>be american soldier
>die in some shithole for no reason
>nobody cares you're dead
Non blocked video: mobile.almasdarnews.com
>be american soldier
>die in some shithole for no reason
>nobody cares you're dead
Non blocked video: mobile.almasdarnews.com
Other urls found in this thread:
Who released the video and why are there US forces there. Isn't Mali a French occupation?
Footage was taken off dead soldier's go pro by nigs
ISIS in Mali took the helmet cams and uploaded the footage.
Mali's been having issues with an islamist insurgency for a few years now, Frogs with the help of RAF went in a few years ago and I think they're still bogged down.
Trump better let some Tomahawks fly because that third video (last 2 minutes) fucked me up and I've seen a load of gore, something about a white, english speaking bloke getting fucked up.
We mostly went there because they were threatening some factories and mines we own
We wouldn't give a shit otherwise
Brutal. The ending is fucked along with what they had to fight. Someone on our side fucked up big with intel.
Do you know anything about it? It was never really covered on the BBC.
All I know is we sent some Tornados who did a handful of airstrikes but our involvement was mainly logistical with the RAF helping out the French army and FFL with supplies and transport.
Anyone know when this actually happened?
>soft skin vehicles
>no US air cover or back up
Gigantic fuck up
The naval seals can't handle a fair fight. LOL Bakiiya! Bakiiya.. Roar!!
November last year
direct link to video? there's nothing on that page
I believe they were attached to a Mali/Nigerian army group as '''advisers'''', not sure if they were expecting to walk into a killzone in soft skinned pickups. Normally SF don't go anywhere without air support overheard, so I'm guessing someone talked and these guys got lit up doing something they thought was routine.
I'm assuming they had air support or were expecting it by the red smoke to mark their location, that or it was just a panicked attempt to conceal themselves.
It's still fucked up, though.
Good, if you're stupid enough to join and fight for a ruling elite you deserve what you get. I dont feel bad at all when solders get blown up, IT THEIR FUCKING JOB THEY SIGNED UP FOR.
4 guys vs hundreds of niggers. Still held their own against the feral hordes. Niggers are worthless in everything they do.
This happened back in October. We haven't done anything about it because we're officially there to train and advise the African coalition, we're not authorized for combat missions, so we'd probably have to rely on the French to kill or capture whoever did this.
And the French probably won't do it.
>hundreds of niggers
claiming the presence of thousands of niggers is the standard pussy ass white boy modus operandi after getting BTFO by Bulls.
Here's the video for anyone who can't see it on OP's link: photos.google.com
12 niggers more like LOL
>be american "special" forces
>lose to this youtube.com
lmao not so hot when you dont have billions of dollars of drones and aircraft covering your ass 24/7 are you
Why is this continent allowed to exist? We could scour it of all "human" life in a few years with modern military technology. Camps wouldn't even be necessary.
you guys are a little late to this. this was basically a psy op to put the fear of god inthe locals by having americans there. there was drone also, unarmed. it was 7 us soldiers and 20 armed blue soldiers. the blues ran. and 3 guys were killed. they edited quite a bit, the original vid was over 10 mins.
>not so hot when you're outnumbered 100 to 1
ftfy. Reminder that special forces aren't Saiyans.
>implying there was a hundred
like said, typical white boy excuse for getting totally BTFO by KARA BOGA's blessed soldiers
it says photos in it nigga
Dead link
ahahahah so fucking pathetic
Viva Mexico!
them pig screams tho
ok Rambo i bet you would have killed them with your bare hands
>be australian
>shitpost about how mutts die in wars
>forget my land lost the war against emus
nice try straya cunt
Remember "Israel" has permitted ISIS and Al Qaeda to build up permanent bases along its "borders" for several years right under their watch and the "Israeli" military is openly protecting the terrorists from attacks by its neighbors armies to destablize them and wear them down with attacks from these Israeli proxies.
Remember the U.S. gives Israel billions of Dollars for free.
>be american
>die screaming like swine
Why are you so shit at manly things Americucks?
whoa. this article is flat out wrong.
I mean, he only has to post about Operation Cottage for an attempt at a comeback.
No shit. But it's the video.
>be oz bitches of amerifats
>get sad about dead pigs
Australia should be eradicated along with US of Cowards
Youre too scared to live in your own country ffs
how so?
nigger skulls make a distinct type of snap (compared to arab suills) when being ran over by super tanks
i gotchu senpai, here's the full video with nasheeds and shit
2ch dot hk/news/src/2418823/15201893457970.webm
you may need to repost that image for this guy.
the wh*Te dog is no match for me or any BLACK man when he doesnt have his coward planes to help him...
hahaha wh*Te boy... you're in Africa... my homeland... you have no idea how fucked you are...
same, click on the thing and it's just a picture
btw, is ISIS dead?
I haven't heard of these fellas for awhile.
It should fuck you up because you're literally watching evil achieve a small victory over good.
Reminder that Israeli shills aren't allowed to show their flags.
>Not paying PMCs to do this shit so there's plausible deniability
Americans step your game up
One of them was black you retard
Try to organize a bunch of sub 80 IQ for conflict, and let us know how you did.
Thanks - nothing but a Under 18 jpg for me either.
That music alone make me want to glass the entire place.
any traitor to Africa or KARA BOGA (allah) is a white man... he has welcomed white cum to destroy his once pure BLACK skin...
Hey Jason, how's life in your mommies basement?
God I wish that were me.
Why the fuck are we still sending Americans off to die In these shitholes.
Idc if they are white, black, brown, yellow, etc.. We need to quit being the world police. I’m ok with sending missiles and airplanes, these sandniggers pose no threat to the US.
Because you got the 1st world army. You should be glad that they aren't paid to do nothing and get real experience.
This video shows how unprepared they were.
Training to fight for Israel
So what are they doing over there?
Protecting assets? Searching for terrorists?
I'm not even American but, may god bless these American soldiers, It saddens me to see them dying for some bastard terrorists. the Americans don't deserve the le 56% meme, they are fighting for freedom.
killing Sahelians to relieve demographic pressure on Israel
My thoughts exactly. There is literally no value for Americans to being there.
>you should be happy to let your troops die for no reason
Also are you happy about the french troops in Niger training as well?
do you guys just read the headlines?
who knows? they might be JSOC and therefore a private army of the executive branch and completely un reported on by the civilian government
I’m ok with them being paid to train within the continental US and having them prepared to fight a war with an actual threat to the homeland.
By fighting hordes of sandniggers and niggers that the CIA and Israel armed? What’s the point?
damn, I don't really worship zogbots or anything but just hearing my countryman die like that gave me feels
>I’m ok with sending missiles and airplanes.
P-please ameri-kun, dont bomb my schools again.
Stop saving me, save sweden instead.
>who knows
Every fucking source says training with Niger army
Gimme a video link to the clip without the nasheed audio. I wanna hear his screams.
I don’t give a shit if a few good brown skins end up dead over there by mistake, one American life is worth all of theirs put together.
Why are only whites being sent to their deaths? Are there no niggers in the USA military?
There was a black guy if I’m not mistaken. I think I remember his wife knocking Trump or something. Might be a different incident, but it’s still fucked no matter what color the American is.
watching this video was quite upsetting
i cant imagine being the family of these soldiers looking at these videos
knowing wifes wont see their husbands again or children wont be seeing a dad
i hope they can atleast res in peace
I think most of the colored people work in the rear echelon
They all work in Supply and at the exchange. Coincidentally, lots of shit gets stolen.
Actually I think he was there.
Sgt. La David Johnson
His asshole wife took no time when it came to knocking Trump, after he called and offered his condolences.
Rekt by sand niggers. Notice how chubby this soldier was to? Lul fukn burgers. Have fun getting disarmed by the jews over the next few decades and y’all will do nothing about it!
>being this retard
When they say "Training with niger army" what they really mean is "we're doing something we can't tell you about, here's a nice believable story to cover it up"
They don't need to train with the niger army. They're there to kill certain groups and enforce political goals.
it's the same as any other country. france is having their little wars in africa, china and russia are there too. the uk is off in pakistan and india. the usa is held up and pointed at so others can get away with their bullshit without anyone knowing. it's all about the natural resources and stopping the spread of chinese influence. being the world police is garbage, but you need to understand that the usa ruling is better than russia or china who envy the usa's position. we do it because the alternative is worse
Americans=Whites. The rest are just visiting and their lives are not of equal value of ours.
That is true. Most of the front line troops are white. The niggers just want the free gibs and a monthly check. It should be that niggers are taken from prison and airdropped into combat zones with an AR-15 and a few grenades.
Token nigger of course.
utter bullshit, we should be isolationist
>Invaders are worth more than defenders.
Americans are walking punchlines.
Because you all do what your Jewish overloards tell you to... keep clearing out the Middle East for the jews to take the land. Good goyims
damn those Navy seals sure are the best soldiers in the world hahaha
pick both. we're talking about the surrender monkeys here.
there were 7 us soldiers, 3 killed. and approx 20 blue, trained forces that ran as soon as fire fight started.
you would say the same if it was a video of your countrymen, there is no logic I can describe to it. just hearing a fellow north american guy who probably had the same shit life as you in the flyover states get shot in the back is unsettling.
these isis have the most unaesthetic gayest music ever
I sense bitterness, I find your lack of 2A disturbing
To be fair more than likely the wife’s already was fucking someone else anyways.
This is the full length.
I hope OP gets shot for posting clickbait shit instead of a link straight to the video. Choke on cock you kike.
Daaaaammmmmmmmmmnnnn dude
That PoV
That blood flow at the end
Holy shit
>claim you are a nation of good soldiers
>get wiped off by gooks
>get wiped off by sandniggers
Special as in weak pussy cowards WHO SQUEAL LIKE PIGS AND CRY AS THEY DIE