How does she walk around in this without being raped at every corner?
New Game
Choose any two New Games to have a threesome with.
Hifumi (cosplaying) and Ahagon (drunk)
Chairman Mao and Xi Jinping.
But if they're not a available then..
Which one?
I know most here dont play mobage but I found this interesting
Miho and Aoba fan art when?
>Kou flew business to paris
How could Kou afford it? That seat would be $3000
>hotter than the sun
>highly skilled and intelligent
>incredibly perceptive
>help people open to each other
>never gives a shit
>best eye-catches
>godlike reaction faces
>acknowledges Yun is cute and not fat
Momizi is quite the underrated girl.
Rate them by their fashion
The office titty monsters.
Old and busted.
Not living in muslim shitholes, africa, south america, most part of asia and inner cities in the us enables you to do a lot of things.
>Great tier
>Good tier
>Normal tier
>Bad tier
>classy and tasteful tier
>cute but tries too hard tier
>casual tier
>kids can't into fashion tier
>wtf this style is awful desu
Because she's wearing shorts? Jesus OP, control your tiny balls.
>high tier
>meh tier
the two newbies
the two hags
>can't into fashion tier
>doesn't even change clothes tier
This. If this anime took place in a country like Sweden it would be a different story.
Japs actually have very high levels of groping and rape, but it's dishonorable to report it.
How do you know that if they don't get reported?
I love her, she's my favorite girl now.
If I would ever choose a waifu she'd be one of the candidates.
She's an anti-social autistic try-hard faggot. I guess she resonates with a lot of Sup Forums.
He's a rapist.
Season two had a lot of sappy melodrama shit. Rin became too much gay. Didnt like it as much as the first season. I wont read the manga if it has this much serious and sappy yuri gay.
Has Hazuki ever had sex with a man? Does she want to?
You already know the answers to those questions.
I think she had a messy divorce after marrying too early and is purely into girls now.
She flew on a standby ticket. And they let her go business because there were a few empty seats.
By not living in the UK?
Pretty sure she's a perverted old virgin.
all this and you didn't even mention oppai. we really might have a new best girl on our hands.
>anti-social autistic
Stop projecting. She has no problem working in a team, is friend with half of the cast, and helped the other girls solving their drama.
Just like me, we have so much in common.
Does she need to?
Hifumi and Momo
Yun, obviously.
I'd like to tell that to my boss, but unironically.
Will we ever see more Yun lads? I don't know if I can go on without her.
I can't believe nobody here has love for the best game Hifumi
>Have to wait until 2018
Nene and Kou
>not posting the latest version
Your Yunfaggotery is weak.
5 more months until we can recreate this in our own homes.
When's the Yun one coming out?
After Hana-chan's.
I have a feeling the author will eventually make a male spin-off of New Game, since he likes yaoi as well.
Proper companies pay for your relocation.
That would make sense if she lived in basically anywhere that's not Japan.
and dropped.
Why would anyone rape a boy, user? Especially one with sword fighting and boxing skills?
no video game company would send an employee business class when economy exists
she's going to work for ubisoft and they want to seem progressive
Why do they have to be the elusive "not gay but are gay" why the fuck don't they just kiss, i just want them to kiss, is a kiss to much to ask? Please let ko and rin kiss
>going to France for learning game develop
Should've came to Ameica instead.
This is an idealized world where game companies are good companies.
Also, Kou is apparently a big enough name to build entire games around her name, so she probably gets special treatment.
she wanted to go to another company so she WOULDN'T stagnate
hifumi and narumi
>Aoba gives in to her dark impulses
>American game development
>implying japs are better
What kind of dialect does Yun speak in?
Who is responsible for the disappearance of Aobutt? All the fanservice for the other girls, Aoba gets practically nothing in comparison.
I had a dream last night that I was reading a newspaper and in all the pictures/ads, all the women had thick armpit hair.
That was it? That was your entire dream?
I want to rape Aoba-chan!
She's going to molest you instead.
sex with animes
The lesbian cakes. I will turn them heterosexual.
>French developer
>Makes a "wide variety" of titles
>Umiko is a fan of a fantasy series of theirs
Is Kou going to work for fucking Ubisoft?
>aspiring all-female company that only hires degenerates
Most likely.
I'm sure they will, but not until the author wants to end the manga.
It's not like any other large french developers exist
She didn't go to the canada section so it's alright
is fat a dialect?
What did they mean by this?
Kou's getting blacked and refugeed.
These are the higher ups on the company that's thinking about hiring you. Say something nice about them.
I'm not a qt3.14 so I don't have a chance.
They needed their token asian lesbian and now the oppression squad is complete.
Need you ask?
They saved the cutest Yun for last
Who are you talking about?
Because she's the biggest slut.
Ryuujou from ship sluts still has a better kansai dialect.
I-I'm not a gay little girl.
I wanna dress like Hajime
Where can I buy her comfy blouses, shorts and hoodies?
user it's literally just normal shots, a hoodie and kneesocks. What I wanna know is how to get my hands on Yuns clothes.
Go check the /cgl/ lolita threads.
Kou comes to America to work on NBA 2K18
got 5 minutes into the first episode. this is literally the most retarded shit i have ever seen. who the fuck watches this shit?
no really. who watches this garbage? what kind of beta male watches this bullshit?
You're just mad that a cute girl got a game designer job with nice coworkers and you are a worthless NEET watching anime in your basement.
stop projecting
For starters, people who can into proper grammar.
So you are a wagie then? Even worse. I feel pity for your existence.
Go to bed Hifumi