This is a thread for the discussion of all ideologies that promote self-ownership, individual liberty and the natural order.
>Discord & Book Club: fnmp99D
>The Law (Frederic Bastiat) -
>Anatomy of the State (Murray Rothbard) -
>For a New Liberty (Murray Rothbard) -
>Democracy: The God that Failed (Hans Hermann-Hoppe) -
>Reference - See
>Torrent - magnet:?xt=urn:btih:8d8ec6ef882dee291f119eb69994797574e5d616&dn=Anarcho-Capitalism%20Books
>hoppewave | Hans-Hermann Hoppe | physical removal -
>Against the State - (Hoppewave Hans Hermann Hoppe) -
>I need a Pinochet! -
>Drop it like it's Hoppe -
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For Life, Liberty, and Private Death Squads
What do you guys think about cute lolis?
They're implicit as fuck
reminder: all libtardian threads are started by commies
and get hijacked by anti-constitutional shills
so wary
>The Law (Frederic Bastiat) -
read all his works on
Commies and nazis get the helicopter
why are you still a libertarian?
become a neoreactionary
Any attack on socialism is an attack on the collective well-being of the White race.
Neoreactionaries are just lukewarm monarchists who have lost to superior third-position populist ideologies such as National Socialism, and as such have no place on this board.
We're hard right wing libertarians, we already are reactionary.
BTW the Libertarian Party has been coerced by jews and pedophiles.
Pic very related. Fuck socialists. Stop stealing from working whites.
NRx just believes monarchy is better than democracy, that doesn't mean monarchy is that great. It's just a way of pointing out how utterly horrible democracy is.
Nazi LARPing is just cringeworthy
Friendly reminder that libertarians never accomplish anything
We clearly didn't rape Poland enough.
top kek
So what you're saying is you have no real ideas at all?
How predictable. Take the red pill, faggot, volkish socialism is the only way forward. We'll just FORCE the bourgeoisie to work for us, make them repay their debt to the worker until we can have a true classless society where race is the only quality in humans.
It really looks like you value the "collective well-being of the White race"
after all, rape is just a sign of love
You won't be laughing once we slam the wooden gas chamber door on your subhuman ass, Polack. You're not even White, real White countries embrace some form of socialism for their people.
Go suck Karl Marx's cock you larping flaggot.
Poles aren't White, and yes, rape is superior to sex in that it creates children in place of infertility. Read Evola, faggot.
Karl Marx was whiter than you, Jaciek. That oughtta suck.
You'll be hanging from a street sign, if you can afford those that is.
just a reminder, it's halfwits like you that's the reason the Right has been losing for 400 years. NOBODY likes you, and your ideas lead to ruin.
libertardianism is dead
Good thing the (((right-wing))) is a false narrative sold to you by capitalists.
Socialism is a good thing, and if you faggots can't realise it on your own, maybe it should be rammed into you with the butt of a rifle.
If you niggers ever spew any arguments I might actually listen to you but you all seem subhuman low IQs who cannot have a proper debate.
Keep supporting that central bank you larper.
Sieg Heil, brother.
It was a scam all along, built by faggots who didn't want to pay their taxes and propagated by shabbos goyim like Ron Paul, who'll die an old wretched failure in a year or so.
If you think right-wing=capitalism then you're clearly a communist and you've clearly never read Evola.
I mean fucking hell, are you literally 12 or 13 years old? I know its supposed to be ironic but I honestly can't fathom men into their 20's sitting at a computer, typing this shit, posting it, having a chuckle to themselves. It gives me the fear to be honest.
A central bank is the ideal institution to support the (((material well-being))) of the people, until we transition into a fully nationalist, (((money)))-free society. Take a hint from the NazBols on this one, they've got it right.
>Ron Paul
Top kek. He literally spawned the alt-right. Know and respect your elders you fucking kike.
Good, right-wing failures like yourself should be afraid of a truly anti-capitalist, anti-traditional ideology like National Socialism. We are the only way to the future, and for that we must do away with old-fashioned concepts like monarchy. No hierarchy but racial hierarchy, to say otherwise is degenerate (((individualism))).
A monarchy can last hundreds of years, how much did the 3rd reich last for? You people are anti-civilization itself. You are anti-hierarchy.
okay he's trolling lmao
what board are you really from man
The alt-right gets the rope too, too much (((lolbergtardian))) sentiment goes on there. Any trace of (((capitalism))) must be uprooted, any whiff of (((individualism))) must be destroyed and any little piece of (((tradition))) must be tread upon (heh) to pave the way toward the future of National Socialism.
The Third Reich is eternal and to say otherwise is heresy against the race, you subhuman filth.
Hitler and Stalin were both basically monarchs.
Nononono. There is one very significant difference in those two forms of authoritarianism.
Fascism is public ownership of the state. Monarchy is private. Thus monarchy will always be superior.
Not really, absolute rule isn't a core part of monarchy, thus it needs to be done away with. That, and the hereditary aspect of it - the only attachment a Leader should have is to his people, not to his family.
I'd even propose to build a new capital city for the Reich, somewhere on the Dogger Bank in the North Sea would be a good spot for creating an artificial island with the seat of the Leader built upon it.
Shut the fuck up ahahaha, go eat a kielbasa or something you utter nigger
(((Sobieski))) betrayed Europe, when it was closest to being conquered by an actual goal-oriented faith since the days of (((Charles Martel))). (((Christianity))) is weakness and a rot on the White race, and it just so happens that (((Poland))) is as (((Christian))) as they get. Islam is better than that filth.
(((Pilsudski))) is another bastard that "saved" European (((right-wing))) governments from the spread of a worker-oriented worldview, and will rot in his grave for it.
Why are (((Poles))) such a mistake? We'll need to correct it sooner or later. It's as easy as re-opening the camps.
Right wing is capitalism, wtf are you talking about?
libertarians are just asking to get racewar'd. You are either with us or against us. NatSoc or non-white
I just love echoes so much, it's truly a wonderful invention of modern National Socialists to combat the enemies of the White race.
neoliberalism general. that's what you people are, neo liberals/globalists.
Exactly! Volkish socialism is the only way forward, you cannot withstand the might of National Socialism if you're not a socialist, so you best get with the pogrom, nerds.
No, neoliberals pretend to be socialist to fool the working man, whileas these vermin stand in open defiance of the power of the State controlled by the White working class.
no, it isn't.
right-wing, as historically understood, is to be loyal to the crown, to value hierarchy, tradition, order, religion.
capitalism is fundamentally liberal. there are liberals who lean right, sure. just as there are liberals who lean left. but liberalism is not rightism.
There is no hierarchy other than the Leader above all, and then Whites > Muslims > Honoraries > Other Asians > Native Amer*cans, South Indians and Aboriginous People > Niggers > Chr*stians, get it through your head
That's more societal. Maybe pre Adam Smith, but that's irrelevant. Hierarchy forms naturally within capitalism, just voluntary. Other social aspects are just dependent on how authoritarian the society is. And can't really be enforced in an ancap society anyway.
I hate Amer*cans so much. You'll bow to socialism sooner or later, too, and then we'll go to work on instilling true White volkish values in you.
i'll humour your LARPing
who should "the Leader" be in the 21st century?
societal leanings is exactly what the left-right divide is about. i still wouldn't call capitalism a right-wing thing. Some of the biggest capitalist organisations, Google, Facebook, Goldman Sachs, clearly lean to the left on most if not all of the important social issues.
Toss me the discord link.
austrian economics debunked (redpill overdose)
>gold standard is unstable and not a viable currency, susceptible to fraud and dependent upon mining
>they are openly anti-scientific, rely on "praxeology", they are philosopher at best
>dumb ideology funded by koch brothers think tanks (CATO) to convince ignorant armchair economists
>every prediction they had is proven wrong
>they business cycle theory is wrong
>they don't use scientific method, no maths, no statistics, nothing, just speculation
>only used as political rhetoric by ron paul to rile up his gadsen-flag hillbilly voterbase
>all of peter schiff's predictions are wrong, he has been preaching doomsday for decades
>mainstream economics agrees with less than half of their policy
>literally no respects austrian economists today, abandoned as early as 1950's
>only good thing to come out of it was Hayek, who wasn't even Austrian since he rejects praxeology. He contributed to price theory, and added to the socialist calculation problem. Also his philosophy is superior and way more nuanced compared to mises/rothbard.
top global econ journals, ZERO positive austrian results, all negative! outdated! wrong! pseudoscience!
>Discord & Book Club: fnmp99D
from the OP
you are getting (((nosed))) lolberts
want to learn REAL economics? no problem, open source PDF book
Blogs (neurtal-center right)
>argument from authority
>democrat meme flag replacement
Sup Forums has really been shit lately huh
They benefit from it, but we also have a high degree of socialism in this country. These niggers have been getting a free ride of corporate subsidizes for decades.
Implying you still have an helicopter, and you are not in a camp, comdemned for degenerate behaviour and lack of loyalty to the State and the Race. Oh, you have a gun ? Cute. Seized for the war effort. And you add 20 years to your time for trying to shoot a civil servant.
Heimbach, hands down. He's unlucky enough to be stuck in Weimarica, but he's a real man fit to lead a real movement, and as such should be hailed by White nationalists worldwide.
We can't compromise - it must be an ethnically Aryan German person (check), pagan or Muslim (Orthodox are basically Muslims so it's good), with no prior history of associating with Jews (not so fast Kike Enoch or Bitchard Spencer).
Since Heimbach is pretty much the only one not into having Jew girlfriends or mentors, he's good to go.
What the fuck is this dumb larping?
>Hahah, Im going to make up imaginary stories where all my guys win and you LOSE because you SUCK!1!!
jew shill
Keynes is pretty much the only semi-decent non-NatSoc economist, and a lot of NatSoc economics is similar to his own.
We'll all ditch that after we've achieved full automation and a classless, money-less society, of course, but in the meantime the State (that is to say, the Leader) MUST have FULL CONTROL over the nation's resources and working power.
This is where Heimbach comes in - he's VERY socialist, just what we need.
>hurr i believe in anarcho capitalism
>durr the internet is being censored by private entities and jewish pressure groups!
the internet is anarcho capitalism, and whaddaya know, the result was anarcho tyranny.
>not real ancap
>hasnt been tried
>it would be great if it wasnt for kikes
>just need a higher iq, highers trust society
or any other horseshit.
>with no prior history of associating with Jews
he LITERALLY had a Jewish girlfriend
This, the traitors among the citizens are chronically unable to damage the state in any way.
Oh, and by the way, (((Koresh))) and his (((Christian))) sheep deserved to burn as soon as the thought of resisting the government crossed their minds. Anybody want a barbecue?
what did spencer have to do with jews other than having a jewish teacher? what a stupid argument.
No, I believe that'd be you. Abolition of the central bank would mean the Leader wouldn't be able to control ALL of the nation's activity, that's (((individualistic))) and downright criminal.
Im sorry that youve got to be robbed to give any of your wealth to causes you believe in, but Im perfectly capable of willingly giving my money where I think it should go - that's party of why the robbery of it is so fucked. Especially since it definitely isn't all going to places it should go.
Forgive me that I don't want to pay for Senator Joe Shekelborg to purchase some nice Haitian children to fuck, or for La Quinisha's ten kids.
Thats not what americans do all the time ? Fapping on superheroes then getting owned by iraqi guerilla ? Or vietnamese ? Or afghan ? Or...
You get the meaning. LARPing. From the guys who got their history from hollywood and have an history channel explaining bigfoots are footmen of flying saucers...bad choice of fight my man. Truely.
Socialism isn't Jewish, you kike liar. Bourgeoisie nationalists like yourself get the rope too, only National Socialism has shown any results.
You WILL submit to the will of the worker.
Holy shit Im fucking dying, you think that fat pathetic pig should be the new leader of the glorious fascist state? God I cant even picture how pathetic you are
That's the thing about all you dumb fucking national socialists, you are pathetic terrible people who project your sorry state onto the rest of humanity - you think because you need some dictator's cock up your ass to behave like a decent human being, everyone else does too! A man capable of running himself would never be so desperate for a strong leader to have control over his life.
Are you implying Heimbach is a faggot?
And such terrible taste as well, I mean, look at the kike holding the flag, I bet not even his (((mother))) thinks he's handsome, LMAO
>Some of the biggest capitalist organisations, Google, Facebook, Goldman Sachs, clearly lean to the left on most if not all of the important social issues.
Those companies do engage in capitalism, but they're not promoters of capitalism.
Firstly because free market capitalism is not really well-liked by the majority of their audience, so even if they were pro free market capitalism, they wouldn't be public about it.
Secondly because free market capitalism doesn't benefit the big guy as much as corporatism does. Being able to lobby a government is way more efficient than competing in a free market once you're big enough.
This is now a natsoc thread. You are under an invasion.
(((Spencer))) is a Jew himself, and a CIA plant. Plus, he too isn't socialist enough - a bourgie "nationalist" like many others before him, all FAILED to produce any results, of course.
>hurr durr theres evil conspiracy that prevents retards like peter schiff and tom woods from getting into academia
You are anti-empirical and deny science. Trailer trash brainlet cuck faggot lmao. muh praxx praxx!
27/76 posts are by a communist nigger larping as a Nazi in /lrg/. Really makes me think!
Any refusal to pay for the worker's welfare will be met with a firing squad. Can't have rotten (((individualists))) in our classless utopia, luckily your (((kind))) isn't good at blending in.
They are the panzer elite ! born to compete ! Never retreat !
Ghost division
Leaving our dead ! Allways ahead ! Fed by your dread !
he's just underage
(((Charlemagne))) was a faggot, but at least his precursors built what amounts to the first central bank of Europe, so he wasn't as bad as the others.
Holy shit, you literally cannot argue without fallacies
>Having a rest before the next assault
Libertarianism and Anarchism are poisons invented to destroy civilization. Materialism is a cancer. Only a corporatist nationalism can save the white race and the west. Everything else will just create more problems.
Also, sage.
>our classless utopia
I am laffin!
Fuck, kid, Id rather shoot the types who think its okay to straight rob people.
>internet is anarcho capitalism
Heimbach isn't fat, you fucking retard. Just saying this should land you in a forced labour camp.
I bet you also think that Stahlhelms must be made of steel; well, if the Leader wears one made of plastic, then he disproves your heresy in one fell swoop.
Let me let you in on a secret - the truth is the matter of what the Leader says. If Heimbach says something, it becomes true, as he is the manifestation of the natural order and the natural order is just an extension of him.
Sieg heil !
Materialism is cancer, but you've got no argument. Libertarianism provides all the tolls humanity needs to succeed in the fullest
(((Corporatism))) is a puppet of the (((capitalists))). Embrace socialism or meet your fate. Wasn't (((Riviera))) executed by the State? He deserved it, what a faggot LOL
Strenght in unity
Funny definition of natural order that you have, when the natural order means one dude can declare things to be True which might directly contradict reality, but then it magically becomes true.
How can you ever listen to yourself and not realize your cultish insanity?
>idolizes Pinochet, an authoritarian dictator
choose one
Quit LARPing, the French are barely even White. We crushed you in 1940 and we'll do it again, and this time we won't even let you speak the (((romance))) abomination of a language that is French.
Any deviation from the Nordic ideal will be met with a hail of bullets and a stream of delousing gas, Pierre, ANY.
The Leader is the only legitimate entity beyond the (((material))) world of illusions, and as such has the final say on how anything should be done.
Any action not explicitly endorsed by the Leader should be met with a hail of gunfire.
I hate frogs but it's retarded to call them almost non-white because they're degenerates.
Blinded by the radiance of the Leader, are you?
Read SIEGE and you'll know all you need to know about the (((right-wing))).
You'll get your own share of the rope when the day comes. Denial of the obvious is the highest degeneracy there is!