He will be remembered

He will be remembered.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Saber does mouth to bass

To ban or not to ban.

Did Sakurafish user die or something?

Daily spammers are being banned.

Worse, got unmaid.

People should flood Sup Forums with fish in honour of the departed.

But it's a Sup Forums tradition

looks like Sup Forums is dead

no maid no play

fuck the jews

It used to make me so mad but now I kinda miss it.

it even has a Sup Forums banner

but i liked it

I got warned for just mentioning him a day or two back. Like, just acknowledging that the person existed.

mods are hyperfaggots, a Suzuha birthday thread was moved to /c/ to slowly die. It's not like it's a normal birthday either, it's the very day she would be born due to time travel.

Fucking mods.

I think he in himself wasn't bad but I do believe that he encouraged bad trends and that led to him being harmful.

It's a sad, sad tragedy but it must've been done.

It 'must be done' if the trend to delete those bad threads and ban their posters is continued. It has not been continued. Look around you.

>worst girl of a shitty meme show got moved for non-anime discussion
I guess even a broken clock can be right sometimes.

What even went on in those threads? I never bothered to go into one.

>this particular native american is a good christian, however ...

>Worst girl
>shitty meme show
How can one faggot be so wrong?

Yeah there's like one mod who objects to any mention of anything they might have banned because they are raging controlfags. Like a really self-obsessed, narcissitic virgin creep version of nazimod.

Goodnight, Sakura fish.
Goodbye, Sakura fish.

memes and anime discussions, exactly the opposite of the sort of thing Sup Forums wants to encourage as any kind of "norm"

I still hate it.

Threads here have become such shit lately and we can't even have our shitty memes. Is Sup Forums becoming another reddit?

I liked it.

What about "why didn't he just kill Suzaku" user?


thanks user for saving me the trouble

Needs a rangeban, apparently.

More subtle than "I will post this everyday" being in the title
The mods don't know the culture, they don't know the threads. Probably don't even browse the board enough to know which ones are recurring daily.

Mods seem to want Sup Forums to become a more "serious" place. I think that's against the spirit of this place and can only lead to stagnation, but then I guess I don't know if I'm still in the majority or not with that opinion. Sup Forums has changed a lot over the years. Maybe it's time to accept that the userbase is simply not the same anymore.

Fucking useless mods.

Wait, if they don't use it, and don't care about it, why the fuck do they even do it?
Is it like the ngo and lgbt people on /tg/, who re just there to be mildly obstructive, without the intent of ever playing a game with other humans?

So by inference, if you can't change the way people talk and socialize, simply make a place without people?

The fact that threads like this shit are the most active and long lived threads lately, has pushed me into only posting OPTs, which are now overrun with reddit sourcefags because people started spoonfeeding.
I used to come here all the time but now I only check the catalog like once a week. I can't speak for all of Sup Forums but I feel like this is what is happening to a lot of other f/a/gs as well.

I don't like it

God is dead.

I was out for a year. Looks like I came back at the right time.
What happened to all the posters, all the threads are super slow recently.

If they are like me, they stopped caring about this place. I only check back here out of habit or when there is a specific release I want to discuss. Good threads still exist, they are just rare and slow. I just don't see actual discussion anymore, and the memes are getting killed off.



He didin't mean no evil.Why mods,why?

me too user


Sakurafish says: IT'S NOT EVER YET

Everyday until you like it. ;_;

So where do I go and talk about manga, then?

A new fish shall take its place.

A legend is only ever lost, not dead



good one my dude

This used to be one of the few places where more people equaled to more kek and more opinions.
Now, with the door hitting a lot of people on their way out, everyone is going to pay special attention to just make keyboard noises and not say anything that might be funny, interesting or controversial.

The Sup Forums of today is not the Sup Forums of yesterday

the mods are out of control
Earlier The SYD translation thread got deleted, not even allowed to die off actively deleted presumably because some autist thought it was a "general"


people die... when they are killed.

this is so true...

Shit like this would never have happened if only "he" were still around

Don't mention "that person" lest he appear



He will return. These mods will eventually leave because it's too much effort. Just keep doing what you do and don't mind the moderation. They can try to change our culture, but they will not succeed.

Only after having lost him did I realize... I liked it all along.

It was never as good as the oldfags claim it was, but at least you could talk without bothering whether or not your or the other person's post was going to be randomly deleted.
I got nothing against deleting actual spam, like advertisers and shit, or someone who posts instructions on how to blow up a building full of people, but too much is too much.

In fact, figuring out how to blow up a building full of people would be a legitimate thread on at least five boards.

The already succeeded - by making everyone leave or shut up.
I mean they deleted a Blame thread an hour back.

Legitimate, but illegal. That's why we have the second report feature.

I do wish that we had the third report button back, though. It would actually help deal with the e-celeb nonsense that crops up from time to time.

I think the mod application process should be more strict to keep abuse like this from happening.

Sometimes my threads get deleted too, but I just keep posting when I know I'm in the right. Persevere, we've had shitty mods before.

I think you should stop posting with a trip.

>mods delete sakurafish
>dont delete every BNHA, DBS, OP, fate, LWA, naruto thread on site

Does this mean we like it now?

I've noticed it more on tg than here, people legitimately coming just to advertise their product or to ask people to send them free money.
Sup Forums has a lot of intristic problems but self-advertising isn't one of them.

He's lying. It wasn't a Blame thread. It was a flat-out /wsr/ thread by a non-native English speaker that an autist attempted to Devil's Advocate into having a justifiable existence on Sup Forums. See for yourself.

Yeah, real lot of Blame content going on there.

I agree that it's not a major problem, but it is *a* problem. If I can identify it as being a distinct phenomenon, it is a problem.

There are fucking constant naruto threads up and I don't understand why it's allowed.

Let's first get rid of the thing that's obstructing all communication. Then, we can worry about Hannah needing five hundred likes to buy a a new plugsuit after we've sorted that out.

More significant than that is the fact that half of the Dragon Ball Super threads are in Spanish. Unabashedly, with no real reason, in deliberate defiance of the rules; just chittering in Spanish. And then they get warned, and their thread deleted, and then they make a new one. And they keep speaking Spanish in the new thread, because they think that they are allowed to do so.

I thought something seemed different lately. I never got to tell him how much I liked it

Mods must either be narutards or spics. Think we should whine to hiro like pol does every time they don't get their way?