Holy FUCK the comments are COMFY GET IN HERE!!!!
What the fucking fuck is a baltimore
your average american city
aka mutt shithole
nigger city USA
A gójim tudja! LEÁLLÍTANI!
That's a real uppity remark coming from a commie block dwelling polack.
I take commie blocks over niggers anytime
Enjoy, you deserve it.
The comments are pretty tame and locally involved. Are you wanting to Sup Forums it up or something? 24 NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER posts perhaps?
Not like Detroit is much different these days from a communist tenement residence circa 1980s to be honest m8.
Commie era is behind us and our buildings are slowly getting renovated though, US on the other hand...
commie blocks can be improved, or broken down and renovated.
niggers on the other hand...
And commies take niggers anytime.
My first job after college was in Rockville. Can't begin to tell you how happy I was to get the fuck out of that shithole and move to Texas.
you know before we settled down we had such a great rampage through Europe and we enriched their churches with the blood of children and enriched their women with our dick they even tried to pay off to Khazar khanate to beat us but we just fucked them ups as well and chased them off to the desert we are the original enriches you there is no amount of niggers can enrich us culturally because we just enrich them back
Commie tenements have better lasting construction than Detroit
>Poland does not have rundown buildings
Enjoy, you deserve it.
Built in 1976, deemed structurally unsound, thus condemned and abandoned in 1989.
>Demolished in 2016.
You're retarded
Gypsies and poor romanians enrich theű eastern provinces every day
The audacity of these kikes is unbelievable.
I fucking hate leftists
>reeeee the Russians interfered in our elections
>reeee fuck Orban we need to get rid of him
A particularly choice section was the authors alarm over the concentration of media into the hands of Orban loyalists, but I doubt he batted an eye at every media outlet’s support of Hillary. I hate leftist so much.
Thanks, I happen to be living in a strikingly white, Republican and wealthy city of Eagleland at the moment.
well they are only able to do that when the cucks let them run free and have there own little blocks/districts/villages if they would be separated into smaller groups they would behave a bit more moderate but when they outnumber you 1 to 100, of course, they will have their way
>also the situation here isn't nearly as bad as in the "west"
Pic (((related))).
pic related
Géza! Szólj Hans-nak, hogy hozza a lángszórót, schnell!
ne baszogas már nem látod hogy zabálok majd a jani elintézi
Kurva menő ez a kép!
You don't want to know
Én szeretlek titeket srácok.
It's a nigger containment zone where niggers live in the picked over remains of a city white people made a couple hundred years ago. Pretty scary stuff.
Looks comfy and safe compared to nigger blocks. Before you start spewing about commie block this, commie block this, I lived in a renovated one before in Poland. They were pretty fucking big and decent size. The walls are sound proof because of the thick slab of concrete.
Compared to a brand new apartment I lived in for a couple months in the US, where you can fucking hear everything through the walls. Bullshit US construction due to Jews.
You should see France, more uglier and more scary.
Was not about aesthetics, just to commenting on its sturdyness. It should have collapsed, yet didn’t.
Nice wall.