Will you be ready?
War is Coming
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idk, sure
I'm ready to watch it all on tv!
Ready to avoid it? Yup. I've stockpiled supplies and weapons in my grandparents' bomb shelter and I'll be in there waiting for all this to blow over.
It will not be a war you expect it to be.
Sure.. us urban wealthy types are going to wipe you white trash racists off the map. It's about time we purged the rural trash that elected or 'king of the white trash' president.
i'll be dead of old age and boredom
This. I’m working on saving up and building a mini compound as soon as I can. It’s literally the only reason I am working my ass off so I can protect my family when the war hits.
>steals your baked beans
We'll just stop food shipments into the cities and you will be murdered by your pet niggers and turned into a hat
But are you ready to fight it? Do you not care for your own people to simply watch it on a screen?
These burglars were retarded af
1776 but it's 2018
Good luck faggot. The niggers are gonna burn the cities down first. Have fun trying to get out of dodge when the authorities block all roads off and the only people allowed to pass through are medical and law enforcement.
You’ll be the first to get raped and shot by niggers. Hahahah
I bought a gun, but it wont save me
It'll just give me a chance at a few more moments
I've been ready to BLANDA UPP for months now.
but i got a bad knee
that flag is horrible though
I been ready for 10 fucking years!
I'll believe it when I don't feel completely alone in this strange and insane country.
>implying I haven’t played all CODs
>he doesn't want Estonia to fulfill Sweden's destiny of unifying the Baltic
I want to die having my dick in some qt.
Some key advice, you need to build a support network to. You won’t survive on your own.
Been born ready.
Whoever said you cannot fight with a bad knee? You can always fight the war from home by fighting on the propaganda front.
Hell yeah i am! Been training for months now, and the thought of bloody civil war is the only thing i have to look forward too. Bring it on!
It won't be a shooting war, though.
It will be economic & informational.
The winners will be the wealthy. So, forget stockpiling beans, start been stockmarketing!
Honour your glorious ancestors, always fighting against the non-huiiites
Can't wait for this war if it happens.. a time to finally purge all the useless rural white trash once and for all.
>a time to finally purge all the useless rural white trash once and for all.
That is, if we don't starve you to death in your own city by cutting off your food supply...
We've been here brother.
Waiting patiently.
Exactly this.
Isn't that just an improvised HEAT charge?
Isn't HEAT nearly useless at penetrating armor more than a couple meters away from it?
Wouldn't it be more practical to just put them in the road under the vehicle's path?
Yes. But I'm not fighting - not my war.
They wuz kangz
N Sheeeeeit
>history repeats
so you are going to lose this time too?
>>history repeats
you will make a skinhead your leader
>The EFP is more robust - it doesn't lose so much penetration power if fused at a distance and isn't so susceptible to some reactive and passive armor techs.
>In addition to that it does produce more spall (if I remember correctly).
>A minor advantage could be that due to the opening angle it is probably a shorter warhead.
>The drawback is a much lower nominal penetration.
Remember boys and girls, SAGE goes in all places...
The only good Nazi is a DEAD NAZI
Counter-bump. Get fucked, commie.
>I might get to kill liberals one day
I'd only do it if they were threatening my family or country with violence. I hope they do.
I'm ready right now. Can I start executing Jews?
>communits and fascists
cool cant wait to see the fight between two of the most underrepresented ideologies on the planet.
Spoken like a true coward Brit- you people are no better than the French now
time for some roach pruning
Fucking niggers
>Being this delusional.
Keep thinking that.
It’s just like talking to someone who thinks gun buybacks work and if they don’t we can simply consfiscate them.
If it goes sideways, which I don’t think it will, God help us all.
God should help you fags get off meth, welfare and fent.
>goes in all places
Hello newfag shareblue.
I hope Pakistan and China steamroll New Delhi.
My city has kilometers of underground tunnels.
I'll be fine.
yea but im starting to have doubts because of the american soldier go-pro vid in niger getting shot will hurt
If you got shills in your thread, it means you're doing something right.
Fuck yeah, I'm ready. Just got back from the gym. Are YOU prepared for the upcoming war, white man?
And yes.
>"Haha, get rekt, stupid whites!"
>"Hello, friendly neighborhood niggers, I'm an ALLY, I promise -- my liberal arts degree says so"
>"W-why are you grabbing my wife like that? H-hey! Those are my food supplies! :("
U really think a fascist political party will get elected into the US federal government democratically? Must be retarded. First, before fascists even get into power, you would need to deport half of the Dem voter base (i.e., 30 million niggers and 50 million spics) and then somehow appeal to the lefty-whites who are so far up eachothers asses smelling each others farts that they won't be able to hear your cries for national purity
War? I'm ready to watch wars happen via the Internet while they are fought on another continent. But yes I am getting more fit and more acquainted. If things ever got out of hand here, there are more than enough people to take our country back. I'd only look after my family and friends in this scenario. The only actual war I'd fight in would be one against Israel. I'm not dying in a jew war, I'm going to have a family and a career.
Been waiting too long. Now I'm too fuckin old.
Never forget you 'wealthy urban types' made huge tracts of under and working classes within your cities and they hate your fucking guts and cannot wait for the balloon to go up so they can burn you out of your comfy homes