The character development meme needs to fucking die already

The character development meme needs to fucking die already.

>character development
anime was a mistake

I think the cutting of hair represents starting over (literally and figuratively) more so than developing. There's the chance for development, but that alone isn't what it's meant to signify.

Pic related. After she lost her hair she became worse and more or less dropped from the competition. Motoko (Love Hina) is another one with a similar situation. In fact, I can't think of a single character that cut their hair and became more interesting afterwards.

Neglected to mention that I actually like short hair, so I'm not being biased. It's just an observation.

Are there any girls who grow their hair for "character development?"

Girls constantly push superficial things as important, everytime they change their appearance they feel like they have...changed....

Ange's hair steadily grew as she developed throughout the series.

CrossAnge second season when

Yet there are better ways to turn a new leaf.

>no character development
What, like a Seinfeld anime?

Ohh arigato for the new york pizza Jerry-san, I will continue to make bad life choices
That's basically your anime

Haircut as a representation of character development you dense motherfucker.

>he doesn't understand a female "privilege"

Is ok to be angry, memes kill everything with time.


Yozora actually looked better with short hair.

Best girl Senjougahara started growing her hair back for Owari

I don't think you get what he's getting at. Try thinking about the image in conjunction with the post.


crazy bitches cut their hair all the time when they get dumped by chad thundercock.

She always had long hair

This supposed meme ended up making Aika go from fucking adorable to the hottest character in Aria.

>best grill

Can confirm, my ex-gf did that after I broke up with her.

>my ex-gf
Fuck off.


hey i shaved my head when i decided my old life was shit and needed to change

delet yourself

I would've used a better example if I had more Aria images.

First time I saw this hair cutting thing was when the princess cut her hair in Final Fantasy IX. Had to watch more animu to understand what this was about

You know why women cut their hair in real life?
It's because they need a change of identity, usually after being embarassed. Just look at Megan Kelly after Trump devastated her

Short hair isn't hot, and it will never be

Momo have a "character development" as the biggest cunt slut

shuffle anime.

Megumin did in the LN

Kyoani doesn't rely on generic allegories like that for their character development. Truly a kino studio.

>tfw no SoL cross ange with dykes aplenty

Your taste is shit and it always will be.

Don't talk about my waifu like that you filthy ESL