I'm finnish.
I'm finnish.
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Vittu saatana?
why have Finns retreated from pol so much they use to be boisterous and lively
I don't know.
Vittu is a lowbrow curse word.
Lol. Winter in Fairbanks we drop down to -40 regularly, that's without wind. Idk what that is in your faggy system but we have to keep our cars plugged in overnight so the engine doesn't freeze.
its winter. they are all too drunk on homemade vodka
Kuinka monta viinaa jo sisällä on?
Not really a question, but good for you?
will you be my bf?
Ei ole yhtään viinaa juotu, mutta kahdeskymmenes kalja on korkattu.
Sorry, my brother, but no I will not.
why do finns keep rejecting me ;~;
We reject everybody.
Kys filthy subhuman
I wouldn't call people subhuman if I were you, moor.
Onko munat jäässä? Höhhöhhööö.
Haastatko riitaa?
Most Finnish autists who used to come here have indeed an heroed. It is only 2-3 of us that are left, and I am afraid we have to go soon too.
when was the last time you donated to finnish NRA?
-40F just happens to be a convergence point so it's exactly -40C, as well.
>I'm finnish.
Why? Did you forget todo your homework? You can always borrow one of your classmate's
why do you even bother
This is the first time I've heard of NRA existing in Finland.
Why should I ask you anything?
Just who do you think you are?
Are you Finnished?
How often do you EBIN when yo BENIS while drinking Koff?
I'm bored, drunk and on vacation.
Just a bored and drunk finn.
One should always take the opportunity and learn from an alien culture.
>Just a bored and drunk finn
So, like every Finn one day after his conscription is over?
I only shit post under a false flag.
Have you even finnished yourself off ? :^)
We get drunk before and during it. also.
Because our gun laws are so fucking strict.
why do finnish girls love british men so much?
Can you make a living as blue collar guy?
Also compared to sweden are the wages better?
Also also do you have to be good at the language in order to find a job if you speak 4 other languages?
Asking for a friend.
Do you own a real puukko or are you one of those Mora faggots that makes your ancestors weep in Tuonela?
I just want twink mongolian love...
Is the collective trauma of facing Soviet tanks during the Winter war the true origin of SPURDO? pic related
Only blade i own right now is an old German hirchfanger i'm looking to refurbish some day.
I'm planning on getting all kinds of other stuff some day when i can afford it though.
Ässät or Pelicans?
inb4 yes I know it is a Tommy tank... :P
I think it's because of british movies and tv, the accent.
Depends on what kind of blue collar work you do, but usually the wages are pretty low. The taxes take the rest of your meager pay.
I'm 75% sure that swedes have better wages just because trhey didn't fall for the euro meme.
English will get you somewhere, but especially in blue collar jobs you HAVE to learn finnish, we're mostly retarded.
No, spurdo is the side effect of ES.
Why are your memes the best? Can you post a rare Spurdo?
Can you please exterminate everyone in Denmark? I've never met a Dane that I didn't want to kill.
You are given a choice:
You have have sex with either Sofi Oksanen or Kiira Korpi.
If you choose the obvious choice, Kiira gets to take an explosive mämmi shit on you chest and face after.
If you choose Sofi, she never writes another book again.
What do?
Oh my bong, I'm not into spurdos.
I wish I could, their language makes me want to kill them too.
Both scenarios are a win-win for me, but I do hate Sofis feminism more.
See, I really liked "Kun kyyhkyset katosivat."
>not into spurdos
what are you, a fennoswede?
No, just a boring adult.
How many hydraulic presses do you own?
is it true, that finns have large dicks?
Unfortunately, none.
No... no...
No presses? How un-Finnish. Do you at least have Kalevala, Tuntematon sotilas and all three volumes of Täällä Pohjantähden alla on your bookshelf?
so my gf's brother is just lucky I guess
Only Kalevala and Tuntematon.
did you finish, Hakkinennn?
Fuck off, ryssä.
How much kossu can you drink in a dark sauna before you break down crying and want to hang yourself?
I don't need any kossu for suicidal thoughts.
Ah, you ARE a true Finn.
Do you order Pizza Berlusconi from Kotipizza on weekends?
Ugh, no.
Kotipizza is the shit tier place to order your pie from. Greasy, sloppy and overpriced.
How much of your last trip to Tallinn do you actually remember?
Never visited Tallinna.
Where do you vacation then? Järvi-Suomi?
My apartment.
We used to have summerhome, but when granpa died, we had to sell it. 2,5 hour drive there was just too much.
>2,5 hour drive there was just too much.
Jesus, I have to drive 8 hours (and never leave my state) to get to my cabin where my father and I hand built our sauna with trees we felled and dried ourselves.
You didn't sell the cottage to a fucking Russian, did you?
But how long can you stay there, my friend, before the work life calls on you?
My grandparents stayed at the place at least 7 months straight, before returning to the city life.
And no, just fucking no, we didn't sell it to the fucking russians. The smelly apes wouldn't have been able to enjoy the sandy beach, clear lake water teeming with fish, the solitude and clean drinking water.
If our SD-party loses in the upcoming election, can I sleep on your couch? I promise I can cook, clean, bring in dosh with my engineering degree and I am an unapologetic racist.
You're welcome in our country, but not on my couch.
Why are Finns so weird for?
Define "weirdness".
They are shy by nature, those finns. That's why they must be protected from the globalist plague. To protect their innocence.
There was this Finnish guy in my school (highschool), and at lunch he would lick the tables and stuff.
what do you think of the greeks
Sounds more like a sami to me.
Lazy and corrupt.
I think it's decent but overpriced.
I usually stay for 4 or 5 days, once a month April through October and then a full week in November for hunting.
You'll also have to promise to start planning the purge of Sweden, and not some libcuck-shit with the Swedish-speakers.
t. Skolt Saami Grandmother
Normality is boring, and a sign of herd mentality.
Finnish NRA is a joke.
Finnish telecommunications company advert.
Not in picture is the family white dad holding a black kid.
I admire your resolve.
I only hope the best for you and your getaway, friend. I only have my memories...
mämmi good?
Banner of Oikotie website, one of the most popular web services for renting and selling apartments and so on.
Mitta vittua fug :D
It's like Guinness in solid form, maybe a bit sweeter.
Why is Finland the best country?
Define best.
Our socialism saps the buying power of anyone earning less than 3000€ a month.
Would you like a licorice pipe?
do finnish girls have the smelliest feet?
Would you rather fight 100 Häyhä sized horses or 1 horse sized Häyhä?
When are you guys going to retake Karelia and have a coastline along the Arctic?