Pol demolished
How does it feel now we are using your tactics against you, alt right?
Pol demolished
How does it feel now we are using your tactics against you, alt right?
>[Insert witty counter comment that gets dozens of replys]
Fuck it. I'm turning my AR in tomorrow.
>Reposting the same shitty thread
Black guy - Hurr durr ooga booga where da wiminz at
Me - I can help you build a nice house, if you want
Black guy - Fuck you we wuz kangz n shit
Me - Gotcha, you don't really want to integrate ;)
Why do I keep winning, Sup Forums ?
Don’t Nigerians constantly suffer massive school attacks and kidnappings on a regular basis?
Sicker than your average nigger killer
Twist nigger's heads off
niggers fucking stink nigers and gayers
Chicken wing eating players
Triple K hooligans like Moon Man
Dead right if they head right
Fucking your mom every night
Moon man's been smooth since days of killing jews
Never lose
Never choose to lynch jews who do something to us
Talk go through us your mom walked to us
Get on a rape bus; screw us, screw us
Yeah, KKK, nigger babies i don't give a fuck
Stick it up the butt
Dare I not see at your ripe cherry pussy
Bang every porch monkey easily, busily
Recently niggers fronting ain't saying nothing
My cocknigger
cause they dont have schools?
Blacks commit nearly 50% of all murder in the US, and the most common type of murder is black-on-black.
But black people shoot up public places all the time
The last line should be "Commits assault and goes to prison".
wtf I love niggers now
I agree, we should raise our kids through peaceful parenting so that they do not grow up to be violent psychopaths
>has completely safe schools
Also, here's some nonwhite mass-shooters.
Africans don't raise their kids.
I suspect that this conversation never actually took place.
At least whites don't raise their kids to shoot each other in the streets over "gangs" and drugs and fried chicken.
epic comeback.
left can't meme
>Me - "At least Africans don't raise their kids to shoot up their schools."
>White guy - "At least white people raise their kids."
>Me - "Fuck you whitey!"
>White guy - "Gotcha, nigger!"
Everyone needs to be forced to watch gore videos.
After seeing enough of them you realize that certain people do certain things way more than whatever blows up in the media.
Fuck you nigger, at least we raise our kids
Yah, because video games are totally an argument!
Our mass shootings are caused by excessive use of medications, whereas africans are dying from a lack of medication. It's hardly comparable.
At least white kids go to school.
>tfw blacks kill more people in Chicago in a single weekend than school shooters do in a year
Africans don't rampage through their schools because they know every single kid has a machete.
There isn't a lot of law and order in Africa so the people are forced to light criminals on fire sometimes. It's not that big a deal, I wouldn't draw too many conclusions from it.
they don't even have schools
Is this the 'essence' of american politics? It's always 'This country has a problem which we can fix but no lets obsess over race instead'.
Sure they do. An entire class of female students got abducted by militants, held captive, and raped not long ago.
They dont have mass shootings they have genocide bc a group of people are from a different tribe.
Then the people who commited genocide flee to UN refugee camps and act like the victims
We don't want the fix you advocate buddy.
>Not embarrassed by the lameness of my own meme.
I suppose smokin crack and shootin up da blok is better
>presents solution to problem
>non-sequitur intended as a counterargument?
>expresses frustration with nigger's inability to reason
>ooga booga complete with modern-day hieroglyphs just like the """"kangz"""" used
I would rather deal woth the one in a million chance of a school shooting in America vs the 1/3 chance of HIV, starvation, malaria, and 95% poverty in Africa.
School shootings require planning.
You're not gonna fix your shitty country by laying around all day taking naps together.
Most school gun violence is black
Oh and we have schools.
i'll just leave this right here
>pol BTFO
wtf does that have to do with anything?
...and then everybody clapped...
Africans don't raise their kids at all
And they shoot up all sorts of public places but the media covers for them, calls it gang violence and ignores the bulk of it
How does it feel to suck all that dick?
>at least, niggers don't raise their kids to shoot up their schools
only because they shoot up stores and neigbours instead of going to school
Don't tell them bout boku haram
>we don’t raise our kids to shoot up schools
>we just raise them to shoot anyone who looks at them funny or who has shoes they want to steal!
Why are niggers inviting us to point out their rampant criminality even more? It’s like they want to look even worse now.
>Africans raise their kids
>be american
>go to school
>get shot
>be african
>go to school
>get shot
>survive because a 20 IQ nigger shot you
>starve to death on the way home
Really makes you hmmmm.
Nigger dad's don't raise their kids thats the point.
>niggers don't raise their spawns
>niggers don't go to school anyway, they are content of shooting up in their "hood"
checks out.
>be african 7 yo kid
>go to school
>it's empty because the white teacher fled back to his country at the start of the last civil war
>go back to working in the fields or coffee plantation
Their mom's don't anymore either. Once the current generation of grandma's die off I don't know what the hell is going to happen.
>implying he had that conversation in real life outside of Sup Forums
Meant for
Yeah, that's cause black dudes don't raise kids period.
This mother fucker wants to talk about raising kids.....not triggered, I just find it fucking hilarious. If he said this shit to me I would laugh in his face.
Sub-50 IQ confirmed.
>Get captured and have my heart cut out of my chest and eaten in a fucked up voodoo ritual.
You realize the kids shooting up schools are Jewish, not white, don't you? Why are you niggers so retarded?
africa doesn't have schools lmao
It's almost like there are certain groups of people for whom violence is the only language they understand.
"At least we raise our kids Tyrone."
>at least my kids go to school
So that's who's behind the black nationalist flag
What about the boko niggers that literally kidnapped and raped/enslaved 100+ girls recently (taken from school)...?
the fucking cringiest "meme" this shithole's ever created
blown the fuck out...
>Africans don’t raise kids to shoot up schools
Hahahahahaha the most common target for recruiting child soldiers is to literally roll into an African school and shoot it up.
Africans don't raise their kids at all.
Fuck you nigger
>Moon Man
>Sup Forums meme
Hello, Reddit.
>not politics
You can stop being mad, but you can't stop being a nigger
> At least Africans don't raise their kids
Well, this time I could agree with leftist
>xD we didn't make paypay either
Own your autism.
Pics or it didn't happen
t. plebbitor
Stay mad my nigger
>not shooting up schools
Keep your cringy memes there.
Fantasizing about Wakanda again?
No, they raise their kids to rape and murder
What on earth is a nigger doing in the Ukraine? I refuse to believe that such a harsh country could produce retarded liberal pussirs who make excuses for subhuman niggers
>At least Africans don't raise their kids
Should've just stopped there.
Chicago schools are shot up everyday
>How does it feel now we are using your tactics against you, alt right?
Oh ok. Two can play at that game.
>reports your comment for racism.
Enjoy your ban faggot.
is this supposed to be... rap? Poetry? Word salad? Did you let your mother bang on a keyboard till words happened?
He hasn't been following the news about boko haram
breddy fuddy godda admit
Thank you!
Nobody said it in the last thread