There are people on Sup Forums who have watched less than 200 anime and are proud of it. What happened?

There are people on Sup Forums who have watched less than 200 anime and are proud of it. What happened?

I'm trying I really am. I'm on 177, have faifth in me

>there are people who care how many shows someone who has nothing to do with them has watched
What happened?

mods decided that they want newfag normalfags

There aren't even 200 anime worth watching. It's even sadder that there are people who consume garbage anime day in and day out just to wank themselves on a taiwanese cricket board.

Maybe there aren't 200 amazing/great anime, but there certainly are at least 200 worthwhile anime.

You are not an anime fan , just somebody who happens to like a few tv series, some of them anime.

It is a neet's duty to watch new anime as it comes out.

well most people don't watch older shows from the 80s, 90s or the even the early 2000s due to them looking outdated they are just happy with just watching seasonal shows that are most of the times are not even worth watching

Hello 35anime-kun. How are you doing?

Haven't even watched 30 but I'm manga masterace.

>due to them looking outdated

Better than the fags who watch a ton of 1 episode OVAs and count those.

I am past 500 titles and there is no happiness here.

I'm fucking getting there, just give me a few more years.

>Wont watch pre 2000 anime

Guilty. There is a few expceptions, mostly all mecha/gundam.

please no bully, i marathon Gundam shows, Macross and Legend of The Galactic heroes every christmas holidays

For me its digitally-animated stuff from the early to mid 2000s. That shit has not aged well at all.
Hand-drawn on the other hand still looks fucking good.

The average 12 episode anime series is 4.6 hours. 200 series is only around 38.3 days worth of anime. There is no reason that you cannot complete that in a single year.

There are autists who actually keep count of every single anime they've watched, and they're proud of it. What happened?

>when most 90s and early 2000s shows look better than most shows out right now
What the fuck are you on about?

>There is no reason that you cannot complete that in a single year
Except for my ADD-tier attention span which only allows me to watch a few episodes before getting distracted with something else usually browsing Sup Forums
Its not like I enjoy doing it this way, that's just the way I am.

Why the fuck are you calling people autistic on Sup Forums? Where do you think you are right now?

well most of the good series usually have 24+ to 50+ episodes each, for me i usually watch shows that are atleast 24+ episodes long and generally avoid 12 episode seasonal series unless they are good enough to watch

aside from the countless number of anime series that are more than 12 episodes

Feel the same way desu, love Lain & Eva tho

>when most 90s and early 2000s shows look better than most shows out right now
Where did he say that?

That's why he said "average".

He didn't say that. The narrator did.

I salute you, internet soldier, for you stand your ground, the same way we expect every citizen to do so. Too bad there is no name or nickname next to your post, and therefore you are unable to proudly demonstrate your e-penis to both your acquaintances and complete strangers. I suggest not wasting your energy here and joining a better and more respectful community.

What the fuck is this post

An user subtly suggesting that the person he is replying to should fuck off.

I've seen more than 200 anime, and I really think I've seen close to 100% of anime that's worth watching.
At 300, if i get there, barring new shows or hidden classics, I will be confident in never having to watch another anime show or film again.
The fact of the matter is most seasonal anime is not worth watching, we're talking here like 80-90%. Which to be fair is only a little higher than Hollywood movies, popular fiction etc.
To be an anime fan shouldn't mean that you exhaustively watch crap anime just to have some marginal advantage over another fan, it means you should appreciate the really good stuff for what it is and the medium for the heights it can reach.
If you want to watch all the seasonal anime you can and have doing so that's fine of course, but most of it is trash.

There are people on Sup Forums who have watched more than 200 anime with english subs and are proud of it. What happened?

Mods kicked out DJT.


There's a minimum of 500 worthwhile anime. They're all not going to be NGE or Haruhi, but that doesn't make them not worthwhile. What else are you going to do with your time? Shitpost on an anime website?

But isn't OP going full e-penis route and you're defending that?

"Ironic" post attracted actual retards thinking they were in good company. It's your fault for not setting them straight, user.

is op for real or

I lost count after 100, which was about 4 years ago.
I'd say I've probably doubled that since, or at least very close to. My issue is that there just isn't enough of the shows I like to watch that don't make me hate them by episode 3 with retarded gags repeated 90 times over.

I have watched over 1500 animes and most of them were trash.

I'm currently at 144 completed series and I haven't even watched the commonly considered "classics". while there may or may not be that many anime "worth watching" there are a lot of shows that are passable and pretty fun watching

Of course. You're on one of the most elitist sites on the internet and on one of the most elitist boards.

Or, alternatively: where the fuck do you think you are right now?

Is this what the kids these days call a "shitpost"?

Reached the 100-ish mile this month. Trying to get into older series now, but it doesn't help that everyone gives another way to watch Macross or Gundam series. Problem with those older franchises is that everyone has another opinion on what to watch and what to skip.

>thinking Sup Forums is still elitist
>thinking Sup Forums is even 15% of how it was
Anons respond to rec threads with actual recommendations now, that should say enough.

Just don't skip anything. Seeing a franchise evolve through its struggles and its high points is always rewarding.

quality > quantity
im actually just getting bored seeing the same character types over and over

If you count ovas, oad, specials and movies is over 2000.

Which is why we need to continue being as elitist as possible in order to prevent sinking even deeper.

I don't have that kind of time, unfortunately.

Who the HELL are you quoting?

I'm paraphrasing.

Crunchyroll made anime mainstream enough for normalfags who call every cute girl waifu.

Kys faggot

There's literally nothing wrong with that. What matters is the quality of your posts. If you provide good discussion in the threads you participate in, the rest is irrelevant.

I've completed 38 shows because I only ever watch anime when I exercise, 2 eps at a time. I've lost a bunch of weight and Fractale is the one truly shitty show I've seen so being a casul bebi isn't all that bad.

but that's far from average.
In fact it's the absolute minimum

>or Haruhi
Thank god.
Fuck endless eight.

This happened.

What happened in march that started the boom?

There are people on Sup Forums that slurp up all the fotm garbage just to say they've watched 50,000 anime.

There are people on Sup Forums that refuse to read manga.

These two things may be related.

Some people can enjoy anything.

Sup Forums and redditors

I saw more than 800 anime and I consider myself a newfag.

I'm almost there

Is that Sup Forums specific? I thought most of the newer traffic was directed towards shit boards like Sup Forums and Sup Forums

>Watching anime instead of reading manga
What's it like to have inferior taste?

The absolute state of Sup Forums.

221 wached

It's exactly why I left this board for one of the secluded oldfag chans in the past few months.
Allowing Naruto was a mistake, the average powerlevel here is minuscule, you can tell by how many people unironically watch Youtube anime reviewers.


Name me 200 anime even remotely worth watching. and I'll tell you why a majority are shit.

All you really need to do is watch about 20-40 staples/classic anime, and then you too can dive into shit that is seasonal anime!

I can't get into the alternative chans because they are so dead I have to wait a whole day to get one reply.

Quality over quantity.

There is, there is. This season is one of the most enjoyable I've seen for the last several years.

Having watched a lot isn't something to be proud of. I'm at around 300 btw

Which one, by the way?

>K-ON poster
I'm not giving you even the slightest hint. Only people with really good memory for useless shit and who were around here in 2005 would know anyways.

stand aside, plebs

It's for the whole site

Has there even been over 200 anime made?

>>K-ON poster
>I'm not giving you even the slightest hint. Only people with really good memory for useless shit and who were around here in 2005 would know anyways
Okay, so you don't even know these two exist(ed).

With the amount of time you've spent on this "hobby", you could have mastered 3 separate skills and have plenty of time left over for a fulfilling life.

How do you live with yourself


I only watch intelligent anime for intelligent people such as myself such as Steins Gate and Umaru.

the more you watch the more disappointments you face, there are so many series that start good then go to absolute shit or are pretty good then have the worst endings you have ever seen. If I could erase 90% of the series I watched from my brain and only remember the good ones I would be better off.

Which two anime series do you want to remember, deary?

I've only watched like 80 anime but I've read over a thousand different manga, am I allowed to be here?

Who hasn't read over a thousand different manga....

...99.9% of Sup Forums, huh.

Not the original user, but mastering skills that'll likely mean fuck all in the end is a waste of time if you could instead do what you enjoy doing. As long as you have studied and are employed then nobody actually gives a damn about your 'skills'.

If you haven't read at least 400, you need to lurk more

There are people who started watching anime in 2014 with Kill la Kill or 2015 with One Punch Man, and they likely make up a majority of your co-posters on Sup Forums. They also likely post lots of epic anime memes on Twitter, so feel good about that.

You wish. The majority is made up by people who started anime in 2016 or 2017.

Also true.

Here i'll list every anime I have ever watched just for you

Lucky Star
Mr Coryashi's Maid Dragon
Gabby's DropOut
NonNon Byori
Dagashi Kashi

I am the cancer

Guilty of this as well

At least you don't watch shonenshit

I don't think newfags have seen NNB

after 12 years or so Sup Forums became unbearable so I got more into Sup Forums. cancer happened.
57 and counting.