New manga chapter is out, it's a whole bunch of Climb. Fanfic in less than 5 days. Hopefully some S2 news with the LN release. I cannot wait until the weekend.
I'll dump the rest of these as well to kick off the thread
Last one. The artist is drawing these as a countdown for the LN release so there should be another tomorrow
How many of you will try to read it in Japanese?
Also how long do you think it will be until it gets translated?
Bukubuku looks like a dick monster..
Why bukubuku looks like a dick?
Those are some nice arts user, thank you.
Overlord is translated fast so it should be finished in 2 weeks or so thanks nigel and chinks
Chinks are kill.
Their teamleader is HeroHero-tier of wageslave so he fucked off to fix his health.
They're effectively headless right now.
rip translations
Don't the chink anons pay translators ridiculous yuan per sentence to translate unlike here? I'm sure someone will step up.
Translators are still there, problem is that they will end up translating all the same thing unless there is a head thus slowing down translations.
>slowing down translations.
Well, at least the ride can last longer..
>No Jerk
>No Ainzach
Your ride is not a ride.
Hasn't Nigel been learning nip?
Tommorow is the day.
I think so, he still said his nip is nowhere near his chink during latest PPP TL.
Or I believe it was him.
You mean in a few weeksfor us
I thought it was the 30th?
It is but hopefully some chink user will steal one from a shipping/recieving room somewhere before release
Well knowing how chinks are there's a good chance that'll happen.
Why does it have to be jap > chink > eng
why cant it be jap > eng
Because you'd need a JP to Eng translator. And not every LN can have a JS06 ready to translate.
Why cant we just clone a bunch of them?
All part of Ainz-sama's plans.
We should, but then, how about the morality issues ?
Clones aren't people, they have no rights, it's fine
We just bunch them all up in same place, they can organize themselves which one does translating while other cleans up the house or something.
>knowing how chinks are
Do Chinese people have a reputation as the black people of Asia?
They're the asian jews.
They're well known for dropping stuff ahead of schedule. Happens pretty often with videogames.
user we have specialized AI already, it can translate speech perfectly.
It's a matter of few years until machine TL is as good as human one.
Unless (((them))) interfere.
>New Year
There will be TL, right?
The humans will ask for ainz to stop the human farms but what can they contribute to make ainz consider it? beastman are better than humans in every way.
It's the weasel vs dwarf situation again.
>implying Ainz will not use human request as an excuse to shut farms down
>Because he fucked up and was led on by Demiurge on their true purpose and nature of Bellion Sheep
I think most of the SBS would prefer to spend time with Aura and Mare than their own creations.
Wow thanks Sup Forums, just unattach my image
It's alright, it gave me an extra (You) and that satisfies the primitive, pathetic part of my brain
Sup Forums is against cute clones abuse.
I want to hug that frog.
How many times in this fanfic will there be a string cutting reference?
My guess is twice
Sebas deserves more fanart. I hope S2 fixes this.
He had one look the entire anime. Hell, I'm not even sure if the anime mentioned how strong he is.
Twice in the official release of the fanfic. Around 20 in the original translation.
What does this chart say about the individual?
That narb and shizu truly are perfect
Solution has Ainz favorite body though, but I prefer Lupus myself. Is Lupus Luci*Fer's creation?
they're all beautiful
nope but when he will get his chance when he fucks the undergrounds shit up for fucking with his waifu
and also making climb shit himself by flexing
granted it is just climb so anyone can do that
Entoma should be completely flat, honestly.
Her breast size entry says "none", actually.
For season 2, who would be the best seiyuu for Renner? I'm thinking KanaHana.
Cant wait for the normal leaked pics
Kayano Ai and Climb will get Matsuoka or Daisuke Ono.
Hana is perfect, Climb gets Yuuki Kaji for the lulz.
Just my personal opinion but i think the nub that is her "nipple" should be completely flat, to be frank.
Which race would give Climb and Brain the highest growth potential?
>You will never be Shalltear
Are there any subs for the movie or not yet?
Yes soon. My dad works for Overlord.
BDs already out for a while, seriously still no subs? Already saw them no problem but can't show them to friends without subs.
Seriously though, Sebas wins at everything.
>Instinctively find a perfect waifu with perfect background.
>So perfect, Ainz let her inside Nazarick, gets offered to be recieved as a guess indefinitely and declared to every NPC she is under her protection.
Must be the spirit of Touchme-sama possessing his creations.
Sasuga Touchme-sama.
Uh..people does the translating for free, during their free time. The PPP shorts are more easier to translate.
Moreover, the movie is just a super condensed tv series. All the words used are mainly the same. Just get them to watch the tv series. Worth more of their time.
How long will it take for nigel to translate the first chapter?
Nigel doesn't exist. Nigel is a AI in South America.
Look,a friendly heads up, he needs the chinese to get the book first. Then they translate into cn, which, in turn he could translate to EN.
The whole process takes about 2 weeks or so, from the release of the LN.
Nigel-sama is in all of us
Not in a sentimental sense
He is kinda like a tapeworm
He literally lives inside all of us
Nigel-sama must feed
True. Might just be an exoskeleton ridge, though.
Nigel translates from chinese, the LN is in Japanese. He can do jap as well but he's not as good at it.
LN comes out the 30th. Some Chinese user will probably steal a copy a day or two early. Assuming it needs to be translated into Chinese, those chapters or chapter segments will probably take a day each to translate, and then add another day for Nigel to translate the chink into English.
If the Chinks manage to get it early AND are on top of their shit AND Nigel is also on top of his shit, we should start seeing daily English chapter sections at the 30th.
For comparison, the "official" release of V11 was last year also on 9/30. Nigel had delivered the first chapter segment on the same day because chinks got it early and are on top of their shit. After that, he had posted updates near-daily until he finished on the 22nd of October.
However, there is apparently some turmoil on the chink side of things. I do not know how this will affect translations. I did mention earlier that Nigel is only ok at nip, so if worse comes to worst with the chinks he'll probably translate from nip directly, albeit at a much slower pace
For the newfags, we get a dripfeed of the novel over a few weeks
Best case scenario: we start the ride Saturday.
Likely scenario: we start the ride in like a week because one or two things went wrong
Worst case scenario: we start the ride in like a week and a half and the ride is also much slower and less smooth because all the chinks died and Nigel had to translate direct from nip.
If things go THAT wrong you can check the usual place Sundayish and Nigel will probably have posted an update
I'm optimistic which is why I said 5 days
Thanks user you're a godsend
The V10 translations didn't start coming from Nigel until two weeks after the official release date. So for Likely and Worst case scenarios I would add at least a week. fingers crossed for the 30th though
Oh wait never mind I'm an idiot and didn't look deep enough in the usual place is right
I will never not get a chuckle out of that nickname.
Indeed, Sasuga Touchme-sama.
>maruyama: Demiurge, Aura, Mare and Cocytus. Who will not appear until the end of the vol
Reminder that entoma is basically pic related
What do you think maruyama's opinion on Overlord r34 is? Do you think he's ever jacked off to it? Pic unrelated
Stfu bug is for fug not bullying
>what can they contribute to make ainz consider it?
Gazef, Tsurare and Renner.
>granted it is just climb so anyone can do that
You can't.
And tiger can't too.
Fucker swings sword 500+ times every day.
He's not weak at all.
But chinks are headless now.
In no way they're "on top of their shit".
Define headless. Where you got this piece of news ftom?
Chink teamleader retired from his post as head of TL teams due to health issues.
They'll still TL, but without the leader to distribute work they will do same shit instead of cooperating, thus slowing the process down.
Presumably from Nigel himself, he drops by these threads regularly.
I can't because raws are usually uploaded a month after the release.