Americans donning the Swastika aren't curing cultural rootlessness; it is instead an expression of cultural rootlessness.
American nationalism in America, not German nationalism in America.
A nationalism for every nation.
Americans donning the Swastika aren't curing cultural rootlessness; it is instead an expression of cultural rootlessness.
American nationalism in America, not German nationalism in America.
A nationalism for every nation.
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You're right. We're Roman.
I think it's a far nicer aesthetic to focus on.
German nationalists drew from Rome, let American nationalists do the same. Otherwise things just get far too derivative.
American nationalism doesn't particularly mean anything anymore, in case you haven't noticed. There is no language, religion, ideology, race, etc, that connect us. I care more about whites in europe than I do about non-whites in the US.
Found the kike
This is so cringey. Americans are mentally weak & susceptible to brainwash just like Germans under the Third Reich
>he thinks the natsoc movement was just for germans
what levels of illiteracy/shilling are you on senpai
We are whites not Americans, America us a government of whites.
one of these guys thinks the OTHER one is the asshole.
Its understandable that the new world colonies are having a tough time creating a cohesive identity, because no such identity has ever existed.
The "white race" is still a very loose subjective term.
America isn't a nation, there is no "American race", hence why American nationalism doesn't exist outside of civic nationalism
lol what flag is between the nazi and vatican?
State flag. Not sure which one.
Great OP, simple, straight to the point, large American families and a celebration of our history is a must for any nationalist. Donning the colors of a foreign nation is suicidal optics.
>(((civic nationalism)))
It's just a fact. 10,000,000 new non-whites in the last 10 years from chain migration alone. I'm supposed to care about these people because they're 'americans'?. No thanks. You go ahead shart butt.
Good video.
Message to all lurkers: If you aren't listening to Dr. Pierce, you're doing it wrong.
the ignorant nigger strikes again! every western civ draws from Rome; its our grandfather. Greece being out great grandfather. you point this out like it is a bad thing.
Oh look another "I hate american thread"
what are you trying to blame America for now?
I don't give a fuck about the nazis. Hail America.
It's just a symbol, although there are better ones. When people start to get serious about the movement, there'll be a change in optics.
Keep telling yourself that.
Man is spot-on.
I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here? Yes, before Roman influence everyone in Europe was still African tier. This isn't a "Romans aren't white" thread.
Western civilization has been impacted by Christianity to a much higher degree than Rome or Greece. Stop LARPing, drop swastikas (unless you are on the internet) real life normies WANT normal, swastikas are NOT NORMAL.
Sumerians were the first civilization. All other civilizations are copies (or rather developments) on that one. Hence your little slideshow only impress a brainlet.
The swastika is not a German symbol, you cuck.
It's one of the oldest symbols used by the prodo-indo-europeans.
It's meant to signify the unity of the 'aryan' peoples.
One might argue that they should incorporate it into their own flag, but seeing as how their flag is highly symbolic already, I don't see how you could do that without disrupting what it symbolises.
Finally an honest white man who's able to see his ancestors as what they really were.
agreed, that's why I prefer Dixie
Also it doesn't matter what or where it comes from, it will always have the stench of nazis attached to it.
Who are you refering too as my ancestor? Romans or Scandinavians? I'm a euromutt so I'm pretty broad.
Anyway to clear out this needless shitthrowing real simply.
Civilization neither originated in North Europe, nor in South Europe. Nords and Meds were both tribesmen when the Sumerians made their civilization.
This does not mean that Sumerians were smarter. It just meant that their area of the world got so crowded that they had to organize to manage food supply and social issues.
Such needs only arose later in Europe. First in south and then in north. What matters is that both kinds of Europeans were able to actually become civilized when the need arose. This is what separates a European from a nigger who can not become civilized despite having the technology handed to him and already being overpopulated.
Sumerian and Egyptian civilizations co-existed. The Egyptian civilization survived while Sumerian civilization did not, although the Sumerians made important innovations that survived in other civilizations, like bronze weapons and armor and military units.
Despite that, Greek civilization was really a de novo civilization. It did not copy other civilizations. It was an organic whole that was entirely new and powerful.
The Sumerian civilization predates the Egyptian one by half a millienium or more.
The Egyptian is the second oldest civilization.
Chinese and Indians were way behind both of these by at least another millenium, possibly even longer for the Indians.
And no the Greek civilization isn't really a novo civilization in terms of statesmanship, art, organization etc. Greeks were groundbreaking in philiosophy and ideology, but these aren't what civilizations are founded on, they are a luxury that becomes available due to civilization.
In reality though, the main achievements of the Greeks are largely due to improvements in agriculture freeing up about 10% of the population to do other things. Before such agricultural inovations there was simply little room to have many professional scholars (they existed but a much smaller group)
If we're looking for a flag that represents specifically white American nationalism, then why not go with the Betsy Ross flag? It's undeniably American, but comes from a better, whiter America that we seek to return to.
Flying the flag or not, the lefties call anyone who isnt into their degeracy a Nazi in the US, might as well embrace it as it triggers them even more
Dutchbro is right - we need to return America to its roots as a white, Christian nation. We must do away with the "cheeseburger patriotism" that currently defines mainstream conservatism - worshiping capitalistic excess, libertarian hedonism, and ((diversity)) must all be stopped. American culture is very different than Europe's and the new right must present a form of government tailored to historical American culture, not a rehash of German fascism. Attempting to force National Socialism onto a different culture is as foolhardy as the liberal and neocon attempts to force American democracy onto Iraq and Afghanistan.
It's a good plan - if we are going to try and keep America united than using symbols from the Revolutionary War period is good as it avoids the division inherent with using Confederate imagery.
>expecting Amerimutt Nazi LARPers to develop anything that isn't cringe as fuck
Fascism's dead. Going around calling yourself a fascist and ranting about muh joos won't get you any kind of supporters except more LARPing I guess.
>he doesn't know that more Germans settled America than any other European ethnicities
>he doesn't know that the swastika is an ancient Aryan symbol
>Amurrika doesn't have culture so you should just resign to being la creatura multiculturalism
thanks toothpaste, maybe you're right. Maybe i'll just dedicate my life to bringing American style multiculturalism and rootlessness to the Netherlands
>The Sumerian civilization predates the Egyptian one by half a millienium or more.
Only if you count mere settlements to be civilization. The rise of the Sumerian city-states and Ancient Egypt dynasties were basically coeval.
>the Greek civilization isn't really a novo civilization
The Greek civilization was de novo. I don't think you understand the concept of innovation. You wouldn't say that Orville and Wright didn't invent the airplane because Leonardo da Vinci drew a picture of a flying contraption hundreds of years prior. The Greeks were in the stratosphere compared to prior cultures in terms of cultural advancement. Example: There is nothing like The Iliad in any prior culture. Not even the rambling Gilgamesh story comes close. Even today, The Iliad is top-tier literature.
>philosophy is a luxury, it isn't what civilization is founded on
>Talking about cringe when using meme flag
obviously, only autistic nazi LARPers and feds wave the swastika
All interesting ideas, but I suspect the logic of our history and trajectory will take us down the same path as the Romans despite ourselves, i.e., replacement of the republic with Emperors for extended stability before decline and fall.
Which of the two is Spencer?
>a nigger who doesn't understand that civilization is copy and paste
There is no reason Africa couldn't do the same except for its people.
The_donald GET OUT
>A nationalism for every nation.
This is a stepping stone sure but whites need a pan-national alliance.
>stench of nazis
One of the most important battles is for us to fix all the ill gotten rewritten history people have been fed. Normies have to be made aware of this for any hope of future progress
You're incorrect. I would recommend you some good academic litterature on this, but the ones I have in mind are in Swedish. Instead look at this pyramid and you understand why philosophy has to come AFTER civilization
Concerning Egypt. Wikipedia unfortunately got some PC-article where they claim Andes and Mesoamerica as cradles of civilization and exclude Egypt (must be a PC-thing invented this year). However the thing is that Egypt could not really be populated until a little before 3000 BC simply due to the fact that the area was basically flooded marshland previously and thus there was no fluctuating Nile to take advantage of. Remember that not too many thousand years ago the Sahara was an inland sea.
Greek civilization flowered around the first time in history where humans could actually reach the top of that pyramid (besides a handful elites of course)
We really don't have roots other than our blood. The way this whole gig was set up is fucked especially culturally.
Rather we have to forge something, since all we have are vying cultures and battling races.
This won't happen until we kill off the nonwhites desu imo
If the west turns ethno-nationalist, then NATO would effectively be a pan-national white alliance.
Nazis gtfo, commies gtfo, when the next civil war starts its going to be a shitshow of nazis and commies going at it with true american militia groups fighting both off
Why is the Amazing Ass-Banana Meme on this image
I used to have the hots for her back in the day when TNG was running new episodes.
if you can't appreciate the significance of optics, then you're most likely a fat basement dweller who has never accomplished anything in his entire life.
You don't necessarily want to replicate the form of German nationalism from the 1940s to admire its contributions to Western culture, and how, as a model, it greatly helped that society. The problem is, if Americans had remained of English stalk and America had not been utterly consumed by this melting pot myth that came about in the 1920s, then American nationalism would be more meaningful. But when we only have a nation state, and most of us believe it doesn't represent a nation (in the true sense of a People), and when we're told that niggers are our countrymen whilst our English cousins are said to be foreigners, I don't see how one possibly could be an American nationalist. What nation? It's just a republic; a specific government.