Muh consent laws

You have 5 seconds to explain why I shouldn't be able to marry a based 15 year old QT, red pill her, and start a white family.

Hard mode, no being a cuck

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I think consent laws are 16 in certain states
Go for it homie

uuummm her m-mind, uuummmm not developed. Ummmm......PEDO!!!


Holy tits, here we go BAYBE

what you can't do is get her pregnant and leave her for me to take care of. lets face it, consent laws are there so parents like me don't blow your fucking head of

Yep, the red pilled man can see it clear as day. The older women get, the further they drift into kike fueled media degeneracy culture.

If you can be their first dick, and they learn to respect your values and ideals.... you can't lose.

Funny story.... I fugged a 16 year old legally once when I was like 22. It was fucking awesome, and everything else is shit tier in comparison.

She is a a fucking roastie now. WHY GOD, WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME

Finally, we can agree on something

This is true.
When a girl has her periods, she is ready to have a child. This is nature's way of working.

Because if you're over 25 then that's fucking weird to be marrying a teenager. You are mentally far too different from a girl that young.

If you're under 25, why are you getting married so early? Don't you want to go and fuck different girls?

>dude wants an underage he can share jew memes with her and start a family.

youre doing this fetish wrong.

You were part of the process
You could have saved her

>under 25 is too young to get married

Into the oven you go Mr. Goldenburg

She was fucked in the head. She had been in a mental hospital for being suicidal. I wanted more, she was the one who just wanted it to be a fling.

>wanting to fuck different girls

fuck man that's me every time, painfully relatable post

You pedos should be gutted and sliced from behind, this is a matter of maturity you dirtbags having your motivations in the gutter. Its about how society organizes on a larger level and the responsibilites of a adult in said society, but no you will keep on with muh dick reproduction biology

>Because if you're over 25 then that's fucking weird to be marrying a teenager.
No it isn't, moralcuck. Better a young mother of white children than a cum rag getting tossed around.

That’s actually the final redpill user

>the absolute state of Norway
Don't black metal demigods like to lay fair gothic 14 year old maidens in the castle tower?

I'm pretty damn red pilled. Gonna start writing my first book soon. Wouldn't mind if I had a based trad 16 yr old waifu here right now tbqhwy. I would teach her about the bible.

The sooner a girl is married off, the more likely she is to have a long and happy marriage. In an ideal world girls would have a practical education with an emphasis on child-rearing and homemaking, and be courted in her mid teens by a slightly older suitor in the presence of her parents and lose her virginity on the bridal bed.

>mentally far too different from a girl that young
As if roasties over 20 are on my level?

Do you think this is a game motherfucker? You fucking üntermensch the lot of you

this is what a demoralized degenerate kike brainwashed piece of shit sounds like.

>I fucked a 16 year old legally once when I was like 22

If you were in the US, no, you didn't.

If you argue for the abolishment of AoC laws then you should have no problem with kids injecting themseves with estrogen and mutiliating their dicks off.

Read em and weep nigger

He's covering his degeneracy in the name of anti-degeneracy. Fucking pol logic right there.

No, not at all.... you sick fuck. That is purely your sick world view at play. Wanting to marry sexually mature 15 year olds is absolutely healthy and normal. It was like that for the majority of history. Then all of the sudden.... ONE DAY

"Errrr.... uhhhh.... errrrr ....ddduuhhhhh. OMG THEY HAVE TO BE 18 BECAUSE MUH MADE UP MORALS"

Holy shit, the absolute state of the west.

The fact that this "marry white girls and have families asap" meme is retarded and just enables he jew to turn your children against you.

You can't redpill women either, because they have no concept of politics. They're women.

As did many nazi leaders, one can only hope you pedo thirsters are immature incels and not actual adults, BEEPBEEP self indulgence

I might a based arranged marriage somewhere in europe where the legal age is 14. Sup Forums would stay eternally ass blasted, and I would feel more satisfied than I could feel from an endless stream of roastie club dwelling pussy.

>a literal pedophile calling someone a sick fuck

>The older women get, the further they drift into kike fueled media degeneracy culture

With smart phones this has basically been lessened to puberty

A lot of parents straight up can not spend time instilling self-worth and self-control. They're both forced to work because of international (((finance))) devaluing the power of money to where people can't own homes and all have to work to survive, and hood niggers + kikes (have a nice car or dress well but don't own property) mess with and woo women. A lot of parents do that care, also, but even the ones who do care don't have the ability to keep a spouse at home to homeschool the kids. I don't mean so they can 1488 their children, but so they can make sure they understand and have felt love before they get to puberty and have nigger culture absolutely destroying the meaning of love. There are spaces far better than public school for learning social skills.

There is a lot of cultural pressure for kids to have access to something that is for adults. Allowing children under 13 unsupervised access to the internet and especially ((youtube))) is child abuse. Public school is basically the same thing since odds are they will have that access. It's not the fear that they'll see a gross picture or look at porn though, those things are not nearly as distressing as the idea of them learning to vegetate to a computer screen and let weird AI generated videos stimulate them aimlessly in a period of rapid cognitive development, instead of experiencing the world, hard work, and literature/philosophy once they hit 15 or so.

Consent used to be 14 in Canada... Kind of miss it since I came slightly too late to the party.