Man gets AIDS and turns into female dragon

Gay man gets AIDS and goes from bank supervisor to female dragon. He got interviewed by some paper in the UK and somehow my daughter saw this shit. I had to explain to my children how people can't actually become dragons or change their gender. Is this some new form of degeneracy, or is this the final evolution of man? Pic related.

He has a facebook page, just look up tiamat legion medusa and you can see the fucking mental illness in full swing. He takes messages, which could be pretty lulzy.

He'll kill himself in a few days/weeks/months/year don't worry about it.

He already killed himself, he got AIDS

is it just because the transformation is really imperfect? is that why you have a problem with it?
lets say in the future you can take a pill to change gender flawlessly

and another pill to look exactly like a humanoid dragon

would you STILL have a problem with that?
or because its nearly flawless transformations, you'd be okay with it?

I think he'd be fine with a perfect transformation, most against sex changes are just pointlessly creeped out by it. Probably a mix of attraction and homophobia

mfw David Icke was right

yeah i assumed so
everyone on Sup Forums has a problem with it merely because these kind of things are in the really early stages development, and pretty crappy
its perfectly fine for humans to work on transformations and gender swapping, it might even make the world more interesting to see real lizard people and such

I would have an issue with it, yes. Wanting to be something other than what you are on a biological level is a sign of severe mental disturbances and it should not be encouraged.

stop projecting shlomo

You are crazy.

>I would have an issue with it, yes. Wanting to be something other than what you are on a biological level is a sign of severe mental disturbances and it should not be encouraged.

we MAY be the only living things in the universe
so in time we may need to CREATE variations of humans and genders in order to have friends
creating other very different types of humans is totally logical
>b-b-but we're not alone in the universe
when you add the billions of factors that go into life
then consider all the factors that generate very intelligent life
then fact in how long they last
its totally possible we're the only type of intelligent life we will ever encounter
thus we need lizard people

also in a perfected method, the changes would be at the "biological level"
just accept that you only hate it because its not perfect yet
if you can PERFECTLY change into a human lizard, theres no fucking argument against that

The problem with sex changes is that it cannot ever objectively transfer a person to another state. Even if a man could receive a "flawless transformation", the person created out of that would be completely different entity. You would have to replace their genetics to match the new gender, as well as compensate for developmental changes which would have occurred. This means they would need to have large parts of their brain altered to compensate for the different developments that occur in men and women. Thus they aren't even the same person they claimed to be in the first place. "Transgender" as a concept doesn't work on a rational or logical level.

Look at the statistics, these people have one of the highest suicide rates on record. They have a severe mental conditioned which should not be encouraged. These people are looking to swap out reality for a lie. If you actually cared about the well-being of these people, you would make the tough love decision and tell them that you don't support it because it is actually damaging to them in the long run.


>Look at the statistics, these people have one of the highest suicide rates on record
yeah, because the transformations are really bad
once we're able to perfectly change a dick into a vagina you'll be less "grossed out" and feel better about it
think of it like this, right now we're in the uncanny valley of sex changes

He vecame Voldemort?? We reached mental illiness that shouldn't even be possible

The uncanny valley argument does not apply to the suicide rate statement because of the previous paragraph. You cannot change a man into a woman, even on a theoretical level where it is possible to swap the biological aspect completely. A man changed into a woman (or vice-versa) would completely destroy the original entity replacing it with a new one. The person who "believed they were a woman" would be completely replaced on a biological and mental level by the new person they became. The "flawless transformation" is an impossibility, not because of technology but because of realities built upon scientific understanding of biology and philosophical understandings of identity.


he can take truvada unlike charlie sheen couldnt because 700 aids vaginas. truvada doesnt work on pussies. just how jewish is this board and that article. what a life changer. how relevant to everybody. really meaningful. what a passionate tits licking hobby youve found. you faggoty jew mofo pedo


You know what? Your pretty fucking upset my friend and I think your posting has given me just enough insight into what the fuck your problem is. You see, ever since your mother left, your daddy's been raising you in every regard to be his fucktoy sissy daughter. He works hard to pay for your hormones, makeup, and clothes, you show your appreciation by dragging him to bed as soon as he enters the door.You just love the taste of your daddy's sweaty cock after a day of eagerly waiting for him to come home. The wait is excruciating; yo're horny all day, and your transition is at the point that you can't even cum without his thick rod rubbing against your aching prostate. Often you spend the entire evening licking his gorgeous shaft and drinking his sweet precum. Once he eventually wills it, you sheepishly let go of him and stick your rounded ass out for him to ravage as he pleases. He pounds you into the sheets all night long, his massive member milking your little balls dry as you cry out and orgasm for the fifth time that night.Judging by how closely related you two are, it's almost surprising how his cock is so much bigger than yous! Guess that just goes to show that you were meant to be his daughter all along!

>75% of global aids cases went to "heteros"
>muh faggot aids dragons and women dragons and aids and house of air and 2 girls 1 cup and so forth and so on


enjoy the box pox. this article is to disguise serpent seed like anything else. yay masons. yay witchcraft. yay feminism and divine pussies yaaaay. i dont have aids at all
>dies of aids and super gonorrhea and zika and periods and trichomoniasis and God knows whatever else

>do you see

Jesus christ, how the fuck do we have to explain to our children that this shit aint normal?

stop showing them ink blot stains and brainwashing. stop making frog cults. icke called himself as Christ. and now look how everybody walks down the garden jew path. nothing is new under the sun

noice. who made this?


Are you fucking kidding me? Please tell me your joking? Are you Serious? No Capital NO No! for thousands of year and perhaps millions of years that we are mammals not cold blooded lizards. the end stage of the human cycle is a old gray long haired/bearded man & Old long gray haired women in rocking chairs either knitting or spitting tobacco in a pot with their shotguns and beer next to them. Not to become cold lizard people that's fucking stupid. Do some research on the human evolution were warm blooded mammals not cold blooded lizards. and this identity politics where a normal women and suddenly become a ornate building. No were either Male or female that's it this gender fluidity crap dosen't exist!!!!

go live naked in the wild, then, dickhead

We should have never stopped with killing faggots in the past. That is the third greatest mistake mankind ever made.


the truth hurts

And the other two?

>he lacks the capacity to love anyone without having a kneejerk reaction to whats between their legs
you're simply less evolved, and i dont hate you for that

can't believe society is embracing it now


I'll bite, What were the first two?

Isn't it unethical to perform this kind of surgery(mutilation), as a doctor?

ethics died a long time ago
every western country is literally pushing to normalize transgender children, do you think any doctor would care about a retard who wants to be a lizard?

Oy vey, user, it's 2018.

It would be bigoted of a doctor to refuse to do the surgery.

for a normal doctor, yes

for a jewish doctor, no

i bet my life savings it was a jewish doctor


treating niggers like humans and giving women rights, isnt it obvious?

how does it feel to see threads like this and realize normal mentally healthy people don't associate the smell of shit with chikichiki time


Can I get a word with the manager about the type of clientele we're letting in now?

What kind of recreational drugs do you have to take to make you go this insane? Please tell me so I can avoid ever taking them.

nope but you can kys famalama

Do you see...

Fuck this website is becoming more cancerous every day, used to this faggot motherfucker would be bashed on Sup Forums then they would go after him daily until he wanted to die , but now there are so many of you motherfuckers that think this is fine and dandy? fuck I hate reddit/tumblr motherfuckers