English is le 56%: the language

English is le 56%: the language

It's a melting pot of languages: a muttation that stole vocabulary from purer languages such as latin and french. It's in the nature of the anglo not only to mix and muttify, but also to conquer and expand his degeneracy. English is becoming the global language in a world of racemixing, multiculturalism and moral decay. No; it's not a coincidence that a mutt language and the anglo-americano-jewish culture is leading it

We should ban this abomination and recover latin as the lingua franca

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English is literally 26%. My god

Never considered this before.

Maybe you are on to something.

of course the native english speakers will ignore this thread

This makes me wonder what English would look like if it never got muttified and just evolved purely from Old English. Would it be more like Icelandic and German or more like Scandanavian languages?

>Linguistic purism in the English language is the belief that words of native origin should be used instead of foreign-derived ones (which are mainly Latinate and Greek). "Native" (inborn) can mean "Anglo-Saxon" (Engelsaxish) or it can be widened to include all Germanic (Theedish) words. In its mildest form, it merely means using existing native words instead of foreign-derived ones (such as using begin instead of commence). In a less mild form, it also involves coining new words from Germanic roots (such as wordstock for vocabulary). In a more extreme form, it also involves reviving native words that are no longer widely used (such as ettle for intend). The resulting language is sometimes called Anglish...


>text in anglish
In all other unclefts are found other motes as well, about as
heavy as the firstbit but with no lading, known as *neitherbits*.
We know a kind of waterstuff with one neitherbit in the kernel
along with the firstbit; another kind has two neitherbits. Both
kinds are seldom.

This pic is misleading.

>English was evaluated to have a lexical similarity of 60% with German and 27% with French.

german also has latin, greek and even some french words

>There are different ways to define the lexical similarity and the results vary accordingly.

That's cool but it's just lexical changes. I'm also wondering how the grammar and phonology would have evolved and if they would have been more in line with the other Germanic languages. Probably impossible to tell though.

It's interesting that this linguistic purism seems to focus exclusively on vocabulary and not at all on grammar, syntax, or pronunciation. That kinda defeats the point of removing foreign influence.

Wow the kikes are out in force today. What a pointless and retarded thread. Do you ever notice how some retard always agrees at the start and then they never post again

My point is that lexical similarity is a better metric than simply comparing every word.

>guy complains about English
>in the English language

Kek nice meme Juan

metric for what? what i say here is that english has many non germanic words

je suis d'accord mais nous devons utiliser le français


at this rate your country will be juan'd in a few decades

look at the state of their church of england, based on divorce, lets women become ministers, and are about to allow gays to marry. fucking anglos are degenerates. everywhere they go they spread the sin of jezebels

Learn Esperanto.

>Recover latin

Larp and fag.
Speaking english already elevates my status in this shithole. It's the first requirement to not get gassed

le plupart des mots dont il a utilisé sont français pêh
language, mutation, vocabulary, purity, etc. etc.

Is multiculturalism in the anglo DNA?

Your only relevancy is it be used as a retirement home for us brits.

>when brazil and spain complain about racemixed language to hide their history of racemixing people