Australian Loser Thread

>be aussie
>lose against wildlife

How are Aussies even able to be a country?

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Everything in Australia was designed to kill people.

shhhh, just go to your safe space, no emus will get you there

Atleast we didnt lose to a bunch of rice farmers

All that land is chink's turf now

fuck off kike

We werent able to go into N Vietnam to finish the Panfaces off cause Muh Russia.

At least we won every battle and killed over a million of the commies while only suffering 50k in casualties.

>Put bounty on said bird
>bird got exterminated to the state's desire

This meme needs to die

>turning on your own

Found the true kike

and I forgot to add, IDK about dingos, but in ~1970 the gov introduced the Myxomatosis virus. It looks like cancer, but with cysts instead tumors. Rabbits went bye-bye and problem is stable now.

Have you seen some of the wildlife there? Mother nature is constantly on the rag in Australia.
Even the trees are homicidal, look what happened to California when we let a couple of Aussie trees take root there.

You are the reason why the mutt meme exists and every burgerposter has to suffer

>calling self burgerposter

Go away proxyleaf

that was a fun read

I respect that. California people deserve to burn.

Emus were air dropped by Jewish spy planes in the 40s to destroy crops and weakened us during the war. It is a $660 on the spot fine for pretending to be an emu in NSW.

because I am restrained by government.
Release me from my bondage.

I killed about 50 flies while I was asleep.

Unchain and let me let loose upon the Earth.

holy shit kek
how are fires even real xD just like walk away nigga lmao

Nigger Kikes you just watch ill break free it is only a matter of time.
Shit nigga why even walk away walk through that shit unless you are a pussy.