Nigger Hate Thread

Post Them

Other urls found in this thread:!Dzg2CJzB!38QoPeOBI90G4iPxTz6sow




typical whites

chat shit online but in real life - get dropped

Ok Tyrone

r8 or h8 me


Ok Jamal

ROFLMAO look at those niglets getting raped by a Norse warrior

That's really PC of you


here is my entire WEBM collection of NiggerHate
spread the joy!Dzg2CJzB!38QoPeOBI90G4iPxTz6sow

>in real life

what did he mean by this?

those are Russians you imbecile

>"He called me a nigger, call security!"
Tough guy ROFLMAO


those are russian alcoholics dumfuck

Since when are Russians charcoal-colored?


Honestly I feel bad for them. Let them have their thread.


dude, they even have tigers

Well ok one of them looks lighter, but two of the attackers are dark brown at least


Reminder Nigger hate threads are JIDF.




>"Murder on Östermalm today. Duke shot nigger with hunting rifle"

Best headline ever




At least Tyrone is always happy, even in hell

Draws attention away from the Jew, any new fags who come to the board and see a Nigger hate thread leave as everybody already knows about Niggers and its fucking brainlet tier. Multiple JIDF have confirmed this. Notice nobody ever creates a Jewish hate thread with similar memes, and if they do its shilled.

Not posting the full version

Ahhh nice. This thread was very needed.
Considering the amount of shills on this board right now.
Good work OP. You're doing God's work


Kek. I remember that thread.









Underrated post, Sven, nice one

These supposed to be funny?


holy fuck lol






based Kramer




Here's a drama I wrote about niggers:





y u mad doe











is this real? I've seen that pic a thousand times but i just can't believe it






I don't hate niggers. They've been enslaved and manipulated by the kike for hundreds of years. We need to free the niggers and re-educate them.





My city right now. Keep closing "projects" and subsidizing the hoodlums moving into nice neighborhoods. In my old neighborhood there is literal trash in the streets, nogs roaming in packs, and screaming at each other in the middle of the night.


wth is going on here?




those are alcoholic Russians, but idc look at that fucker go!

Niggers don’t feel stop lying Tyrone


I wonder if anyone saved my oc. I posted this pic but I hid a Wally somewhere in there. I haven't seen it reposted.



I couldn’t get past the first swing. I don’t even care that it’s a nigger baby, thats just fucking inhuman