Maybe it will get an Oscar this time

Maybe it will get an Oscar this time.

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they could probably pawn it off as an original ip in the states with how little exposure it got in the west
really hoping they don't fuck this up as it could be a first exposure to shinkai's work/writing for some people


What are the 11s' obsession with this motif?

>Haha worst bait ever, OP
>It's actually happening

What the fuck.



Good fucking luck finding any child actors worth shit under 16 these days in Pedowood.

>this can't be real
>it's real
Jesus fucking christ.

This is real. Why is it real? Is Hollywood so bankrupt they're doing this? And why JJ Abrams?

How do we prevent normalfags from into anime?


Which actress will have to grope her own tits?
What's the point of adapting animation to live action?

>ruining Star Trek and Star Wars wasn't enough for JJ
But seriously, how does this translate to live action? Some big plot points are pretty heavy on Japan and Japanese culture, and there is no way they Japanese actors for a big budget Hollywood production. Will the jews simply take the premise and leave the rest of the story behind?

Hollywood is so fucking desperate holy shit.

>JJ Abrams
So it'll be an almost shot for shot remake then, too.

The actors are obviously going to be people in their late 20s pretending to be teens like they always do in America.

>J.J. Abrams

I fucked called it. The kikes in California are starting to appropriate anime like they did with capeshit.

And you fucks kept screaming "BACK 2 , NAZI" when I tried to warn you. Eat shit, faggots. You deserve this for not listening.

Will it be set in America? What about the whole sake thing?

>Shinkai is most known for his animated scenery porn
>let's just make it live action

They could never do that of course.

>released 2017
>remake announced 2017
have they no shame

>when I tried to warn you
We all saw it coming, not making it our priority to shit up the board 24/7 with useless slacktivism and bitching about it why we told you to go back to Sup Forums.
Go back to .

Serious question: are Americans getting scared of the cultural influence Japan has been yielding through their cartoons?

why must you do this hollywood? are you so out of ideas that you'll adapt something that's only 1 year old?

Who do you think they are? Hollywood have zero shame when it comes to the pursuit of money.

That actress who do Eleven in Stranger Things

>One Piece
>Your Name
What's next Sup Forums? How do we stop them?

>they could probably pawn it off as an original ip in the states with how little exposure it got in the west
is this b8


Wew, it all adds up.

>haha dude, let's go an watch Chantelle make some traditional American virgin-spit beer, shit's gonna be hella rad
>haha I'm just gonna text cory on my iphone x to come watch

>How do we stop them?
Import Tenshi no 3P blurays.

You don't. Hollywood is in deep shit. Summer box office dropped 30% compared to last year. They will be trying everything.

I assumed this was bait...
Why couldn't this be bait...

>JJ Abrams

Ah yes. Thank you based hollywood. I get to enjoy this great story again, with the extra enhanced lens flare to blind me with your spectacular performance!

>Summer box office dropped 30% compared to last year.
But IT make September box office explored no?

What the hell is the point? Half the reason people watch Shinkai stuff is because it looks pretty, but now they'll just hire two ugly Americans to act in a romcom without any visual flair. Or does it get space CGI and lens flare to make up for that? People haven't been into that shit since the 2000's.

I hope Jew Jew Abrams gets shitposted out of the Internet like that Death Note director did.

Okay, this is wretched. Live actions are nearly universally panned every single time.

Hollywood must be stopped

So which one of them will be the nigger?

Mitsuha's friend. The shaved guy

Some side character.
Calling it now though, Mitsuha will be changed to be Chinese, because that's the big market right now.

It's not like we could do anything.

>it's not bait

perhaps the studio could force Steven Moffat's 'lighting' director onto him, but I won't hold my breath there.

>wanting this



If hollywood starts exposing normies to anime and they become a target market its all over

I've already seen Lake House though

So what next?
>Michael Bay's Spirited Away?
>George Lucas presents Akira?
>The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya by David Lynch?

>The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya by David Lynch?

That could be amazing, no joke.

So not including September.

wake me up inside (CANT WAKE UP)

>Mitsuha is now black
What's her new name Sup Forums?

>The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya by David Lynch?
I would watch this tbqh

Yo sign me up for Lynch's retelling of Haruhi, but the rest can go to hell.

>The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya by David Lynch?
This is fine.

Michael Bay’s TTGL

inb4 Taki becomes Tyrone
Take your pick


Well at least he'll be faithful to the lens flare.
Honestly I'm already expecting this to fail, but if this fails I'm gonna be even more disappointing in Hollywood than I already am.
I mean you'd have to try REALLY HARD and I mean REALLY REALLY HARD to fuck up a slice of life adaption.
I mean 50% of the shit modern Hollywood puts out is practically the quality of a Mari Okada script.
If they manage to fuck this one up then they might as well pack it up and never try again.


The movie's already fucked up story-wise, it will just get worse with Abram's shitty direction

How about

>The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya by Denis Villeneuve

>mfw they cast 2 trans as the MCs

Could Hollywood leave animu alone?

MitsukwanzaneequaLatifa McAsstwerk The Third

How in the fuck is this real?
Why in the fuck is this real?

They will obviously make it a story between a Japanese girl and an American boy who goes to japan to find her etc..., since an asian guy who gets laid is taboo in Hollywood.

>>George Lucas presents Akira?
Don't be silly it'll be Riddley Scott, then he'll make sequels explaining how Tetsuo's father actually worked on the Akira project and genetically altered his son to be the new vessel for Akira.

This movie was super confusing.

>JJ Abrams


Haven't seen this yet, been wanting to wait until I get a 4K TV so I could import the UHD blu-ray.

...should I just grab a 1080p torrent and get some popcorn going tonight?

Now this would work

Spirited Away by Guillermo del Toro

>Hollywood has literally run out of ideas
>they remake classic Disney movies in live action and add in faggot propaganda and OC garbage
>they rape classics like Ghost Busters and Godzilla and Ghost in the Shell
>and now they've gotten so brazen that they're speeding up the process and fucking over movies that aren't even a year old

Can these fuckers ever come up with an original idea?

he would be better with mecha as I think he cannot direct a scene with any biological organism to save his life to be perfectly honest with you.

Good God, these last few days have been a fucking rollercoaster of emotions.

Everyone in the theatre is going to get welders flash after the mountain twilight scene

It's not jews, it's fucking hollywood ameritards wanting to appropriate animu as they tried to do with everything in Japanese culture.

So you called for it:

Considering the premise I'm surprised Your Name wasn't localized in the states under the guise of a story that is a 2deep4u metaphor for transgender people.

literally they cannot


pick both

>Your Name 2

It’s not native 4K anyway but I imagine the HDR is good. You’ll probably watch it again when you get the TV anyway.

>tfw it actually turns out to be better than the anime

If they actually play Don't Stop Believing in the movie, I'm going to lose my mind.

It's not native 4k? Ok then, fuck waiting. Probably will look better at native 1080p then.

>Your Names

Keep dreaming. or baiting

>Your Name 2: Your middle name
>Your Name 3: Your gender quere name

Stop the jew meme.

And Abrams should've already been shitted for ruining Star Wars AND Star Trek.

Oh man, here i was about to NOT kill myself.

Its not a slice of life, its more of a disaster movie than anything.
But if there is one thing Hollywood is experienced at, its churning out fucking disaster movies.




>Onoes im late for school
>Mc run out of house with burger in mouth

>Your name 4: Your wife's son name

It’s apparently a very good upscale, but still an upscale.