why are anti-gun advocates such massive faggots? is it genetic?
Direct link between anti-gun and small penis
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>less rights
How about the right to attend school, go to a movie theater, a party, a concert and not get shot?
>the right to safety
are you retarded?
when did I ever says safety? I didn't even imply it in my post? Are YOU fucking retarded?
Well that is exactly what having guns stops from happening lol
Now you can have a gun as well and insure that the nigger's nigardry won't be met without resistance
you kinda did
Well that is exactly what having guns enables*
I have a big penis.
Never had a gun.
But i want to have a gun.
My penis is going to shrink?
Academics pls respond.
your arguments are fallacies from start to finish and even the stupidest person can attack it from 50 angles from the top of their head. Even if their arguments are not eloquent they are true nonetheless and of more merit than anything the jew inside your mouth has ever spouted
No there is crime in all countries
That is exactly what having niggers enables
When do we ban niggers?
>your arguments are fallacies from start to finish
Actually sweetie they're based off of instances that happened not too long ago.
>No there is crime in all countries
We're not talking about crime dummy
It's the other way around
>How about the right to ... not get shot?
yes you did
> Muhh the jew-media told me
wait give me one sec I will find this fallacy...
yep found it annecdotal fallacy
what you look at are crime statistics and general studies not what they showed you "happens" on tv
I'm pretty sure shooting someone in a movie theater is a crime
But you're right we're not talking about crime were talking about the idea of wether the citizens of a country should be able to hold real power
you seem to believe they shouldn't
also stop speaking like a fag
I have a big penis
Have played with handguns shotguns and sniper rifles, was kinda fun.
Absolutely don't give a fuck about owning one.
Really enjoy you fucking idiots shooting each other and being dumb afterwards.
Only tiny cocked scared faggots or hunters need a gun.
away now schlomo/ opressed brit
go submit to your kebab invaders and 1984-ish government
>getting massacred by a psyco with an assault rifle is part and parcel of living in America
>muh joos
>"I'm pretty sure shooting someone in a movie theater is a crime"
>but allowing that individual to have the means to perpetrate the crime is okay
Fucking idiots...
I actually lived in the states for a while.
You fuckwits have it way worse.
Shit TV, Shit food, Godfags everywhere, You drink like pussies, Shitty buildings, Shitty weather, gun toting assholes all over the fucking place, shitty animals, shitty hospitals.
Go shoot yourself numbnuts
Ay pilpul!!! long time no see!!!
well lets deal with it then
one sec
>muh joos
^ what is wrong about this response is that you ignore the fact that you were doing an annecdotal fallacy and that what really matters in my response, which is that what should be done is not muhh what they show on the news, but rather what crime an evidence shows is the reality. with your "muh joos" at me you made an ad hominem fallacy saying that my believe that jews are evil, or me being a "nazi" automatically disqualifies the argument that I made, like this you tried to slip away defeating me without confronting my argument
>"I'm pretty sure shooting someone in a movie theater is a crime"
>but allowing that individual to have the means to perpetrate the crime is okay
here you tried to conflate gun ownership with crime and create a false equivalency. But that is not proven by crime statistics at all. If anything the opposite is true. And even in the case that it were true that more gun ownership = more crime, that might be, if the difference is small enough, a price a society might want to pay for the benefit of having a counterweight to government power, right in the citizens hands.
You can try to separate and isolate it, but when you look at the whole picture, it becomes quite obvious that citizen gun ownership is a good thing for a country
Yeah UK is better to live in than the US as a whole, but you have to trade that for the fact that you are a sheep being led to slaughterhouse with no way to defend yourself
anyway, even if what you're saying is not entirely true
i dont actually care about if we can own guns. i dont even like people in my state. government decided to kill a bunch of white/black/mexican people what ever its there thing thats just how they roll "dawg"
> of what you answered to other guy
Muhh le big bad wolf is gonna get me!!!
well "sweetie", le big bad wolf is not a good way to dictate government policy, or the course of a country. That is giving in to terrorists.
Also the fact that you said "getting massacred by an assault rifle" shows your ignorance/bad intentions. If it were really the lives of American citizens what you were concerned about, you would be much more concerned about a concealable handgun that are the ones responsible for 80% of gun murders in America, than you would be for a rifle
defend against what you paranoid conspiretard?
should i be spraying vinegar at "chemtrails" like your countrymen?
increased gun ownership legal or otherwise = increased gun crime.
True or false?
as usual the jew's slimy words quickly have no effect when the superior European mind sheds light on his crafty but niggerish lies
well twist and turn all you want snake, but the hatchet will still hit you
you also have shit roads, shit speed limits, shitty wooden buildings, shitty history, shitty laws on kinder eggs, shitty laws on real cheese, crap beer, cringy patriots, shitty ads everyfuckingwhere, shitty airlines, shitty tipping rules, shitty purchasing of things while having to add the tax in your own goddamn head, shitty herpes%, shitty sports only you care about because of patriotism, safe spaces and shitty rolling tobacco options which is really fucked up.
*Cough* Muslims *Cough*
Brazil is a great example, but there are many more, like your own shithole country were your women get raped like you're some underdog slave tribe in Afghanistan and you have no way of getting retribution
it is not paranoid at all to think that a government might abuse it's power on it's citizens
the only bad logic here is your sides. i suggest you to start here and look specifically at my responses to see just exactly why someone might be suspicious of certain people in a society
but that's not what we're arguing anyone, you fucking egocentric anglo
you're probably not actually English though
I barely see any and rarely give a shit if i do.
citations please also a great example of what?
you could of at least gone for switzerland you dumb cunt, or lovely atheist estonia.
of course a goverment will abuse it's power on their citizens, that's what governments do, having a shitty ass gun won't stop them from fucking you over you total fucking bellend.
actually you sound a lot like a triggered jew angry that you are not able to lie and enslave the superior European, anyway this is for you as well
quarter welsh quarter scottish half english.
go fucking yourself you dumb as immigrant
I'm happily uncut, and religion can fuck itself.
you've got that backward, nigger
gun-fetishists have the phallus fixation
well it is not my fault you come to a gun control argument uneducated on gun control
in brazil there is strict gun control, but there is immense gun crime, and criminals have no trouble finding weapons, so the reality on the street is that the nigger criminals have weapons, and the law abiding citizens don't have anything to defend their families from them.
Just like in Europe. In France, Germany... it is extremely easy to aquire a gun illegally. So much so that recent immigrants from Africa/middle east are able to find them in not a very long period of time. My evidence is the immense voluntary gun returns that take place every few years.
Also in the UK there are many examples that clearly show just how easy it is for a criminal to aquire a gun illegally in that country, even if it is an island
here's a few articles from your very own Jew media talking about the issue:
> My favorite from "our kikes": foxnews.com
That is in one 30 second google search, it really shows the depth of your ignorance
A Brit that doesn’t want to protect himself and waits for the Scotland Yard to do it for him. The absolute state of britbongs. What’s next? You want a separate government agency to wash your ass?
links to fox news the daily fail the lefty guardian etc
nice fact checking you dumb fuck, that was a quick googling, did you even read those articles?
I sure didn't
Brazil has nasty gun crime? well you stupid americucks fucked south america up with the war on drugs turning those countries into cartel paradises with your idiot cuntservative views that have done nothing to stop drugs. but everything to propagate violence.
And i wonder where all those guns in brazil come from?
protect myself from what?
seriously what? what in the fuck would a gun do?
Now onto the second part of your argument of wether a "shitty ass gun won't stop them from fucking you"
a man by the name of George, pic related, begs to differ
I find it really incredible your ability to be so unmodest that you talk with authority about topics you have absolutely no idea over, anyway. But I don't blame you, because that is very widespread in our day, and thanks to your kike media a quick google search might give disparate answers, but there is only one truth
Anyway in this post i simply wanted to make the point that vastly underweaponed resistance fighters have very often been able to overwhelm a tyrannical government. there are examples of good, and bad, underweaponed resistance fighters doing this all over the world, here I will list examples
American revolution, (u know this one)
Latin American revolutions (often, even up to the 20th century, many of these revolutions were fought with rebels attacking on horseback with machetes against Spanish troops fighting with modern rifles)
Rhodesian Bush war (here the bad guys (niggers) won, but they won)
WW2 resistance armies in France, Poland, da jewish armies, e.t.c. (yes, a modern, European example, the only thing that saved many jews was having their "muh shitty an underpowered and with no air force" weapons)
The current war in Yemen, a bunch of goat-fucker peasants against the Saudi rich ass oil-jews
The fucking Syrian civil war. Syrian state is very well armed. And American citizens are much better armed and more numerous in comparison to Syrian citizens vs government. But in reality it's a small percentage of Syrian citizens that are against the government, that are wrong retards
Al Qaeda
Boko Haram (and these all are dumb niggers)
Cuban Revolution
Hungarian Revolution (overwhelmed the local government, until Soviets invaded, and this was WITH tight gun control)
Colombian civil war FARC (outofspacenow,buttherearemanymore)
Faggots gonna fag
"but there is only one truth "
>Your sucking your own dick and sniffing your own farts from the start with this one
> Lists some things and don't make any sense in context, were just things that happened once.
I can do that too How about
Womens sufferage
Kinder eggs being banned in america
Safe spaces
Lord Bloody Wog Rolo hero of australia
how about the recent non gun fuck you government thing in iceland, where they've also outlawed circumcision
and the guy with no guns was the hero
I can't link the picture again (here: ) but what you just did is called the Fallacy Fallacy
you said there was a Fallacy without dealing with my argument/ pointing out exactly what was wrong about the sources that proved my point.
And you are also clearly fucking ignrant on the History of South America, thinking Colombia is the whole thing. So seeing as that you are such an ignorant fuck on so many subjects, what makes your opinion valid to talk about this specific topic? nothing I guess, that is why you are wrong
also doesn't le It's already a violent cartel paradise push a pro-gun argument since all the criminals already have guns, so now law-abiding citizens would also have guns to protect themselves?
also you never denied being a British jew, so it seems that you are, so that makes you loose all your credibility already on this website
shit almost forgot, well I don't have time to explain again but pic related
>triggered cuck
Never seen it, besides user life ain't a movie
It's time to ban hands and feet.
I have a good one
right dont exist, lol. they are a platitude said to the weak to get them to shut up and accept their shitty position in life.
>recency bias
They are examples, you fucking retard, of why "muhh what's a gun going to do" is wrong
they are groups of lightly armed paramilitaries fighting a superior state force
thanks actual Brit, I was looking for a picture like that but couldn't find it
Are violent crimes okay, as long as they arent done with a gun?
>500,000 die in abortions every year
Wow, abortion is supposed to be a routine procedure.
What sort of quacks do you have in your hospitals America?
probably because the fetus is alive, until you kill it lol
>psycho shooting up a movie theater
>legal means to perpetrate crime
being this dumb
maybe you'd feel more comfortable over here
its about insecurity, guns are barbarous objects used only to kill
"armed and disciplined"
when did i say columbia is the whole thing?
also what makes your opinion valid, you're clearly mentally deficient
i also said i'm uncut and religion can go fuck itself, so you clearly have no capacity to read what's in front of you, take in the information and retain it you fucking waste of oxygen.
come on brah shoot me
your the jew.
fuck you're a russian jew shill using a proxy, again shoot yourself
You're welcome burger bro
>well you stupid americucks fucked south america up with the war on drugs turning those countries into cartel paradises
That has nothing to do with with our history of violence you fucking mong.
Our homicide rates were lower than the US in the 80's and were pretty stable in the 90's, back when everyone carried a fucking gun and a cop could catch you carrying without a permit and most likely let you go with just a warning.
We started adopting anti-gun laws in the 90's and went full commie gun-grabbing in 2004. Now we have 70k homicides a year, or, per capita, 32 homicides per 100 thousand inhabitants. That's 7 times more dangerous than America. Also 4 times more dangerous than our neighbours Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay who's people are armed to the teeth (mostly to defend themselves from brazilian gangs who operate on the borded).
>be burger
>go to shitty school at bottom of OECD rankings
>get shot
>cant afford healthcare
>anti-gun is associated with low testosterone in males
>low testosterone is associated with smol penis
on a different note, the delta in mass shootings between the united states and other countries with lot of guns cannot be explained by gun laws. The major difference between USA and other countries where civilian gun ownership is common (Canada, Czech Republic, Switzerland) is circumcision. It's widely practiced in the United States, Israel and a bunch of shitholes; but not anywhere in the civilized world. I bet you all the major mass shooters were circumcised.
France Belgium Netherlands Germany have higher nigger populations yet way less crime
i don't care about third world countries. you're obviously uneducated like the dumb fuck cousin fucking redneck i'm playing with, maybe if you didn't have Catholicism you all be ok, and if drugs were legal no one would be quite as shitty
Wow, didn't know that america had less killings than all those other countries
Positive rights don't exist. If you don't trust the movie theater owners to provide effective protection for you, don't do business with them.
its aggregate you moron
> hairsplitting
> not denying being ethnically jewish but saying religion can go fuck itself
> ignoring and giving no merit to your opponents central arguments
hahahahaha it doesn't work here shlomo!!!
what makes my opinion valid is the sound reasoning and vast amount of data that went into formulating it
here some of it:
Except not getting shot and maybe going to school, those are privileges. And providing more guns will likely result in less innocents being shot. Removing guns just emboldens shooters, because they know nobody can effectively fight back.
> was just using South American countries in his argument but suddenly doesn't care about them when they don't suit his point of view
You still haven't dealt with a single one of my arguments snake
vast amount of data?
you admitted you quickly googled some newspaper articles and didn't read them.
on that note
here read this you'll find that all the data within fully corroborates my argument that your a jew, im not a jew and that you have a small penis and i enjoy watching americans shoot each other.
you haven't made an argument cleatus
calm down user you are too euphoric.
> muhh false equivalencies
no one cares you nigger, just because the evidence misteriously points your way on this specific point doesn't mean it points your way in general or as a whole
gtfo now jew
(sorta applies)
Also tell us the general context of those shootings
drunk...im drunk
I have made several arguments, that you refuse to read them is your prboblem
The quickly googled thing was just an example of how easily available information on the failure of gun control is
anyway kys
ah now trying to deny accountability? don't think so Shlomo
kys, you are probably an Ahmed that wants to deny British citizens the right to shoot his ass if he tries something and wants to keep getting his guns illegally
I've read them but they don't make any sense
Any information to confirm anything is easily googled. confirmation bias is a thing you utter twaat.
im drunk, your an asshole, i'll wake up sober, oh and getting drunk in america was shit, you people are pussies, you have a fucking drunk tank you spineless cowards.
They mean well but don't understand or care about the constitution and why we have guns in the 1st place
i can fucking type, the mudslimes and shitskins over here just listen to "grime" and spend all their shit on beats by dre and iphones
>dick size
>guns have nothing to do with dicks
trump's a gun grabber
> france Belgium Netherlands having higher nigger populations than the US
> comparing recent immigrants that might get kicked out if they chimp out with long time niggers
> attempting to trigger me with the retard post
> pretending everywhere were niggers live in Europe or on this world is not a crime infested shithole area no matter how militaristic the police is almost without exception
of course you wouldn't accept it
then you have to learn to read and think again because they didn't teach you properly
read it again tomorrow when you're sober
but the crimes are still comitted by niggers.
stick a gun in your mouth
do it
you don't matter
just do it
pull the trigger
bang, peace forever
do it
end the suffering of those that have to deal with you irl
pop a cap in your nigger jew ass
>when all the pakis make you keep your head down in the bus, so you spend the night intoxicating yourself and venting off at americlaps on the internet so you won't slit your wrists with a plastic knife