WHITE question

We are a minority on / pol /. But how can we speed up the process of destroying all the whites and their culture, as well as mixing them? What are some thoughts? I hate white people as fuck and i think it's cool that white losers mating with asian girls because offspring still is ours. We really need white genocide without trolling, whites are weak, stupid and naive race

t. Phillipino student


Lol good luck with that



Fuck their womens.

That's all dude. It's more than enough, in france North African and Sub-Saharan have 4/5 childrens and their genes are strong.

Every single male in my mom's family married europeans qt.

Too late.
The tides are turning and soon your people will find us to be the very boogieman you say we are.

I want to know how we kill all the niggers and camel jockeys

I am half white and like OP I often imagine a world where pure whites are slaughtered and their numbers are greatly reduced.

Just continue as planned

Increased interactions while promoting the white girl roastie/Asian wife meme.

Based mutt.

Good idea

Why do so many niggers have such a ridiculous hatred for whites? I wasn't at all racist until faggots like you went mainstream
I understand muslims hating whites because their desert cult tells them to but what have we done to you?
>inb4 slavery
No slaves or slavers are currently alive

post a weeks worth of timestamped nigger hands so I can use them in arguments with liberals please

not that Im morally offended by exto posting, but exto posting to normies and non whites will just make them fight against you with everything theyve got if they think that whites are planning on genociding every other race in the world.

You should try commiting suicide OP, I'm sure the story about a poor bullied phillipino student in the vast tundras of Russia would prompt many low test white soys to castrate themselves to protest Putin.

Just fuck all their women They love black dick anyway and they’re well aware of how inferior their shit for brains subhuman white males are

I’am not a black you fucking chav piece of shit. I am asian black and support white genocide

White slut fucking is okay thing but their shitty race are still alive we need something like #free_euthanasia_for_whites movement

>why do non-whites hate whites
Jealousy, dishonesty with oneself and insecurity. They know that, on a collective scale, their races will never be half as good looking, intelligent or rich in history and culture as the European man. They know that the white world is at it's weakest culturally stage in ages and can't help but try to destroy their superior, who fares better than them wherever he goes. They don't understand why it is and are angry they can't be the same as us. Don't trust the non-white.

Based goym (future slaves ;)

>I’am not a black
>I am asian black
You's a retard, nigga.

So we're not trying to hide it anymore then huh?



I think seeing whites must remind them of their own inferiority. Coming to white countries likely highlights this as they can't even come close to competing in our societies without a plethora of affirmative action-esque programs and having to have their hands held and guided through everyday life by whites in general. I mean for fuck's sake, they literally have to be fed and housed or they'll die. So I think it must be culture shock, for lack of a better term, for the welfareboy as back in whatever shithole they came from they'd likely be oblivious of this fact. Now I don't really have anything against welfareboyZ, but you'd be hard-pressed to find a way to entirely dismiss their deeply internalized feelings of inferiority, because at the end of the day they're basically just worthless parasites who've traversed entire continents, mostly on foot, in search of handouts. Actually think about that for a second. Think about how much effort they put into aquiring gibs instead of just not being a peice of shit. WelfareboyZ. I pity them really more than anything.

No, sweetie. You're a half-breed mutt nigger and that's all you'll ever be; a freak; a joke.

Show your real flag white shit



>whites are stupid
>whites made everything