at least seems stable. Hell, I'd rather have anyone end with Sudo over him.
>it pays well
I can only hope so, just want giganigga to be happy
Does he have this, or at least a similar, monologue in the novel too? I might want to pick it up if he does
Because Horikitafags self-insert hard and would never accept anyone that isn't the MC as a potential partner for their waifu, even if the MC has literally zero development with their girl and she is closer and has more development with a side character like Sudo.
Yea. Every shipper got BTFOd, but Horikitafags got it the worst.
I wish I had a giganigga butler who calls me BOSS.
This is what I assumed as well, thyroid would swell if she was sick. He was making sure she would drop out.
MC reeks of future tsundere development where he goes back on this words like Kyon.
a good hate fuck, that's all I ask
Sudo is obnoxious, annoying and an idiot.
Where can I read the novels in moonrunes for free?
He is literally Kyon but just more sociopath.
Season 2 never?
How likely is an English publication?
He does, but not towards Horikita.
Sakura stopped being relevant after volume 2. His monologue here comes from volume 3 and would include Sakura. Karuizawa is included too at that point in time. In later volumes Karuizawa becomes his pawn so she is a tool too, albeit he began to act a bit different towards her since she gets to see the other darker side to him.
Just like Horikita. Perfect match.
I need the .webm
List 5 good reasons you think Sudo is better than 50%man. Protip: you can't.
Oh damn.
So who is the cutie for 50%? I like them all desu.
Does everybody he shows his 51% to become scared of him like Horikita is?
I really think Ryuuen and Albert were buds even before school but Ryuuen wants to play Game of Thrones and he can't talk him out of it so the best he can do is be by his side and support him even if he's doing stupid shit.
>brawn over brain
>drags the class down
>can't scheme
>no chemistry
Considering this was literally a passage they pulled from the LN, yes. In fact the LN gives way more room to his internal monologues than the deadpan version the anime makes him out to be. Just stay clear of the manga since that is an abomination.
He gets regular friends who he hangs out and does regular friend things with like watching a movie together.
>obnoxious, annoying and an idiot.
This describes Kei more than any other girl.
>>no chemistry
>He retreated back to his room, while she waited for him for one hour. He didn't think she would wait so long for him.
He says they have nothing in common which Horikita says they do, and the more she thinks about it, it becomes clearer to her. They are both always alone
>She asks him lend his strength to her. His mind is finally clear after all this and he says he will cooperate with her since it's the first time someone has acknowledged him for something other than basketball which is he will respond to her feelings. She is smiling and she says in her monologue that it's the first time these feelings welled in her
>In the end even though he lost their bet, she allowed him to call her by her first name as a punishment for her (losing to Ryuuen).
>regular friends
I think you mean potential tools to use and win.
50%man disagrees.
What's wrong with the manga?
The art looks good at least.
Awesome, thanks for the advice. Had my doubts because I heard in the novel he wasn't that unemotional and thought it meant he wouldn't be as "cold" or whatever
S2 when?
Watch your mouth. Kei is an angel.
>tfw giganigga is the true threat and leader of the class and plays the submissive, unthinking fool to later turn the tables on everyone and secure his place of power
If that was the case, it would actually be really nice
Ain't seeing shit, Captain.