Huh, really makes you think

Huh, really makes you think.

Other urls found in this thread:

Its good they have a class about the hall of cost

fuck these useful idiots

>Holohoax class

Is this a real thing ?

i hope so

Unironically yes
"History of the Holocaust" is a year long class mandated by law in like 6 states.

In my day it was called Home Ec


>California, New York, and New Jersey
what a shock

Think about what? Her round head makes me think of poppets not guncontrol
Poppets are tasty as fuck.

I never cared for the mutt meme until this mud-colored degenerate bitch came into public view.
That really is her!

Why is her hair so short? Did she have a buzzcut before the shooting incident took place? I can understand the pixie haircut for some women, but buzzcuts are too much.

>holocaust class

Jesus christ, just look at those sausage fingers


She's all prepped for the oven.

Mandatory teaching of the genocides by communist revolutions is also taught yes ? because both Stalin and Mao made Hitlers genocide look like child's play, by literal factors.

Her 15 minutes of fame is almost up, she’ll be a forgotten name in a few weeks, a month max.

I'm in new york and didn't have to learn that

>Holocause class

I didn't realize public school kids were allowed to be president

She buzzed it after that first day, it was frizzy jewishness

Not yet, but the Blue Wave is rising...

She will turn up on a week after she turns 18.

What does she look like with hair?
I know she will still be a 56% goblin, but she would be cuter no doubt.

She'd probably look just like that Jazz tranny kid.

>Be American
>have to take mandatory Holocaust training

Do they teach how jews called for a global boycott of German goods in 1930 when Germany started nationalizing jewish assets that were found guilty of usury?

Or its just a jew victimization class?

they never teach the reasons for it, tho
it's not like they woke up and hated jews one day

How old is this girl?
I know my vile fantasies are already sinful but I'm still curious


Hahaha yeah right! Look at that kike family

Full kikes, antifa brother, yep.

Big surprise.


>holocaust class
Do they teach you how to gas the kikes ?

Anyone have that picture of her when she wasn't dressing up as a lesbian spic for gun control sheckles?

Gonzalo is a jewish name.

Gonzalo is a jewish name

>Knock, knock, Neo
These morons can not quote anything outside of pop culture movies and themes. It doesn't have anything to do with taking classes you don't pass or being an idiot in general at all. Don't you see they are just as knowledgeable as Gandolf!, why don't you listen you inbred country swine! My fantasy books are more factual than your actual facts!

Sinead O'Taco

Typical day in Burgerland school:
>History: The Holocaust and slavery
>Geography: All the countries in which Jews and blacks were persecuted
>English: books about The Holocaust and slavery
>Chemistry: Molecular breakdown of how the Jews were killed in the Holocaust
>Field trip to a Holocaust memorial instead of Gym class
>Art: Drawing slaves and Jews in concentration camps
>Music: Songs about The Holocaust and slavery

Bonus points for shaving her head so we don't have to do it for her.

It's like buying a turkey and having it place itself in the oven.

She was an 11/10 with hair.

Schools don't touch the horrors of communism. They don't touch Japanese atrocities either. This is why so many people think Nazis were the epitome of evil. she wasn't desu, can I get a dose of whatever drugs you are on ? Must be fuggin good
>The real tip-off should have been the $500,000 donations from Winfrey and Clooney. Big celebrities don’t give huge money to strangers on a whim. Somebody who knows Winfrey and Clooney called them and asked.
Oprah found these anti-gun students by finding them through Jazz Jennings and is behind their media blitz.

Holy shit jewish martyrdom
>I'm fucking stunned

You know what? Your pretty fucking upset my friend and I think your posting has given me just enough insight into what the fuck your problem is. You see, ever since your mother left, your daddy's been raising you in every regard to be his fucktoy sissy daughter. He works hard to pay for your hormones, makeup, and clothes, you show your appreciation by dragging him to bed as soon as he enters the door.You just love the taste of your daddy's sweaty cock after a day of eagerly waiting for him to come home. The wait is excruciating; yo're horny all day, and your transition is at the point that you can't even cum without his thick rod rubbing against your aching prostate. Often you spend the entire evening licking his gorgeous shaft and drinking his sweet precum. Once he eventually wills it, you sheepishly let go of him and stick your rounded ass out for him to ravage as he pleases. He pounds you into the sheets all night long, his massive member milking your little balls dry as you cry out and orgasm for the fifth time that night.Judging by how closely related you two are, it's almost surprising how his cock is so much bigger than yous! Guess that just goes to show that you were meant to be his daughter all along!

>spot the Schlomo

She did ok and no, you are mean to me.

>they chose to defend kids and defend rights instead of taking away rights
>i'm so upset

I remember reading some oldschool 90s white-power skinhead propaganda back in 2000. It was about kids being brainwashed in the caricature of the elementary school, which was teaching "holocaust classes".

Whoever made it back then was a fucking prophet. Kikes hubris will be again their downfall, hopefully final this time.

Those weren't technically genocides because part of the official definition of a genocide is it can't out shine the homocaust.

Children raised by so how mothers are 30% more likely to go to prison than two parent households. 3 out of 4 children killed by their parents are killed by their mothers. The stats for kids in single father households are the same for two parent homes.

When I was going through high school, holocaust classes were a half year long and optional. People only took it cause it was an easy class.

Kike spotted

Did the shooter get an "A" in mass-murder class?

Fucking serious? Because learning about it in a regular history class is too simple i guess. No wonder these faggots are so disconnected from reality. They get a libtard cock thrusted down their throats constantly. So sad to see humans brainwashed like this. Oh well, fire up the ovens boys

yes he did, why do you ask?

>fire up the ovens boys

>12 Million
Damn they did not even try to remain factual did they ? That's taking the hypothetical yet to be proven figure of 6 mil and doubling it without any sources to validate the original 6 to begin with.
Also I believe it, what many of the useful leftist idiots don't get is that they personally believe they will be close to the next Stalin or Mao to be apart of the NWO. The part they seem to forget is they are apart of the majority and not the exception. They will be some of the first people executed for false crimes against the state. Can't have all those loose ends that inspired the revolution running around to cause another revolution. Leftism is truly a mental disorder for anyone who factors in human history and instinct as valid points of consideration.

i guess the best way to destroy a nation is to find a way to let them destroy themselves. Funny they support Russia-like government ideologies but demonize anything Russian and claim anyone who likes Trump on the internet is a Russian bot. It's fun to watch their flawed logic in action

Blue toilet swirl, leftists are fucked in the midterms.

She actually looks alright with hair, why do these women just themselves

Honestly besides the chemistry, this is not that far off.

they aren't totalling the deaths of the genocided race, it's the death toll of the entire thing (more than 6 million died in WW2, Jews were a minority of that death toll)

I don't know who's uglier, the one on the left or the right...

Truth, I too have found this stance to prove they are nothing more than circumstantial locusts
>they aren't totaling the deaths of the genocided race
Seems to be that it is common sense for the logic of: If you are going to claim these people were genocided rather than casualties of war, then you are still wrong. Combat losses do not fall into the same category as 20 year old communists slaughtering their own family young and old because some delusional warlord communist faggot told them it was ok.

also meant for you

Funnily enough in Commifornia of all places they only briefly mention it in history classes when wwII comes up, not dedicate a full fucking class.

Depends on the school I bet