Why did Sup Forums suddenly turn against Peterson?
There's very few living philosophers aligned with the alt-right, shouldn't we take what we can get?
Why did Sup Forums suddenly turn against Peterson?
There's very few living philosophers aligned with the alt-right, shouldn't we take what we can get?
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He's not alt-right, this faggot thinks he is too brilliant to be labeled.
Forces try to discredit him. This man speaks truth
>The Alt-Right has become a soap opera
You niggers aren't even a real political movement. Dicky Spencer and Kike Enoch did a good job of making Sup Forums into a joke.
He's aligned with Israel, not the alt-right.
>Sup Forums
>respecting their opinions
Lol suck ya mum m8
>why are non-Sup Forums boards having non-Sup Forums opinions???
Maybe because the rest of this arctic snowpiss-designing smoke signal network thinks you r/the_donald and stormfront retards are subhuman scum.
Don't think this question deserves its own thread so I'll ask here
What other boards are friendliest with Sup Forums? I'd say /x/ for sure and maybe Sup Forums
>What other boards are friendliest with Sup Forums?
/sci/ really likes race and IQ threads, they always get 300 posts (climate change skepticism threads too)
Because he isn't telling white girls to have sex with me
have sex with meeeeeeeeeeeee not tyrone REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
/po/ has always been friendly
you cockroaches seem to turn up in most boards. Sup Forums and Sup Forums get bad sometimes.
it's okay though, you'll be stamped out and the world will go on without you.
What is the alt-right?
Does Peterson represent it or not depends of MIlo, or any representative of the gay republican-gay community, the faggiest fags out there.
Being a fag has lost it's shine lately as estrogen in the water has made heteros slightly more feminine.
If you like pony fuckers you can go to /mlp/. They are a bunch of degenerates though, so if you can't handle gore, you shouldn't go there.
I know Sup Forums is a battlefield but it's between tumblr and Sup Forums so you know who the good guy is
I'll have to start visiting /sci/ more then I guess
They should all be gassed for ruining this board. The only entity that did more damage to /pol. was /r/the_donald
I was about to explain why until I saw the leaf flag. Not even kidding.
He’s not alt-right. He hates Nazis and ethnocentricism.
>Sup Forums
> friendly
Peterson is open borders and anti-nationalist. He believes nationalism in Europe, the Europeans who want basic safety from foreign threat, who don't want to be raped and run down on the sidewalk or blown up at a concert, are the same as SJW's because they both want "safe spaces".
But what's his position on Israel? Quite the opposite.
He's a fraud who proffers impossible radical individualism to Whites, and collectivism, ethno-nationalism and safety for Jews.
I agree, but saying that here is somehow more controversial than saying the holocaust is real.
He's not a "philosopher" and not aligned with "alt-right. He's another Liberal sockpuppet.
He is such a giant faggot.
>Forces try to discredit him
>is a regular on Fox News
He's 100% glow in the dark Masonic gatekeeper
Why should I clean my room and learn how to talk with women if I'm betting on getting a robo waifu with an artificial womb to clean it for me???
This guy linked a fucking HuffPo article about Jewish poverty on his twitter. That pretty much tells you all you need to know.
Why do leftwing scum have no honour? Is it because you're weak beta males?
No one turned on him, he just got enough influence to matter which has prompted invested parties to launch a defamation counterattack.
There are many interests that have built a lot of wealth and power on young men staying compliant, easily distracted and useless slabs of fat.
Just look at history, they're the ones that topple rulers, tear up hierarchies and start revolutions.
The fact the whole pro or anti jew question is pushed like it's relevant is just a sign of it. If he can be labelled anti-Semitic - great, that'll put an effective stop to the ever increasing large normalfag groups from listening. If he can get stuck with being pro jew, great that'll turn a large portion of the grassroots movement that pushed him up to start tearing him down with just as great effort.
It's a win-win deal and the fact some old guy telling young men to stop being slobs and sort their shit out gets this amount of heat just shows how threatened the power that be feel.
I'm not overly impressed by JP personally, it's nothing new, but the amount of delicious butthurt entertainment he's causing is nearly worth paying 14.99 or whatever that book costs itself.
This tweet... From this moronic perspective, no "identity" is "earned", nor are your character traits, your intelligence, your work ethic, etc.
He clears a path for the sjw he claims to oppose. From such an understanding all individual achievement can also be dismissed, because the fact you control neither your environment or genetics means that the person you are is not earned--this is effectively the argument of the most extreme egalitarianism, which is why some people actually argue for handicapping intelligence (which is unearned). Equality of outcome is the natural endpoint of this kind of thinking. He is a subversive and nothing more at this point.
Also, JBP strikes me as the embodiment of the "tactic of counterfeits" explicated by Evola in his discussion of tools of occult war:
>It may happen that after the effects of the destructive work reach the material plane, they become so visible as to provoke a reaction, and thus ideas and symbols are employed for a defense and a reconstruction. In the best scenario they are values of the traditional past, which come back to life thanks to this existential reaction of a society or civilisation threatened by dissolution. Then the occult war is not waged in a direct manner; often attention is paid to promoting only distortions and counterfeits of these ideas. In this way, the reaction is contained, deviated, or even led in the opposite direction."
He actually brings up Jungian psychoanalysis as just this sort of distortion, in that this is actually more dangerous than Freudianism, because it was the same general effects in the end, but appeals to more intelligent people who are not satisfied with the crass Freudian stupidity.
It also fits with the fact that he has been given such wide prominence by obvious subversives. He is allowed to be portrayed as the borderline of acceptability and the overton window when he is as subversive as anyone else, when push comes to shove.
The cornerstone of Marxist subversion of the West was to convince Whites that seeing themselves as a group, especially as a group that has a right to protect itself or even exist, was pathological and evil. Whites are now working to undo this Marxist brainwashing and for the first time in decades standing up and saying: "No. We do not need to be ashamed of our history, in fact we should take pride in it, and seek to uphold and preserve our culture and nations."
Peterson lashed out at Whites working to simply break the Marxist conditioning and assert our right to exist in the face of total genocide. Not only that, he used the same rhetoric as the Marxists to browbeat us: "How do you define White anyways?". Only the White race is deconstructed in this manner, and it is only done with the intent to do violence to us and to weaken our resistance to the Marxist genocide of our race.
Peterson falsely equivocates the Left using identity politics as Marxist class warfare with the indigenous people of a nation having a healthy sense of group identity and working together to protect their own interests, including resisting a genocide being perpetrated by those very same Marxists. He shills for (((Ayn-Randian))) individualism, and is pushing this ideology on Whites while simultaneously chastising us that turning to group identity as a survival mechanism in the face of genocide is dangerous and immoral, comparing it directly to transsexuals demanding "safe spaces".
Such behavior is subversive in the extreme, and it should be no surprise to anyone that Whites are reacting negatively to it.
Peterson fans are quick to browbeat Whites with the same rhetoric, even going so far as to promise to commit violence against any Whites who choose to collectivize in response to the Marxist genocide of the White race.
he gave a talk in the Netherlands pretty anti immigration.
hey that's not fair, let him defend his statements in a debate.....
OH WAIT HE DOESN'T DO THOSE because he's married to a jew and he's an establishment puppet
Peterson is better than most YouTube stars and is helpful for some but ultimately what he is creating are better betas.
Thank you
We have common sense.
All that the left has is their bet on the future.
Protectivism (Conservatism) is the automated response of all humans in dire times, which are guaranteed to come very soon. We do not actually need Peterson, if he decides to reconfigure his thoughts and pander to the left.
Sup Forums is a board oft peace, you're welcome everywhere
>aren't even a real political movement.
It's so cringeworthy how people keep posting this meme.
The alt-right isn't a fucking political party. You're the dumb nigger here. It's really just a broad group of people who acknowledge 2 main things: the JQ and the issues facing whites, mainly the anti-white rhetoric and immigration/demographics. Ergo a bunch of podcasts, blogs, articles, etc...
Peterson isn't "aligned with the alt-right" whatsoever.
He's a radical individualist who countersignals, strawmans and dodges debate with the alt-right as much as possible. It's all super self-serving too. He gets labeled "alt-right" or "alt-right friendly" by left-wingers and he doesn't like it, so he takes the bait and starts flinging shit towards the alt-right. Yet every time he's tried over the last few months, he's made himself look like an idiot.
For example, he was utterly speechless and couldn't answer an audience member's question when asked something reasonable that was JQ related. He even disinvited Faith Goldy from a free speech panel he was co-hosting.
And like I said earlier, all his twitter quips aimed towards the alt-right were totally childish. Nothing but strawmans and dodging shit left & right. Not a single decent argument. It's incredibly revealing.
Been saying this for months: he make inherently Marxist arguments. Kevin MacDonald crushed him months and Peterson came back at him by denying genetic in-group preference, thereby invalidating evolution as whole.
>It's all super self-serving too
Here's a pasta i wrote some time ago for these threads. This is the conclusion i arrived to since being attracted to Peterson's lectures in 2016 up until mid 2017 when he got called alt right a couple fo times and started sanitizing his public image:
What I think happened is that somewhere along in 2015 Peterson looked at the budding alt-right/lite subculture, and how much raw fucking cash its figureheads and clowns like Chernovich and Milo were raking in, and realized what a goldmine it was. He cultivated this stern fatherly Boomer persona and then started signaling to right wingers that he was “with it”, and forced himself into the spotlight with the whole pronouns non issue. After his client base got nice and big, he started sanitizing everything starting with that fucking travesty of a “free speech” event with Faith Goldy, and then going on his infamous Twitter meltdown. Now he’s a regular on Fox News.
I was checking one of bullshit tweets the other day, someone disagreed with him and they got bombed with a ton "bucko/clean room" memes. These people are airheads who were so devoid of meaning until a fucking leaf told them to clean their rooms. That's how fucked they are.
We might consider false flagging as a leftist and writing about how Jordan Peterson actually reaffirms the Marxist positions on race, and try to lure him into a response.
Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /bant/
then it's just a bunch of talk and no action? got it.
>alt right
cute falseflag kike
/vp/ is surprisingly polarized. I can tell quite a few Sup Forums anons post there too because of the Pokemon reaction pics they bring back from there. Sup Forums is a fake deep board.
>waah Peterson doesn't want to debate literally who youtube nazi larpers
Cry more
the only cringe here are dumb faggots that try lumping anti zionists and anti immigration with retards like dicky spencer, such as you and every failed at life white boomer. good job keep validating a failed media trick.
Or we might just ignore the pussyfaggot leaf. He doesn't want to debate, fine. Nature is reasserting itself no matter what. His Jewish wife and shilling for Zionism and globalism won't change that.
Peterson is clearly a neo-marxist Trotskyite disguising himself as some sort of radical-centrist ideologue in the temporary political timeline. We witnessed this political maneuver in the United States by elite Democrat officials directly after the election of President Donald Trump.
There has been a organized platform to present a type of "centrist" dialog by Far-Left restrictionist elements across our society, culture, and political system. J. Peterson falls under this far-left Trotskyist internationalist political category called Neoconservatism in the U.S.
The man is a fraud who is running a deceptive media campaign in order to implement a shady end-game for even shadier political interest. Jordan is being -propped- up for a reason. We now have everything needed to completely dismantle Jordan's agenda to water-down American Populism in a sustained campaign. His cult like followers will scream, curse, and become violent as all cult members do when their cult leader is inevitably removed.
We can use his fame as a vector for redpills.
There are thousands of channels of jewtube that rehash Peterson's content (for shekels, they have affiliate links in their video descriptions).
We create "Jordan Peterson Reveals the Secret for Total Happiness" videos and post them to jewtube, except that we infuse the videos with redpills.
Kevin McDondald presented a simple argument and Peterson went into total fucking meltdown with adhoms and strawmen. Just like you.
The alt-right isn't a real thing you fucking rebbit moron.
This, the Alt-Right is worthless, however you look at it. They are an embarrassment to true nationalists, and should be ignored by anyone with an iq in the triple digits.
True nationalist here, can confirm
This is another point: Alt-Right isn't the term for a movement, it's just applied to any people who agree on a few key things, among them being that White people deserve to be left alone, our nations preserved, and that we have nothing to apologize for.
Hans Hermann Hoppe noted that the alt-right is distinguished and defined only by what they hate. There is no theory.
It just so happens that what they have in common is implicitly or explicitly pro-White.
The alt-right was there when the right didn't have any voice. We should be eternally grateful for it.
I believe we can have a future where there are some countries that are racially diverse and others that are entirely homogeneous and I see that genocide of any form is wrong and we don’t need another genocide to make this happen, we can do it by working together with a utilitarian mindset and benefiting from diverse people working together and having the freedom to choose if you want diversity or homogeneity
you retarded orange dutchmoorsma.
this guy is lightyears beyond where you'll ever be
>Psychoanalyst turns out to be a weirdo
what a twist
By Canadian standards he is a right wing extremist. By American standards he is a subhuman liberal socialist. Which he is by the way.
>"I'm surrounded by Soviet art because I find it fascinating, that's all..."
The guy is so full of shit.