Tonight is Tim's Oscar Special and every year he takes calls on his show, we should ask him to bring back Sam Hyde's World Peace
Tonight is Tim Heideckers Oscar Special, we need to ask him to bring back World Peace
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I doubt it, the guy was kind of an ass to Sam on the phone calls
But maybe if we ask reaaally nicely in his chat room a whole lot
Why did Tim become so unfunny? What is his deal?
"He can't keep getting away with it" Sam Hyde has much more of a presence in my awareness than Tim Heidecker
Because you can't make jokes without making fun of someone, that's essentially illegal in their minds now. So now he doesn't have any material
WHY? they are both absolutely gay
Did you ever watch World Peace? It was fucking awesome.
They made fun of women for being whores, encouraged bullying, let people blame them for school shootings, etc.
How can you not like it?
whose house is that?
WHAT?! Why haven't I seen this before!?
Tim's. Pics related was last july
holy shit that's fucking incredible
reminder that sam hyde used to date a tranny
Reminder that Sam Hyde bullied furries and they are still butt blasted
/mlp/ still got a sore asshole from that.
that makes him even more cooler
Stop shilling this (((turd)))
Now they just make fun of DRUMPF
No he didn't, there is literally no actual proof, just a some easily editable by simple HTML emails and someone blowing a dick that is clearly not him
Only retards actually need to pay. I don't see the problem
If you don't occasionally fap to trap porn you hardly belong on Sup Forums.
Fuck that faggot.
Doesn't change the fact that Sam is with Reddit now. He deserves 0 support from us.
Last time that was mentioned here it was you faggots gloating that it was dead
Yes, let's beg Tim to bring back the hebrew psyop we all know and enjoy. Good thinking, user.
So many shills.
Yes, Sam is /our guy/.
Yes, we should ask Tim to bring back World Peace.
Hyde was literally shut down for talking about Jews.
Fuck off Sam
No, it was a shitty fucking show and Sam, for the last fucking time STOP POSTING ON Sup Forums. NO ONE GIVES A SHIT.
You're unemployable and not even remotely funny. Learn how to deal with this reality.
>defending a greedy redditor
lol all the poorly larping shills in here, post the chat baby boi lets ask tim the only question that matters
speak for yourself soyboy
>So now he doesn't have any material
>Get it? Mustard!
>Eric is mad at Tim, it's fucking genius!
Wtf is wrong with you niggers.
The shills out strong today.
Sam has never not been our guy.
>Imagine having this little of a life
Faggot, you're in like every single thread ever about Sam and all you ever post are the same fucking shit over and over again. Honestly its kind of sad.
How did Sam hurt you? You sad that your pony game will never come out? Upset because he made fun of insane people like trannies? Get over it faggot.
When a guy has the courage to make fun of niggers, call out Jews, and call whores whores gets shut down we should defend him.
Only Jews and niggers are happy he's gone
If Tim Hidecker had that kind of power. I would ask him to bring back Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
Im pretty sure he was never the one that wrote the best of his material. It was Eric and some other guy who were the real brains behind it
The problem with Tim, Eric and Sam is that there isn't enough funny shit going on. Their skits are a drag with too few laughs. They expect their entire audience to be so high on pot, that they don't even notice how boring these shows are.
Not to mention, fucking tame. This humor is so "safe" it's nauseating.
Nice white knighting. NOW GO
Other e-celebs do it better. Sam is dead weight now.
>If Tim Hidecker had that kind of power. I would ask him to bring back Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
Then resign? That would be great.
>Other e-celebs do it better. Sam is dead weight now.
kys you faggot shill
>the Sam Hyde Barneyfag Autist shows up like clockwork
TWAT was good
Tim heidecker's movie where he acts a perfect portrait of Sam's trustfund life is great, though.
its called the comedy
highly recommend it
They target audience moved on. Entertainment moves in waves, and the absurdist "anti-comedy" is stale.
>Tim&Eric need to move on, and just become producers for the new freshness
>but their egos...
Thought that was Nathan Lane at first.
So somehow Sam isn't an opportunistic faggot e-celeb like the rest that shill here? (the good ones don't btw)
Sam is /our guy/
Shills out in force prove so
not really what I took away from that movie.
>reddit spacing
Sam also has 40k+ karma, 1k+ posts, multiple subs with thousands of subscribers, and a cancerous underage shill army. Who's side are you on?
Just make the damn Spaget movie already.
Im seriously disappointed that heidecker is so political about sam hyde. They clearly have similar comedy influences
Sam Hyde btfo!!!
Why don't you go do more drugs, loser
I'm for a show addressing the JQ and making fun of niggers. Hbu?
How is Sam's humor tame? The others, yeah, but Sam's is the exact opposite of tame.
But Sam's show didn't even do that. He just dog whistled his online fanboys so he'd have a fanbase to fallback on in case the show the canned.
Dude that guy was an otherworldy monster on the phone call. What a fucking pyschopath.
I want this to be the new American flag
Tim didn't give a fuck whether it was cancelled or not, stop scapegoating its cancellation on Tim you cunts. Obviously people were pissed a right wing project was on adult swim, AS decided it was bad PR so they axed it- simple as that. Believe it or not Tim doesn't run shit at Adult Swim, they even cut funding to On Cinema last season because it wasn't profitable.
Tim pushed to have the show cancelled you dipshit. He ran around saying he refused to work for a network that allowed nazi propaganda to be embedded in its shows
He literally did black face and had a segment mocking his Jewish producers for being oblivious jews
you have zero proof of this. Absolutely zero. Tim is a pretty straight forward honest dude if he wanted the show cancelled he would have just come forward, tweeted about it etc. The cancerous 16 year old MDE fanbase is now harassing him for something he didn't even do.
Again, he doesn't run shit at AS. They cut funding to his project last season- if he ran shit do you really think he'd be crowd funding On Cinema?
World Peace was bad PR for Adult Swim so they axed it. Simple as that
Adult swim didn't axe it. they ordered more episodes.
Turner cancelled it.
except for the fact that he is the entire reason AS even has a following in the first place. He has been around there for a long time
>I can't see air
>Therefore it does not exist
Get fucked
Those phone calls on yt?
whoever decided, my point is it wasn't Tim. He didn't give a shit and said he never even watched it. I wish the MDE kids realized this. Literally how childish do you have to be to do shit like this ? It's just making MDE look worse.
that's objectively false what the hell are you talking about dude/ AS has a huge following outside of Tim and tons of great shows current and past. Fucking grow up dude
And you think the normie broadcast AS audience actually understood this and had their minds opened? Get real. He was dog whistling, nothing more.
you're a fucking idiot that is obviously a shill that doesn't want that shitty Oscar special ruined.
kys nigger
you sound like an extremely rational, mature person.
You sound like a nigger
It was partly Tim's fault though, he was one of the ones making a big stink about the show that made it "controversial" in the first place. Him and that faggot Brett Gelman. Sam and the fans weren't helping matters, but a good amount of blame does rest on Tim.
I have yet to see a single thing that proves that claim. Brett Gelman yes, TIm himself said he didn't give a shit and wasn't going to follow Brett's lead by leaving. He thought that was stupid as shit.
Extremely mature response.
but sam hyde isnt funny.
he does have a good quote or two though.
Wow nice attempt at getting the last word you NIGGER
Holy shit you literally are the same faggot that's in every thread. Imagine saving all these bullshit pictures and misleading pictures because of how butthurt you are about a guy's success.
truly pathetic
And you're the guy hanging out in every thread white-knighting a reddit fag like him.
>hey man I don't really support this dumb ass loud mouthed trust fund kid being in charge of America
>I'm a comedian so i'm going to make fun of him
how does it feel worshipping a fat orange twat who grew up wealthy, gets triggered by anyone who doesn't like him and spends his days tweeting like a 14 year old girl rather than ya know, being the President of the United States.
I love how boring alt-right conspiritards have the gaul to attack Tim Heidecker, who is just a comedian that you don’t have to watch, when your mascot is Donald Trump.
I repeat: your posterchild is Donald Trump.
Anyone with an ounce of objective and non-ideological thinking can see him for the self-obsessed, uninformed dullard that he is. He doesn’t give a shit about you guys, he will say anything to appease his base. He appeals to the lowest common denominator anti-intellectual closed minded crowd. His “vision” for America isn’t based on evidence, it’s a emotional fantasy.
I’m glad you guys are lifting, I’m glad your working towards bettering yourselves. But a part of that journey must be an honest assessment of your opinions, and a purging of ideology.
Half a dozen people have already disagreed with you what the fuck are you even talking about retard?
Wow you're so much better than us, at least you don't sit around on Sup Forums all day waiting for the perfect moment to "strike"
Good 4 u
what went wrong in your life to make you this way? No sane person sits on Sup Forums screaming "nigger" at people all day. I'm sure behind this Anonymous post you're a sad, lonely loser unhappy with your life just like 99% of the faggots on this board.
I'm actually a very sad guy, sad that your mom's pussy smells like fish that has been sitting out in the sun all day. Yet I slay it anyway, what is wrong with me?
Or leave Sam out of it and fuck with Heidecker for simply being a FAGGOT.
World peace must re-emerge
Bump for getting Tim to finally snap
>mascot is Donald Trump
that's a funny way to spell Adolph Hitler. no modern politician has the balls he had, nor the stoic ideological purity
Donald Trump is just the president, who often gets more flack than he should because he's boorish and right wing. He has a few good policies, but nobody really cares because it's simpler just to throw around insults. The wall will be a good thing, cutting the diversity lottery is excellent. All the "disasters" have just been media fabrications. For example, we're not getting blown up by korea, the two koreas are probably on-track for reunification.
nigger nigger nigger nigger
what went wrong in your life to make you a pussy?
Bob Odenkirk is the best adult swim creator of all time. Prove me wrong
I literally don’t know what any of that means, let alone how impressive or unimpressive it’s supposed to be
>you have to go back