Why have g*rmanics been so inferior to Meds throughout human history?
Why have g*rmanics been so inferior to Meds throughout human history?
Not just Meds either, even sub-saharan Africans had surpassed them until Meds gave them civilization
Ive been to athens and rhodes, there's nothing superior about your borderline third world shithole
How did you go from this to being a resort for Germans tourists?
Them ebil germanics be oppressin us yo
*begs for EU shekels*
you wish snownigger
until your ancestors backstabbed us in the 4th crusade we were leading europe in culture, science, etc
and after we finally got our independence you sent your kike friends and their banks to bleed us dry
in fact your third world nation is so devoid of achievement you try to deny science, genetics, and history, and claim ancient Meds were actually g*rmanics
>300 bc - 200 AD Europa
>2700-200ish BC Middle East
>500-1500 AD Americas
>500 bc - 1100 AD Asia
>Random buildings from East/North Africa
>Two huts
At least you're consistently inconsistent
no, im pretty sure you guys arent superior. you have wild dogs running around everywhere and concrete houses that are basically modern mudhuts
>until your ancestors backstabbed us in the 4th crusade
my ancestors weren't italians and frogs
sage all shill threads
>brown scicillians and barbs larp that WE WUZ ROWMINS, WE WUZ GREASE
>muh dark egyptians were the reel aryans
Shit skin, shit brains.
>implying medieval "latins" weren't just g*rmanic rapebabies
when all these buildings were built the greatest achievement ever by a g*rmanic was backstabbing a roman general
>can't stand 10 minutes in the mediterranean sun without dying of heatstroke
>also amerimutt
>15th century Germany
there are no noticeable genetic traces left by the germanic tribes. also you guys are pretty inferior to middle easterners if you think having a long history equals to being superior. greeks were living in caves while the sumerians/ babylonians were building monuments and inventing shit like writing
i'm sorry, they had wooden huts by the 15th century, you are correct, they truly had advanced engineering wise
>when all these buildings were built the greatest achievement ever by a g*rmanic was backstabbing a roman general
>15th cenury
germany, britain and the netherlands had surprassed greeks by that point. in the 15th century greece was just a turkish province
>he is afraid of stray cats and dogs
The absolute state of Norwegian ''superiority'' kek. Stay in your bubble and get allergies faggot.
Name one thing g*rmanics had achieved by the 15th century other than what i mentioned
they were around earlier but lasted less and were less infuencial that Meds
we have stray animals too but your country is a third world shithole when every street is a zoo
Nietzsche argued that med climate (dry air, blue sky) inspires genius while inland (forest) climate dumbs it down. Just look at rainforests, which consistently produce headhunters.
>Name one thing Germanics made that was/is better than huts by the 15th century.
They took down your empire. If they were such "unadvanced tribesmen" and not europeans of good stock, that says a lot about you.
Meanwhile, Italy has been invaded by the Lombards, Spain by the Visigoths, but keep deluding yourself believing 5'0 greek fisherman to be the real "ubermensch"...
brute strength and backstabbing means jack shit when talking about achievements, but keeps deluding yourself and pretend you are "good stock" for having blue eyes
>also implying greece wasn't invaded by barbarian tribes
all Meds were sooner or later attacked by subhuman g*rmanic filth, greece was no exception
The northern tribes didn't *conquer* Rome, they spontaneously razed it when Rome was dying from the INSIDE due to mass immigration. Rome's destruction was almost consensual.
Any greek statue looks closer to any other european people than to modern greeks. This triggers the "med supremacist"...
Just like Rome managed to invade Germania... Oh wait. Mediterranean countries haven't been relevant since the middle ages, and Imperial Spain, led by German nobles, was only relevant when they held the Rich Netherlands...
keep telling yourself that sven
so desparate to feel like your people have amounted to anything while you were the literal niggers of europe
>Mediterranean countries haven't been relevant since the middle ages
You're badly, badly mistaken. Italy is the industrial backbone of Europe, Spain (and France) the agricultural. Greece, despite its shit also remains a major exporter.
>implying drooling inbred habsburgs had anything to do with how spain was run
>implying it was relevant for the netherlands and not its colonies
wew lad
>Italy is the industrial backbone of Europe
That's a little bit strong.
Brazil is also a major agricultural exporter...
Spain lost the Netherlands in 1648. How have they been relevant since then?
Your people have amount to so much with "muh civilization" that was conquered by "german tribesmen", that later led the world while you were slaves to turks (untill we freed your sorry asses out of pitty)...
nobody is talking to you
>Just like Rome managed to invade Germania
it wasn't worth the effort for such a worthless shithole, tacitus wrote g*rmanics must be native to g*rmania because no one would migrate there willingly
>Mediterranean countries haven't been relevant since the middle ages
greece controls the largest merchant fleet by deadweight tonnage in the world and italy was still a great power 100 years ago
spain lost relevance because it lost its naval supremacy to england and eventually lost its colonies, nothing to do with the netherlands
>led the world
you took over literal mudhuts by shooting people fighting with sticks and lost it all again 100 years later, congratulations
Sorry, toothpaste.
>what meds looked like whilst north africans and mesopotamians built pyramids and ziggurats
It was the navy all along, just look how powerful greece is because of it's navy... Retake Constantinople anyday loooool