
And this board is ours.

Himouto Umaru-chan is excellent. Hamster posters an embarrassment. Please stop.

I'm stocking up on cola in anticipation.

What the fuck is that thing!?

the obligatory umaru threads are the only reason I come to Sup Forums anymore

Hype. Originnnannnigog

We need more bootleg anime amazons in this world

It begins anew

A hamster

fucking rat has to use a pair of fake hands to do a gendo pose

Which episode was this mind conference in? I want to watch it again now.

And there's nothing they can do about it!


I want to have sex with Umaru.


I'm sorry, but by then Index will have burnt this board to the ground and salted the earth with Hamazura memes.


*I want to fug that nug

Ratposting should be a bannable offense

Ten more days until Sup Forums is un-fucking-usable until the season's over

Have a folder ready with Umaru bullies and lewds, we can make the best out of this shitty situation

kek you admitted the situation triggers you. oh no, looks like you slipped up

I only admitted to enjoying bullying you ratshitters, but it looks like you just admitted to being triggered by it

except you didn't, you kept pretending you were looking forward to it but now you've admitted it's a shitty situation...shit now everyone will know you're just a triggered baby...