Are the radical leftists secretly right-wing?

I've never really been able to understand the mind boggling idiocy that is the left.

Then, Peterson helped me remember the following hypothesis:

"If you can't understand why someone is doing something, look at the consequences of their actions and infer their motivations from their actions."

Is the leftist craziness a white flag tactic of the right?

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oh man i haven't seen those tits in ages - wonder how they've held up through the years? anyone have her insta?

No, dumbfuck, it's the oppposite.

>"If you can't understand why someone is doing something, look at the consequences of their actions and infer their motivations from their actions."

What are the consequences of far left-wing policies? Collapse of Western civilisation. So according to this hypothesis they want Western civilisation to collapse.

No, they're secretly fucking retards.


no, it's more that natsoc are the same as the far left except with more nazi larping and racism, instead of commie larping and anti white racism. both want their ideal govt that they can worship and support, and neither know shit about the real world or history. it's all a socialist fantasy about their perfect utopia which is the only way their socialist ideals could flourish.

>So according to this hypothesis they want Western civilisation to collapse.
yes that's true, they see it as an evil plight upon mother earth

I remember being a lefty and the collapse of the west is something I waited for like christmas

They legit hate white civilization and see nothing good in it

what i don tget is.
take a jew. .dont put him in the spot light of anything, like america and t he "great good" thing that everyone thinks about america. America, t he superpower. think before ww2...
now look at the jews, in t heir.. Ghetto
who else sits in a Ghetto.. Niggers
thats right.
so a jew in their natural habitat doesnt do, what is it? shit.
>somebody is encouraging them

>neither know shit about the real world or history
National Socialism worked wonderfully for transforming Germany into one of the most impoverished and degenerate nations on Earth into one of the most prosperous in history.

I think it's you who doesn't know shit about world history, because everything you've learned about it came from books written by cultural Marxists.

You'll notice that National Socialists never say "that wasn't real National Socialism". Germany had real National Socialism and it has many ideas that are objectively good. Germany was destroyed by the world's banking elite because they printed their own currency, not because National Socialism was a failed ideology.

>never said what made germany into a shit state

>Is the leftist craziness a white flag tactic of the right?
Some of it is. Sup Forums has numerous fake accounts on Twitter pretending to be radical left just to make them look more insane than they actually are. In fact, if you don't already have such accounts you don't belong on this board.

>what made Germany into a shit state
(((What do you think?)))

Usury must be abolished and practicing it punishable by death.

Absolutely. Part of what makes me smile about leftists, is that they do not realize they simply work to uphold white supremacy by continuously placing white people at the top of the totem pole.

Think about it: let's take blacks, for example. They will forever be undermined and have their confidence obliterated. They will never be allowed to form powerful businesses, when white businesses will forever be more successful and drain them of any talent, no matter how mediocre.

They will never have any form of power, no matter how superficial the power they think they have is right now, because they will forever be forced to work within the confines and parameters of what white people continue to establish, even covertly.

Leftists are literally playing Don Quixote with minorities, and it is beautiful.

Keep watching it unfold.

nice try, nazi larping schlomo

You think Richard Spencer is a National Socialist? He's not, he's a National Bolshevist (Strasserist). He's total cancer and will be dealt with when the time comes.

Too bad you don't have any arguments, I was interested in having a discussion. You've just revealed that you have nothing more than a babby-tier understanding of the topic, and from the sounds of it you were given your opinions by Jordan Peterson.

Horseshoe theory, yes.

Maybe if you pulled out of your own alternative reality for a week you'd realise how absurd the radical right actually sounds.

Enlighten us.

betcha she's fat now
the problem with big milkers like those is that they disincentivize exercise in 2 ways. first, they dont have to be skinny to get attention because they can just wear lower and lower cut shirts. being fat actually makes tits bigger even, so the distraction can work for a while.
the other problem is that they are physically difficult to maneuver around, which discourages cardio. since grills think weight lifting will make them into lesbians, big titted girls just don't work out at all
and, boom, fat by 30
its sad for you. great for me, since im a chubby chaser and love watching this happen. :^)

are you American or euro? you're correct about usury. but if you're American, you're a larping retard about natsoc, which is why most tards on here don't understand the history behind these ideologies.

Lefty here.

Don't particularly want the collapse of the West.

Not sure what "white civilisation" is, so it's difficult to have feelings about it.

Maybe you were a shitty lefty?

>where do you live
Not an argument.

I'm beginning to think you don't even know what National Socialism is.

>Not sure what "white civilisation" is
The Western world.

that's what I thought, memeflag.

Thats exactly what they want. Theu believe a corrupted system cant be fixed and must be destroyed so a better syatem can be rebuilt. This isnt a secret, its a major point of the far left. The problem is the left is being played by rich elites and corporations while thinking they are the ones playing the elites and corporations. The long march through the institutions or whatever has done nothing but condition the left to elite boot licking and its pretty funny. Unfortunately its made the corporations and wealthy much much more powerful. Remember when the lefties viral marketed black panther as a way to fight for civil rights? Just convince the left that you making money is beneficial to them and you can make billions while spending nothing.

He cant

You still haven't put forward a single valid criticism of National Socialism. Please put forward and argument and support it with a historical example.

Eagerly awaiting your reply, nigger-kun.

Don't know if you've looked around you the past 10,000 years but at what point in history was the west white?

>National Bolshevist (Strasserist)

Those aren't the same thing, the NatBols just want you to think they are. Strasserism wasn't great but it was far better than the clusterfuck which is NatBol.

>at what point in history was the west white?
Where are the indigenous lands of White people?

Interesting. Would you be willing to provide some more insight for me? I know that Nat Bol is the product of Dugin.

then they don't get the const itution
or even have a real arguement for or not for slavery.

I think slavery boiled down to, what do you do with them wehn they get old?

what? just kill them? that sounds.. like sort of bad. Sure slaves, ekeep them but, then like.. there old. then.. what?

Thats it. if you cant make a point about everything then your a slave to some morons who think, idk a bunch of stupid shit

if you're european then you have a valid argument, but you're a memeflag larper that knows nothing about your own history, besides what you've read from the eurotrash (lesser people) on pol

>what? just kill them? that sounds.. like sort of bad. Sure slaves, ekeep them but, then like.. there old. then.. what?
When capitalist oligarchs that rule over us have turned old age into a multi-billion dollar industry.

Food for thought.

My point is that history has always been littered with mass migrations and ethnic mixing back to the beginning of humanity. The word indigenous is practically meaningless

Before your fat sheboon mom floated over from somalia and shat out a human sized turd. The west doesnt have to 100% white, it just has to be 0% nigger or it will turn into a bunch of statving nigger countries.

Its. Jewish conspiracy to spread communism. That is what the left is being used for.

>if you're european then you have a valid argument
My nationality is an argument for what?

Can you please sum up National Socialism for us in a small paragraph? I don't think you have the faintest clue what you are talking about.

Not at the rate immigration is moving now. Do you honestly think if your country became black it would be a sucessful black country? The blacker our country gets the more illegals we need to just to hedge the cost of the niggers kek.

You and Peterson are making the naive assumption that the left genuinely care about the results of their policies. Do you honestly think they want us to get raped and murder by niggers and sandniggers? No, it's just virtue signalling

How does it feel to know your ancestors are actually niggers? God I hate Americans.

>The word indigenous is practically meaningless
You you considered preaching this gospel of yours to the American Indian tribes that live on reserves who are trying to preserve their genetic heritage and culture?

Black market
(run by jews)
food for SHITS

most male communists are gay and want to be left with a gaping asshole and also self hating and want everyone to smell their smelly carb feces

source: am faggot

All you have to do is start from the point of view:

"Whites are not a superior race, all races have good and bad people'

And all the lefts policies make perfect sense.

>Do you honestly think they want us to get raped and murder by niggers and sandniggers?
Did the Bolsheviks want to rape and murder dozens of millions of Christian Europeans?

>hint: yes they did

No insta, it appears she tried to monetise being an internet thot and it didn't pan out

Apparently she was 6'6, a real amazon

>nietzsche just as important to adorno as freud
>Sup Forums still likes to pretend that nietzsche is in any way Sup Forums related

Does an ethnic or racial group need to prove that it is superior by some arbitrary metric to object to being the target of genocide?

Then you have a poor understanding of reality or just lack education and common sense.
Nowhere in recorded history there has been a mass tranfer of foreign people into another land which did not result into the local group being either massacred or assimilated via brutal means

Well if that think their direct ancestors were the first people to ever occupy that land then they're as retarded as you are. No color of skin or belief in a specific magic sky daddy gives you a right over a piece of land. It's really not complicated

i have seen pics of her now and its dissapointing. She looks rough, tits probably shrank and I think she’s into feminism. She would have made a great fuck cow

>National Bolshevist

As you said, it's all down to Dugin. They're basically an outgrowth of Stalinism; you could call it "Neo-Stalinist" and you'd be close enough so as not to matter. They're avowedly anti-Nationalist, despite the name - or rather their concept of nation is worthless civnat trash. Their economic ideals are literally just Stalinism.


In its original form it was significantly less Volkisch than the mainstream Natsoc party, but also strongly anti-usury. More of an outgrowth of radical socialism than of actual Bolshevism. Their origins are very similar to those of the (wholly unconnected) French radical right, combining right-wing social policy with left-wing economics - and not your usual left-wing economics, necessarily, but something akin to Maurassian integralism. Strasserites also rely on the work of Gottfried Feder, which is a link they share with Hitlerites. They are thus far more integralist/fascist - their ideal economy would probably look a bit like 1940s-50s Spain, with more redistribution.

They both reject liberalism and they're both authoritarian but they can be distinguished. Especially as newer Strasserist movements are "antisemitic" expressly, as opposed to the original incidental antisemitism (i.e. the Strasser brothers only hated Jews because they ran everything, not because they are inherently opposed to European peoples' interests).

tl;dr Strasserism influenced NatBols but is less retarded and not as outright harmful as NatBol

Also ignore my memeflag, I forgot to remove it after helicopterposting.

I literally don't care what a meme flag nazi larping teenage faggot too scared of revealing that he's an amerimutt has to say. I'm just here for the (you)s. keep larping though, schlomo. I'm sure your 56% country that was formed to escape this commie/socialist tyranny will embrace your idealogy

You cant compare whites who
to nigger and jews who

without being RACIST fuck you nigger loving kike dicksucking faggot

That's true. The problem is British and white American cultures are way better than muslim/Indian/Pakis or low-class South American/low-class black culture.
And if there's no real justification over anyone owning a piece of land, then there should be no problems with someone either taking or defending land.

I wished she's used her tits for something useful like making babies.

haha look at your flag fag

Obviously not. In all measurable human quantities the standard deviation between the races is larger than the differences in the means. And genocide is always sick.

>gives you a right over a piece of land
I agree with you that no one has "a right" to anything.

Rights are granted by those who have power. If I want the land I will use my power to secure that land and protect it. That's how Whites dominated most of the planet, including settling North America.

Are you under the impression that Whites are still at the point where we are interested in reasoning with non-whites such as yourself about whether or not "we have a right" to our lands? We're not. The time for using words has long since passed.

What's coming next is going to be an exertion of power.

Your descent does you absolutely reatrded cumslurper
If my ancestors have worked, built and defended this land for their descendents to have it, it is completely in my right to decide who can enter it or not and whether i should leave it solely to my children as i have inherited the fruit of my ancestors'labor
Not that you'd know as most modern leftists do not really have an idea of what "labor" means and care solely about regurgitating the same senseless rhetoric while being completelyd etached from reality

wow. how could that happen, haha

And what about the whites who don't do shit? And the Jews who do? This is where sweeping generalisations become racism

"American Culture"

I chuckled.

no they are really just that retarded

your failure is in assuming that all races are equally capable
they are not

They're definitely authoritarian as all fuck, I know that much.

Pretty weird that all of a sudden the far left is pro-war and anti-freedom of speech.

I am white I just think people who claim responsibility for the actions of greater men are pathetic. Make your own achievements instead of clinging to those of people who share your skin colour.

I though today, that Sweden and Canada might actually be on track to dismantle liberal lunacy once and for all.
Then i remembered the infinite intersectionality and denial of truth on the left.
They want a undoubtable definition of everything. It has to be without gaps. They need a hyperprecise definition of everything.
They are willing to take everything and keep searching until they find an angle where their worldview is confirmed.
They will deny racial differences until slavery has been done in reverse and white people are long gone from this planet.
There is no endgame for the left. The endgame is everything becomes one and becomes indistinguishable, whyever that is desirable, I don't know.

That said, there are many leftwing trolls and definitely violence tourists in the Antifa but they are actually serious about this lunacy. They just don't see it as lunacy.

This assumes that no one is ever incompetent and no consequences are unforeseen.

Are you sure you're not just false flagging?

[Citation Needed]

Check out the Olympics to see who the "superior races" are lol

Thank you for the insight, that was truly enlightening. Saving your post for further study.

Could you please provide me with some links to information that can provide me with further insight? If you're willing to dump more knowledge I'm interested in reading it.

I've only just started trying to decipher what the fuck is going on with the Alt-Right/National Bolshevism/Dugin. Something needs to be done about that cancer. I think what we need to do is totally hijack the Alt-Right (the regular people like you and I who may have fallen for their siren song).

Have you seen this?

but how else could we justify being NEET internet addicts?

Physically superior and mentally superior are not the same thing.

Why is it so hard to believe that there are white people who aren't pathetic nationalists?

liberty, law, freedom, social security, welfare, stability and many more are ALL PART OF WHITE CULTURE.
Nobody is actually proud of Beethoven's music as a white person. They are aware that their ancestors built a society that is worth protecting.

>chess finals

>And genocide is always sick.
Glad you agree.

Mass immigration and forced integration is genocide, as per the definition of the term defined in international law I just shared with you.

Now you understand why White men are turning to the far right.

Left, right, liberals, conservatives The labels have come alive and become living entities devouring any sense of perspective on how people in the real world function. The craziness is this view of the symbolic other having a tangible existence, when it's all inside your head. doo doo daa daaa play out with the twilight zone music..

You are completely missing the point

Winter Olympics finished with a bunch of overwhelmingly white nations on top

Winter Olympics is racist

>Pretty weird that all of a sudden the far left is pro-war and anti-freedom of speech.

They're only for free speech to the point where they have enough power to shut down anyone who disagrees. That has always been their tactic. Freedom is poison to the left.

You're way more pathetic than nationalists. In actuality you derive your pride from secluding yourself from nationalists and racists.
Also you don't understand the most basic concept of what pride in one's heritage and culture means, which is why you don't actually deserve it.

>I just think
It doesn't matter what you think, and no one cares about your feelings.

Protecting the existence of our people has nothing to do with "wanting to take credit for others' achievements". We've collectively decided that we want to achieve dominion over our own territory, and we are going to perform an extreme exertion of power to do so.

If you get in our way you will be annihilated.

I do not consider changing the ethnic makeup of a nation to be genocide that is a pretty arbitrary definition. No one needs to die. Genocide literally means "deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic makeup"

Funnily enough, most record holders are white (weightlifting, javelin, discus, hammer throw, swimming, cycling, volleyball, pole vault, fencing, archery, etc.)
wipe that nigger cum off your eyes

The radicalization of the left is not intended to destroy the left, it is intended to radicalize everyone else.

Think about it, just 10 years ago, there was a general feeling amongst the people that, thanks to the internet, 3d printing, open source, Ron paul and the rise of libertarianism, cheap widely available cameras (for keeping the bureaucrats honest.) etc, humanity was on a nice, easy path towards world peace. People were waking up and realizing that the government isnt your friend. It would of course take some doin, but we were sure to get there -within our lifetime.

A perfect example is the bundy ranch episode. You had people from every area of society coming out in his support and gov was forced to back down.

Then the crazies, were let loose and were provided mainstream support, in order to legitimize their cultish dogma.

When someone says somethin that is completely anathema to what everyone else believes and moreover -that message is not only backed by the "authorities", but you are prevented from even speaking against it...the only result will be the angering of good and honest people.

Make no mistake, this is being done on purpose.

Got to admit, this made me chuckle

Planned Parenthood is a right-wing organization.

lol there have been some interesting discussion but this guy is hilarious. You right wingers wanna be like this fag?

>just to make them look more insane
I don't think they need our help in those matters




Let me ask you something, a couple of questions.
Do you live in apt/flat or a house?

>I do not consider changing the ethnic makeup of a nation to be genocide
It's the definition of genocide as per the international definition I just shared with you.

It doesn't matter what your arm-chair interpretation of the word means.

What I'm trying to elucidate to you is that the reason why White men are turning to the far right is because we perceive what is going on as genocide, and our collective survival instinct has activated. When this happens it is only a matter of time until extreme bloodshed occurs.

Most genocides occur when one group feels threatened by another group. You should meditate on this.

It doesn't matter what you "think" genocide means, this is what an entire generation of White males thinks is occurring, and there is nothing you can say that will convince us otherwise.

I have pride in my culture. But I acknowledge that culture is an ever changing landscape and trying to cling to an instantaneous interpretation of "western culture" is stupid. It has never been constant and it never will. Learn to deal with that.

I live in an apartment.