Why do you think IQs of liberals are so much higher than for conservatives?

Why do you think IQs of liberals are so much higher than for conservatives?

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a difference of less than one standard deviation on an average. kek. libshits grasping at straws.


People can be correct/incorrect for the right/wrong reasons

Liberalism has usually thrived in places with a higher barrier of entry. I'd wager there's much less of a divide now than there was a century ago (despite the fact that geniuses like Elliot or Lovecraft were openly racist).

I work in an environment with a relatively high IQ average, academia, and people are unapologetically communist. I, however, align with conservative values despite being over 150iq, though I give it a pragmatic spin.

Education and intelligence lead to liberalism

oh my gosh 57,000 nation wide? that's almost as many homeless conservatives in half a dozen inbred rural retard country towns

All of the liberals I know have observably lower intelligence.

>mean adolescent intelligence

It starts off with little kids who haven't been indoctrinated with lib shit. Once it starts going towards liberal and very liberal it's nothing but highschoolers. Fascists actually have the highest average IQ but you would need a sample outside of grade schools.

It's a fake study that is almost impossible to actually be done in an unbiased manner. Also, most people on here aren't conservatives, fascists aren't conservative, they don't even fit on that spectrum, and that is another issue with that study it is using a stupid dichotomy.

The study is dog shit and so are the results.

It's total bullshit. They did things to find politically oriented stuff like recruit liberals form a college campus that was mostly white, then go to a street corner in New Orleans to collect the conservative views. All they did was use a race IQ difference to their advantage using biased selection. This shit is so poorly done. I am amazed that journals assume they have any integrity left.

> Fascists actually have the highest average IQ

That's a big difference brah. Of course it's kinda easy to see why you don't understand that.


>140 IQ
>VERY VERY far right
Checkmate libtards

The real answer is that it took over universities and the upper classes. Which both have higher IQs than average. But they only maintain control by aggressive indoctrination and purging people with dissident views.

How come they can't meme? How come they can't recite their own philosophy instead of having it regurgitated? How come they can't be clever, funny, or witty? How come they lead degenerate lifestyles that are harmful and lead nowhere?
How come you think your random chart matters at all?


Lol look at this fucking retard
>I'm less then 1 full standard deviation dumber, so that means I'm smarter

Do you have proof of this?

Gonna need a source on that, chief.
Can't expect any logical person to believe a party that captures ***90% of the negro vote*** to have above average IQ.

Because higher IQ people are more likely to go to university. And universities put a heavy emphasis on teaching you liberal ideology. For example, you are forced to take general education classes that focus on a lot of writing. If I didn't write papers that were supportive of my professor's liberal agenda in my political science class they'd get marked down. People that aren't very political can easily be indoctrinated towards those ideologies because of that. Especially when they're living in an artificially diverse society, with only the smartest blacks and hispanics. They end up thinking there isn't a race problem because they met a bunch of nice black people while in university and assume most of them are, or could be, like them. Which is wrong.

That's why people that work actual manual labor jobs are more likely to be conservative. They live in reality and not a closed-off liberal bubble. Likewise, people tend to become more conservative as they get older because they start actually experiencing reality and it doesn't match up with the liberal nonsense they were taught.

I am diagnosed 160 IQ by Mensa and have been natsoc since 14 (now 29).

>How come they can't meme?
The real question is, why do you measure intelligence by memeing? You're also assuming Sup Forums is representative of the average conservative, when it's just a small portion of them.

Sup Forums can meme because you guys spend all of your free time on the internet doing this pointless shit. Liberals with lives suck at it because they're doing other shit with their time. Not that they don't waste their time too, but they waste it doing different shit than being angry and creating frog memes.

So it's natural that Sup Forums would have a better skillset in memeing and, to some small extent, internet debate. They spend more time doing it. But internet debate doesn't translate to real life very well, which is why Sup Forumstards always get rekt when they're under scrutiny.

But to sum up the rest of your post: they're busy enjoying their life and leading their "degenerate lifestyle" while you're sitting in your basement being angry and improving your meme and debate skills. That's why.

move that to a global scale, and remember that whites are like 8% of the world population, and niggers vote 95% liberal.

Libertarians are far higher than liberals.

The reason liberals have a higher iq than conservatives is that duller people have problems with abstract reasoning. They won't be able to hold an abstract ideology in their head. a dull person simply does not have the ability. the conservative cares about what is around him and what effects him in reality.

There are even less libertarians because it requires abstract thought and why they are exclusively white males.

What is amazing is that being liberal is not good for offspring. They understood this a long time ago and hence pushed for shitskins.

no it isn't XD!!!!1

There is a difference between smart and clever people.
Smart people tend to be liberals. clever people tend to be conservatives.

Clever people will never allow themselves to become a minority in their own country.

138 checking in. Very conservative

>I am diagnosed 160 IQ by Mens
Oh god I am so sorry

You're also guaranteed to not have a 160 IQ because you used the word "diagnosed" which is only used for illnesses, retard.

>leftist word diarrhea that can barely convince the leftist himself

Lol, pure manipulation

Well, I speak 5 languages, so perhaps we can instead converse in one I am better at, as English really isn’t my strongest point.

I'm a conservative.

Links broken for me. Would love to see the study, OP.

Seeing how communists purge intellectuals, that's a wise move.

Because IQ is bullshit pseudoscience.

> The real question is, why do you measure intelligence by memeing?
Because it takes being clever and having wit. A sign of intelligence. It takes creativity. A sign of intelligence. Liberals can't.
And if you can't do something as simple as meme? You're fucking stupid.
I mean I can't measure someone's intelligence by their ability to eat crackers while standing up. But if they can't? I'm not going to assume their a fucking genius either am I?

The livescience site seems to go out of their way to hide the data. All I have been able to find out so far is that it's a Canadian study from prior to 2012.

80% of beginning freshmen at historically Black colleges and universities didn’t earn a degree within six years. Sad! google.com/amp/s/www.ajc.com/news/local/year-graduation-rates-many-hbcus-lower-than-percent/TH1IXkSReeQEFQnnMjbxQN/amp.html

>IQs of liberals are so much higher
yeah, right...

Found it:

Statistically niggers are less intelligent than snow niggers by 20 points. This is unacceptable to point out to liberals.

But if there's a statistical difference between two political groups that's just fine though am I right? What a fucking joke.

because smart city people voted Hillary

>Didn't include libertarians on that graph because the other bars would have appeared to be minuscule

>not counting niggers for liberals
This study is racist as fuck, and not counting niggers is cheating

>Inability to meme
>expect to be taken seriously on the world's most popular origami and papercraft board

Even our beans and niggers are smarter than Californians

>muh college discrimination

>the right side of brain determines creativity

Poetic, really

>implying animals can hold political ideologies

This could be true because black people vote 95% democrat and have an IQ approximately an entire SD below whites

California has an average IQ of 95.5

what a beautiful new world your people are creating

Its because the smart adolescents who say they are liberals are libertarians fronting as liberals. "But self-identification is often misleading; do kids really know what it means to be liberal? The GSS data are instructive here: Kanazawa found that more-intelligent GSS respondents (as measured by a quick but highly reliable synonym test) were less likely to agree that the government has a responsibility to reduce income and wealth differences. In other words, intelligent people might like to portray themselves as liberal. But in the end, they know that it's good to be the king." content.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1968042,00.html

>Because it takes being clever and having wit.
In the same way a hobo on the streets can be "streetwise" and clever, but is actually retarded or he wouldn't be on the streets in the first place. He might know how the streets work over a liberal and how to make a living out of it, but he isn't a smart person.

The same way you guys have a particular type of internet wit that doesn't actually translate to intelligence.

Your attitude towards them is the same attitude a homeless person would have to a coddled person not understanding how street life works. And yet you wouldn't argue that the hobo is more intelligent, would you?

And yet college educated whiteys still voted for trump. sage

>Low IQ & Liberal Beliefs Linked To Poor Research?

>Watch out Sam Harris, Gordon Hodson and Michael A. Busseri of Brock University are giving you competition for the worst use of statistics in an original paper.

>Their “Bright Minds and Dark Attitudes: Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact” published in Psychological Science1—headlined in the press as Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice—is a textbook example of confused data, unrecognized bias, and ignorance of statistics.

>What makes the study ludicrous, even ignoring the biases, manipulations, and qualifications just outlined, by the authors’ own admission the direct effect size for “g” on “racism” is only -0.01 for men and 0.02 for women. Utterly trivial; close enough to no effect to be no effect, their results statistically “significant” only because of the massive sample size.


Yeah same. I would like to see who they are choosing to interview. Leftist studies are rarely honest and accurate. Anything to win, any lie, anything.

Brainwashing in college leads to liberalism.

Why do you think these numbers are true ? Retard.


Nothing more trustworthy than a study that primes itself with language like...
...Linked together into a negative string of buzzwords that would confuse a bee.

I can imagine it now, "Sir, are you a RACIST FUCK REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?!" The entire premise lends itself to social stigma, intellectual bias, and weasel words. To put simply, if some stranger walked up to you on the street or to your door and asked you what you thought about the other races what would be likely to say? Most people would respond in the positive.

This map corresponds more with race than politics though. For example, Vermont and Montana are both very white and have average IQs in the 103-104 range, but have opposite politics. Likewise, California and Alabama have similar average IQs but opposite politics.

Luckily AI will take over the world and exterminate all unproductive parasites before 2100.

something doesnt add up here.. all the niggers and spics should be lowering the liberal IQ?

>there's actual discrimination against conservatives
>there are active policies to benefit non-whites

>To put simply, if some stranger walked up to you on the street or to your door and asked you what you thought about the other races what would be likely to say?

Scored 120 on le mensa test

Lean conservative but understand the importance liberalism played in improving quality of life for the non elites

Because being high IQ is correlated with being higher-socioeconomic class and being higher socioeconomicclass usually results in you being brought up in a bubble where you have a biased and innaccurate idea of how the world and black people really are.

It’s not that being liberal causes you to be higher IQ or being higher IQ causes you to be liberal. It’s that being higher IQ is associated with being higher socioeconomic class and being higher socioeconomic class causes you to have a warped , bubble-view of the world where liberalism seems like it could be viable.

Trust an Aussie cunt to come out with this shit. There's a reason you lot were kicked out


>guy who lives in a country with like 12 black people thinks he has a better idea of blacks than people who live in communities where black people are the majority population

Only someone with a low iq would believe that.

>To put simply, if some stranger walked up to you on the street or to your door and asked you what you thought about the other races what would be likely to say?
I'd tell them to buy me a drink or three if they want an answer.

The higher your education the less likely you'll come in contact with shitskins and the few you do meet will tend to be much better behaved. Intellegent people tend to be sheltered in this way.

I honestly never seen that one.

why do liberals focus on studies like this but ignore the ones showing that niggers are dumber than whites?

Ever been to London? There are 12 black people on every street corner.

It isn’t.

Africa demographics will return to normal as soon as we stop funding their states

Because communism has taken over academia many years ago. Being left leaning has become the norm. Watch this video
Before the cold war, or rather, ww2, conservatism was a strong part of american culture. Until Fdr fucked everything up

Actual citation please.


And that'll happen any day now.

Go actually read the methodologies for these bullshit studies
>Gather a thousand people
>Ask them extremely leading and leftist biased questions
>"Do you hate gays"
>"Do you think that corporations should be allowed to oppress people"
>"Do you think that some races should oppress other races"
>Correlate bigoted results with "conservativism" and not bigoted results with "liberalism"
>claim liberals have higher IQ
Its so insanely dishonest.

120 is nothing to brag about lol

Only smart people could convince themselves so obviously wrong is somehow right.

Wouldn't surprise me.

They aren't.

Meanwhile back in reality.

London is 13.3% black.
So, if that's the city in London with their highest representation in the population, it's still less than the totality of USA on average (14% black).
UK is 3% black, so it goes without saying that the majority of Brits don't even see an entire race on a day to day basis.

Even if it happens in 100 years. They will crash into war as they are incampable of cooperation and get back to something like 100 millions


>so much higher

It's nowhere near as high as the difference between niggers and whites. Why do you think that is so genuinely different? Obviously you'll avoid answering because leftwing scum don't care about the truth. In reality smart people tend to be pussies so I don't know why anyone would be shocked by this. Ask an "intelligent" liberal to name a black neighbourhood they'd want to live in and you'll see how "smart" they are

Just goes to show that overall Spics are dumber than niggers


Intelligence has very little to do with ideology.
I have a testified IQ of 135+ by Mensa, doesn´t mean much but disproves this nonsense since i am very much to the right.

How many millions will migrate into the West in that 100 year period?

Wow, great sources there to back up your bullshit