Post things that give you hope

post things that give you hope




I'm not paying for that shit. There's a difference between rights and entitlements

Why does it gave you hope ?

posts are liberal getting a taste of reality but always find a way to talk about diversity even after tasting said diversity.

They are not redpilled.

fucking this

It's not about that. Majority of people here, unless they were raised right, started out liberal to to media and educational indoctrination.

There will inevitably be a few liberals who kind of just go with the flow who will see that post and start to shift in mentality. Any little thing is a win

/r/news has progressed a lot in terms of opening their God damn eyes to what's happening. The only reason I stay on Reddit is because that's where the possibly-confused liberals are and I put in a consistent effort to sway them. Not to mention reddit and Sup Forums are the same fucking userbase

>resources are rights
really oys my veys

Bonus is you know what this came from / what it means.

No one is entitled to another man's labor - that's not a right, it's slavery. kys you're not even human, commie.

How does that give you hope? That some white people don't have a learning disability and notice when they are surrounded by nigs treading them like shit constantly?
Especially notice the second person even afraid to call blatant racism out in favor of using "resentment" which implies slavery and how we "wronged" black people even though it's over a century in the past more than a lifetime ago. The only thing we owe them is a boat ride back to the motherland.

bump. I need some hope today.

>young huwite checker mutters under his breath

"I know where this came from, and it's not wrong"

even though illegal immigrants cause a lot of crime, their existence raises the GDP which is always cool so its not that bad

fake news Abo

>Live in the hood
>Start getting my shit fucked with
>Defend my property and myself
>Become bigger target
>Thankfully most if the order generation and decent hard working folks stuck with me
>Stand together and work with police
>Neighborhood isn't as bad now and more local businesses are moving in
>Hood rats btfo

Just stand up for yourself god damn.
The people will follow, they're tired of being fucked over by hood rat gang bangers too.






/r/news is completely inorganic, it's legitimately botted to hell