Isn’t Lebanon supposed to be a Muslim country?

How do they allow non hijab blondes to race on motorcycles in body tight leather outfits?

Nissa Hajj, who juggles between her various identities as a life coach, personal trainer and model, has been a biker since 2012. For her, motorcycle riding is a favourite hobby despite Lebanon’s traffic mess. (Lebanon)

Lebanon is extremely polarized, there are plenty of parts of the country you simply could not go and do that and expect any help when you get in trouble.
But yay, saw a picture....I guess all the alt right racists are btfo eternally now.

Look at her thighs man, they are wrapped in tight leather! Jesus!

Lebanon used to be roughly one third christian, not sure these days.

They're about a third Christian. The middle and north are fairly secular, it's the in the south around the Hezzbolls this would be a problem

Lebanese Christians are the most redpilled people you'll ever meet.

Yeah they hate jews just as much as the muzzies.


~40% according to wikipedia

Lebanon like just about every other middle eastern nation was predominantly Christian. It's just it was one of the last ones to fall in the 1970s.

Remember OP, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Iran all have or had large Christian minorities up until only recently.
1900 Middle East 35% Christian
2000 8% Christian.
Where are they now? Mostly slaughtered by muzzies, or fled to the west.

Shit sucks mate. Our generation thinks of this area as muslims only.

Still more covered than burka bag outfit
100% Halal

Lebanon is only majority Muslim. They have loads of Christians. They are one of the few Middle Eastern countries which haven't had an American funded Christian genocide in the last few decades.

They had a pretty ugly civil war. But it seems that both christians and muslims hate the jews more than they hate each other, so it still works.

Cradle of civilization.

>inb4 Filthy roman/jew lies

At least the Christians didn't go practically extinct from the fighting like in countries like Iraq.

The Shias would not like her doing that but she would actually probably be in most danger around the most Sunni areas such as Tyre, which have a large presence of salafists

That's because the Christians and Shia are united in their equal disgust of the Sunni and the Jew. They were actually allied during the Lebanese civil war.

>rides a bike
>wears heels

Pick one.

Lebanon has a Christian president. That's why it is so degenerate and feminist. They need another civil war to kill off the degenreate Christians.

Why does the USA keep funding Sunni muslims to displace or genocide everyone else?

Lebanon is probably the most westernized country in the middle east


my thoughts too..

Why would she have to pick one? All sluts on bikes wear heals.

The Christians also often hate each other.

t. Sheep fucking Ahmed

>Why does the USA keep funding Sunni muslims to displace or genocide everyone else?
Because our currency would have succumbed to hyperinflation decades ago if not for the 1970's Petrodollar deal. Our alliance with Saudi keeps us fat and wealthy. It's a virtual deal with the devil

looks like a tranny

I always think of Lebanon and Armenia as the Francophile countries in ME

Christiendom will return, stronger than ever

The leaf is indeed correct. One of my friends flew his sister out to come to the states (she is Lebanese). Absolutely gorgeous and openly admitted she hated the Jews when we went bar hopping. Probably the only time ive seriously considered mixing.

Because it's a tranny i.e. man with cocktail and balls

Yeah there's still ties. I have a close Lebanese friend who moved to France during the civil war and she told me interesting stories.
>ID card murders
They had their religion written on their ID cards. Some militias would set up checkpoints to check IDs and kill people they didn't like. Her dad gave typical muslim surnames to her 2 brothers just to mess with people.
>Christian infighting
The bishop who ran her school went missing and was found later on the side of a road, shot and burned. Turns out he was killed by a christian militia because he was encouraging young christians to keep studying and possibly move abroad instead of taking up arms and ending up dead.

She doesn't like muslims because "as nice as they can be, they will always try to convert you sooner or later". And she hates Israel. Based.

Anyone that has a brain wears boots to protect their feet in case of a fall.
Even a fall at 25mph can do severe damage.

There is a difference between a slut on a motorbike and a biker. Sluts tend to either not go fast, ride with someone else or die quickly.

Not in those shoes.

Nobody from that whole area is naturally blonde

what about heeled boots


A leb appears!

First one itt.


Being Westernized is based? Oh fuck me sideways.

It's always had a Christian president. Not that it matters much.

Are you retarded? Christians and Muslims slaughtered each other back in the civil war? Countless civilian massacres on both sides. There were even some Christian militias that allied with Israel at the time. At least now we unanimously hate the kikes.

>Being Westernized is based?
It's fine, with hymen reconstruction surgery nobody can know if a girl is/was a slut.