what can we expect from the last episode?
zombie couple
What can we expect from the last episode?
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Zombie Kaisar would be as mindless as the wave of bodies that let him go up to kill himself.
Rita won't do that to Kaisar because so be ready for some bullshit like she giving her unlife for him to be a sentient zombie. Of course the first thing he will have to do is to kill the now mindless Rita
1. Kaisar is not dead yet
2. El will return to life and heal Kaisar
>El will return to life
How? If Michael couldn't, El can't too.
You think the writer cares about that? He has a 50/50 of staying dead or coming back to life
>El coming back to life
Who could have seen that coming
If Kaisar comes back, Jeanne will kill him again.
Nina will kill Favaro
El comes back and takes out Bahamut. To everyones surprise Cheerios and Nina are dead. El Mugaro is the new king with Jeanne and Sofiel serving as his consorts.
Crossover with Kakegurui, they challenge Bahamut to a card game and he has to go home and stay there if he loses.
>implying it won't be a kemono friends crossover where they announce the writer will do its season 2
he died and came back 3 episodes later.
such pottery.
sweet release
What will happen to Azazel?
Will king El Mugaro dominate him and take to his rape chambers too?
sofiel 1/7 scale when
I'd pay moneys to have that ass on my shelf
Noice Also, why Japs drawing nipples on males?
Zombie couple is the only thing that can redeem this show in any form. Give best girl her prince.
>/ss/ ending
Why not.
they didn't even bother to bury him and just for whatever reason left him on top of a table. he'll be back. the more important question is how nina will fuck everything up this time?
Kaiser is reincarnated as Michael and runs away with Jannu. Rita forever alone.
Did Genesis get any figs? I kind of doubt VS will in that case, even though there's a lot of attractive characters.
The Amira fig that was announced a while back still has no prototype
Maybe Lucifer will do something.
>El revives all the victims of the battle
Would make for an akward meeting with Alessand.
Does someone have a decent shot of Azazel's top hat?
Will he return?
> Lucifer
> Doing something
Azazel isn't with him right now, so he can't be bitched into action like before.
Why is Azazel wearing Cheerios' clothes?
At the very least he's going to help with containing Bahamut like he did last time. They also said he only did it because Azazel was there so he'd still have a consistent motivation now.
Kaisar's hand looks pretty lively
sofiel and jeannu become my moms, i live in pure happiness for the rest of my life
>things would be a lot different around here if sofiel and jeanne were my mums
I'd buy a Sofiel figure in a heartbeat.
Also eat shit shipper scum.
I'm going to miss this
S3 when?
I can't wait for Nina's happy ending!
delete this
>Jeanne got shafted even in the BD cover department
Shit sucks.
That's because Jeanne's the villain.
I still wonder if there's any significance to her being left out of the ed, I mean Sofiel/Lucifer/Gabby not being there makes sense in the most part since they really couldn't be considered part of the 'main character' group, but Jeanne definitely is, so why leave her out?
It's not like dancing would suit her any less than someone like Azazel dancing like a retard.
Why is Kaisar so pretty?
So in the end, how was S2? only saw S1 and i didn't really like the MC in the first episode of S2
It's been pretty badly received, the story is kind of a mess as it is. If you didn't like the MC and already watched the first ep then you may as well just not watch it.
Preview pics should be out today right? I wonder if they'll spoil anything major? I don't care about Nina and Charioce, I just want Kaisar to live and Jeanne to finally get a happy ending. Bonus points if Amira pops up which at this point I'm 90% sure she isn'
Non-inbred aristocrat.
He gets it from his mother.
Fuck it make Nina the new Bahamut or the new Dragon of absolute destruction.
> mfw Kaisar is actually more beautiful than his mom
I guess it's probably more just that her features would suit a masculine face more, but jesus.
Favaro is next now?
>In order to protect Charios IV from the hands of Jeanne and Azazel, Caesar protected by himself was standing at the edge of death. Meanwhile, the resurrected Bahamut destroys the world. In the world towards the end, each is forced to make a decision.
Oop, I reckon Gabby's going evil after all.
Kek. Alessand still not ded enough.
I find that hard to believe, though I don't really know why Dias would bother picking up his body, it's not like he should really care whether it gets trampled or messed with.
>rita holding her husbando's hand so it looks like he's not completely dead yet
>jeanne and azazel looking depressed
>charicoe still not giving a fuck
>favaro injured and bleeding
>cerberus doing somthing
>dias dragging around alessands dead body which probably means the little cunt isn't dead
>gabby finally doing somthing
I'm genuinely curios how this is going to end.
> Charioce still not giving a fuck
I don't know, he looks at least somewhat mad, judging from his eyebrows.
> probably means the little cunt isn't dead
Could just be that he didn't want his body to be fucked with by revolutionaries, he technically was the captain of the guard during this battle.
looks more like cerberus is reacting to something, what with that weird light and her squinting and shit.
This is, by all logic (which the show continues to shit on with the power of asspulls and Charioce's plot armor), the end of the human kingdom. Nobody should care where Alessand's body is at, especially since the Orlean Knights have been destroyed.
El is Jesus.
>Alessand's dagger becomes a legendary weapon in the next series
I swear to fucking god MAPPA, she better end up happy.
Good at first, shit now. Don't watch it.
Amira will come back and save him r-right?
S1 was as well, and we still got S2. And mote episodes to boot.
I loved both seasons and hope for another.
He is Judas.
>eats like 11 gunshots and a spear wound to the heart
>still alive
Is this the power of /fit/?
No, it's the power of best girl.
>Meanwhile, the resurrected Bahamut destroys the world.
Oh wow, they are going that route.
Let me guess, Cheerios attacked Nina and Favaro shielded her htat's why he is bleeding.
Didn't you know? The only way people become evil in this show is if they oppose Cheerios. So the only way Gab could turn evil at this point is if she tried to prevent Cheerios from shooting at Bahamut from Dromos because it could destroy the world or something.
Coildnt be more wrong. Fabulouso jumped to save Cheerios from Softits and Dykrnun.
What reason would he have to attack her at this point? His attention is fully focused on Bahamut now. I'm not saying it can't happen since with the writing of this show it's very possible, but it would be stupid especially since this is the finale episode and they already have a lot of shit to wrap up this ep.
> yfw he's actually looking at Amira here
Nah, it's probably something retarded like Favaro shielding Nina from a Bahamut blast or a rock and getting himself killed so we have a symmetry with Kaisar dying to protect Cheerios.
Man, Favaro is one hell of a late bloomer. In Genesis when he was in his early to mid 20s he looked like a complete goofball. Ten years later, he became handsome as fuck.
Please tell me they aren't going to have him live. Killing him off like the pathetic scum he was is one of the few things this show did right.
I want to believe
I mean, I doubt he's alive, honestly. We saw in the previous scene that the light totally went from his eyes, and since I doubt Dias is some amazing healer, he probably wouldn't be able to heal a pretty awful abdominal stab wound.
>Bahumet IS Amira
>maleXdragon for both series MC end
What do you think her fate is going to be? Will the writers finally give her a break, or is she going to ride the suffering train to the very end?
I wonder what this red light shit is in the background? I can't remember well, but I didn't think they did this for Bahamut in Genesis.
Just looks kind of odd, like it's a magical effect or something.
Honestly I just want her to be able to live away a simple peasant life with El,while occasionally getting visits from Azazel and Sofiel.
>stay in heaven
>live in her little peasant house alone but peacefully
>get her wish of living together with her son again if he comes back to life in the finale
>stay in the capital and rebuild it along with the orlean knights and maybe even becoming the captain again
It's probably going to be one of these.
It will be some bullshit like Dias shows Jeanne Alessand's body and Jeanne has had enough of this life and cancels the whole war on Charioce
> stay in the capital and rebuild it along with the orlean knights and maybe even becoming the captain again
highly doubt this one, her being doubtful of her ability as a knight without her powers + years of living as a peasant farmer have probably dashed whatever chance she really had to be a knight again.