What if we are wrong, and we're actually the bad guys the whole time?

What if we are wrong, and we're actually the bad guys the whole time?

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Blacks like you are the back guys

Then your body will be ripped to pieces by stray dogs in a favela.

The far left is a little too hypocritical, too contradictive and failing too hard at the argument. They've had their time in the sun and it's a little too obvious, even to normies, that they're the bad guys.

>Bad guys
>When the opponents are moral relativists


I'm glad you're doubting yourself, idiot


I am fine being the bad guy while the "good guys" are messing with childrens hormones and condemning them to an early death.

if im the bad guy there are no good guys.

The final red pill is that Sup Forums is always wrong

Just remember; our side has a superhero (Based Stickman), a wacky animal sidekick (Pepe), an edgy anti-hero (Sam Hyde), a wise deity/mentor (Kek) and a bunch of plucky kids from different countries who unite as one (Sup Forums).

While the left has a Dark Lord (Soros), a witch (Hillary Clinton), two supervillains (Professor Bikelock [Eric Clanton] and Giraffe Neck [Michael Isaccson]), a bumbling idiot who always puts up obstacles to the heroes that they find a solution for (Shia LaBeouf) and a bunch of faceless, black-clad minions (ANTIFA).

Even by the same simplistic pop-culture standards liberals use, we're the good guys.

I dib't know man, I'm just tired. It's seams there is no hope ahead.


A lot of people's faith in their beliefs falter
Spend some time reading twitter screencaps and it'll come back to you, I promise

You are right user, maybe I've been drinking too much of their postmodern koolaid and I'm ain't thinking straight.
Is that sometimes I just can't... I'm tired of fighting...
Thanks user.

The very ability even to ask this question implies critical thinking and thus that we are much less likely to be wrong.

The bad guys in history are always the losers. The victors write history.

Dont lose.

We are, this is ineviteble. In the eyes of perspective everyone is always both right AND wrong at the same time.
What's causing this chaos rift right now is that right isn't recognized on both sides.

>There is no such thing as good and evil
>All wars are meaningless
>History is full of deception and rewritten by its victors


>Sup Forums

>everything is right and wrong

Simplistic, empty platitude. You're not wrong, but you do not understand what you are saying which is why your insight amounts to nothing.

The "bad guy" is a point of view. I am aware that I am evil; I don't care; I do what I must.

The irony of moralism is that it's morally wrong. : ^ )

You are not the bad guys but the cause youbare ready to fight for is lost 70 years ago and you guys will only make it way, way worse, for white people.


War is coming.

We'll be ready. Will you be?

>don't work out, imagine how weak you will be if you were to hurt your self.

>What if we are wrong
That's the fucking joke. If we're
>ebil nazis trying to prevent inevitable progress
then it's all going great.

Then it's all the more important that we win, so we can retroactively define ourselves as the good guys. Duh.

Nothing is fucked here, guy. Keep the faith.

I like your style, user.

I fucking wish loser

You're just now considering this?

>Way worse for white people
>Worse than systematic replacement in every european country and continued demonisation in the media when we're a tiny minority like in SA because kikes want to get revenge for one countries stand against their disgusting treachery

I'm willing to take that risk

I would spend eternity in hell so that my children may live in heaven

No it was always on the back of my mind.

I would say the average perception of the far right is that they are predominantly a bunch of racist, sexist, xenophobic, antisemitic, Islamophobic, white identity extremists that are hellbent on getting a white ethostate. If that isnt the bad guy, I just dont know anymore....

We will be if we lose

Don't give a shit; our people or bust. If you don't care about your people, then you are the bad guy.

"Islamophobic" and semite-critical are trending now, c'mon.

Everyone is racist but white people are the only ones scolded for it
Likewise, funny how africa kicking out all the white people, Israel kicking out the niggers and China not allowing non-citizens to buy land is fine and dandy.
Umm that's counter-semetic sweetie, and it's common sense, they're trying to destroy our culture and traditions and are incredibly racist and xenophobic
You'd be a retard not to recognise the dangers of islamic terrorism, sharia law and their holy book that justifies raping children aslong as they are not muslim
>white identity extremists that are hellbent on getting a white ethnostate
Not really extreme, it's how nations have always been formed, by ethnicity and multicultural/racial societies have always collapsed and mixed everyone together into a new one, why is it a good thing to destroy the european people entirely to you?
>I just don't know anymore...
Because you're brainwashed by the media into thinking the government is doing good by being lobbied by multinationals and big banks to bring in cheap labour and undermine the people's capability of working together to overthrow them


>a bunch of racist, sexist, xenophobic, antisemitic, Islamophobic

I see the fucking left as all these things, but in the worst way.
>Racism - Black voters are too dumb to get IDs
>Sexism - Women cannot succeed on their own
>Transphobic - Mental Ill people should be celebrated
>Antisemitic - The left hate Israel
>Islamophobic - Hard right religion that does acid attacks on women in schools

You still have hope? What's that like?
The world is fucked but we're still the good guys

Im simply stating what the mainstream narrative and the likely perception of the Alt Right/Far Right is by the average person. Most of the ideological points made here would be bashed even on the most conservative news channels

Not bad, just lazy and easily swayed.

Not particularly. This is all literally going according to plan.
We have made great strides in Balkanizing the u.s.

We will have revenge for ww2.


I know that feel, meu nego. Quinto periodo, historia, numa federal

Someone post self-defensegenocide.jpg

that gyno...

University, media, society, normies.
I'm so alienated, so alone.
But you believe in me, I'll believe in you, and maybe, just maybe, we all are gonna make it.

If this is wrong, I don't want to be right

>'''conservative''' news
It's all the same shite, conservative is just the pro-israel pro-warmongering apporach.

Regardless of whether it's nice or not, immigration will continue and the government will continue to betray the citizens unless they are stopped and no one is going to endorse rebellion

Prepare the gas chambers.

That's because of the current ((consensus)) beaten into the heads of the masses for at least half a century. No other group besides whites have been systematically taught that self preservation and acting in their own interests is wrong. Now that the situation has gotten this bad, any attempt to restore demographic homogeneity would require force, which is pretty unpalatable to the average person living in the West. As long as people are comfortable, why would they want to risk that and possibly their lives for something they honestly believe is a bad thing courtesy of the conditioning. As Yuri so eloquently put, these "useful idiots" will ignore the truth even when it is spelled out for them. They can clearly see their countries are changing in front of them for the worse, yet this constructed sense of morality has them believing this is for the good of humanity. It's sickening that it has gotten to this point, but I do believe that the painful truth will come out eventually. All these -ists and -ics you have listed exist because there are consequences of letting these groups gain unchecked power, as they don't play by the rules we so diligently follow. History shows that the truth is not always popular, but in the end it prevails. Once things finally destabilize and it all comes tumbling down, people are going to wake up to the reality of what is at stake, whether they like it or not.

>perception of the Alt Right/Far Right is by the average person.
First of all, the 'alt right' is a fabricated term. Secondly, pic related.

Kyle is a kike who wants open borders you alt lite faggot. Jesus newfag do a little research into your

I actually feel sorry for a lot of you college kids "finishing" up this weekends homeworks.

Taxes don't mean anything to you hahaha

"The Legion prefers to stand united even if it choose the wrong way. If the Legion ends up in hell, it shall still be united. After successfully conquering hell, we return victorious. It doesn't matter if we win, lose or sacrifice our lives. The most important thing is that we do it together as a entity of iron."

I have full faith in what I believe in. To me all concepts of "Right or wrong" are myths. You can discern what will "work" from what won't sometimes, but even then it's beyond the human brain for a lot of things.
Fascism in my mind is the only movement that could possibly succeed in changes the modern western world from the shallow, sad and poverty stricken road it's headed.

And if somehow we were wrong, at least I can say we tried and enjoyed the journey.

The fact that we would even consider the question is the reason why we're not

Take it as the regime from 1984.
Theres a war going on called capitalism (to which we have no viable alternative) where people try to outsell/outproduce/outwork the next. In this war there are obviously losses (the poor, the incapable, the socially excluded like many anons, basically most of the unhappy people on this planet). Theres also a hierarchy with corporate CEO's on top.
What does the "government of Oceania" do? Incite the "perpetual state of war" to give purpose to their grip over you.
The enemy is the minorities and anyone who oppose any action that leads to the inner party losing money.

In Brazil, the inner party is half a dozen of very rich pricks in the south of the country and in the US its people in the "FORBES top god knows how many" and higher tax brackets.

die in a fire op