Best mecha wife

>Taller than the competence
>Pilots a robot
>Is an Idol
>Voiced by Haruka Tomatsu
>Had sex with the MC and is willing to do it again
>Most loyal character in the entire series to the end
>Endured torture just for the MC

Why she is so perfect Sup Forums?

Forgot a good pilot and devoted soulmate

>Had sex with

Really? Thats not quite how i remember it happening...

I forgot to add:

>She starts to wreck the Cow Empire in the future


She was taller than Shoko and 163 is very tall for a 15y japanese girl.

This scene is literally everything wrong with VVV. It wasn't an epic maymay trainwreck. It was a waste of fucking time. Saki was the only good part.

Saki was way too good for that show.

Best mecha wife coming through.

I was just answering OP question.

>Saki spin-off manga
>Manga explains why Saki is so obsessed over getting others approval
>Saki kisses Haruto before final battle
>None of this was in anime

She deserved much better.

God she looks so delicious


I thought Shoko was bustier

Not gonna lie, this scene gave me a huge boner.

When will they make Valverave 2 set in her timeline ?

S2 was such a waste

I humbly disagree

of course you do, tumblr

She looks like shit

user, you're not really trying to imply that Shoko was ever competent, are you?

I don't but a whole lot of anons does.

Not even close.

She was the best part of VVV


Watching this livestream with you guys was one of the best things ever.

Same dude


Agreed, though this is pretty solid competition.

She was just cockhungry slut.

Watching episode 10 in livestream while posting in the threads was the best thing I did in my life in recent times.
I mean, we knew it would happen, the chinks leaked it, and yet we still exploded.

>implying it's bad

She didn't kiss him though, it was purposely drawn to look that way, though.


Oh and Manga had a scene which saki crying over Haruto's body and pic related.Why none of this was in the show?I don't know.

No, this is the best mecha wife

Fixed that for you.

Used goods

My devoted waifu since 2013 and is the one who made me realized how much 3D pig is inferior to her. Unfortunately, Haruto is a massive faggot and chose Shoko instead. Shokio being that traitorous bitch led me to my severe hatred of osanajimi in anyone and irl. I had always wished that if there is gods, please isekai'd me into Valvrave and replace Haruto as MC.

I missed her so much T_T


>Ange replaces Shoko
>fucks Haruto
>fucks Saki
>fucks Eroerfu
Best timeline

I need another season

This is a nice mecha wife too.

Wasn't Ange Kriemhilde too?


Not rape if she doesn't file charges.

You can't pilot Roll

True, this is as big as she gets.

Her name even means "new wife"

>Watching episode 10 in livestream while posting in the threads was the best thing I did in my life in recent times.
You must lead a very miserable life.

That's not Lalah.

It's Karen

Something poo, something loo.




why is she suffers so much?


>ver. haruka tomatosu never

>attention whore
>rape slut

>her mech literally spreads its legs apart to get ahead of opponents


Milia Fallyna Jenius

>badass warrior
>throws babies and don't give a fuck
>Married and then divorced best guy because she don't give a fuck

>Out by one

I did say it was forced.
Actually, I didn't see that part in the thumbnail.

Gave birth to the protagonist of the worst series.

she had enough kids that one was bound to be shit

Wrong waifu.

Her Engrish was adorable.

She didn't gave birth to Ranka



Fucking virgins, I bet you don't even like jazz.

you nigger don't even know what mecha wifes are

Jazz sucks

>worst series
you mean plus

I think you guys mean Zero.

I think you misspelled Delta.

She was sexy af

Is she the youngest female character to have sex on screen on a non-hentai anime?

You're right, but nobody but the 2 of us know who she is.

>tfw you last watched this two decades ago and thus have zero recollection of her

>Mg Renders

it's either this or the tits chick from knight's and magic

What? Picked up

talking about hina or tits chick?

I'm downloading both right now.

Hina is the best Love Live after all.

Also, Hayamin.

the awesomeness of this scene was completely negated by how god awful the following shouko scene was. seriously fuck valverave.
(to be fair the shouko scene was so abysmally bad it just goes to show how great future saki is)

there is only one good ange girl

There is only enough space for two best girls in the entire mecha genre, and they're both in this picture.

Saki X Ange would be nuts

But Soushi is dead.


Both Akira and Saki deserved better than this show.

To be honest that was a bad scene, before that one it wasn't impossible in most people's mind to see her betray the team, that possibility was completely shattered by it and except for that, that scene didn't really have any purpose.

>Buddy Complex flopped so hard it went back in time and crippled its second season into becoming a shitty ova instead
>yet still Hina got an awesome doujin of legend
Maybe there is a benevolent god watching over us after all

>there are more gay doujins than straight ones
truly the sign of a flop

Doesn't matter. As long as there is THE ONE all the shitty fujo dou´s don't even register.

Hina didn't had tits that big

yeah hers were bigger