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I will never get over nigger Archer.
mobage = $$$
So I can play Masshu's geimu
But they look better now
He stealed his mind.
The 3 right most are outright different characters. BB especially is in no way Sakura.
Nega Archer
Superior Saber
It's just Rin
BB + double Merlin is maximum easy mode against Avengers.
The blacker you are, the stronger you become.
Good. The old design was boring as sin.
huh, was expecting black Archer to have broken swords in his NP.
At least use these if you're gonna compare the masters.
The angrier you get too it seems but seriously was shirou related to Africans or something?
the excuse is Archer loses it on one of this missions and uses so much mana it burns him. I guess. I mean regular Archer is tan so...
Because they only care about money
What's the deal with the shawl?
Ishtar-Rin is incredibly hot. I approve of that, at least.
>no nigga alter and BB final arts
It's just an archery garb draped over his shoulders like a cape, Yugi style.
Overuse of projection magic tans your skin and makes your hair white.
Notice how the cool Shirou in Illya has blotches of tan skin and white hair since he's been training a lot.
The artist probably just finished watching Blade or had one too many games against Raven or something.
He's still supposed to look like Emiya.
Emiya Normal End: Archer
Emiya Bad End: Alter
Emiya True End: Tin Man
Altria Normal End: Saber
Altria Bad End: Alter
Altria True End: Avalon
Altria Another: Boobs
Tohsaka Normal End: Ishtar
Tohsaka Bad End: TOOSAKA
Tohsaka True End: Something something Magus something
Sakura Normal End: Normal End
Sakura Bad End: Dead End
Sakura True End: True End
Sakura Another: Moon Cell
spiral staircase
Has anyone read Fate/hollow ataraxia? How is it?
It's great. You should read it.
Did they finally fucking finish it?
No. Voice patch is still in progress.
Never forget.
I think that's actually almost done though.
Where can I find it? In most places I had visited the links didnt work
Just pick a nyaa site.
Patch - forums.nrvnqsr.com
1. Delete the patch file that's already in the folder
2. edit config.ksc and put the path of your document folder in there
The path should be something like this:
Mobileshit, not even once.
He does.
Thanks for the help user, you made me really happy.
That's nothing.
This is indeed an abomination. Noticed that TM has nothing to do with this horrible design anymore.
It's almost like Capsule Servants is a joke, user.
I am the bone of my BBC.
Remember when Saber clones were a joke?
BB is outdated since they just announced FGO x Heaven's Feel stage. Parvati Sakura soon
That's true tho
But Emiya alter is from mind of steel ending
imo its half amazing, half trash. It got way too much fan service, to the point probably > 60% of the game are comedic scenes.
The thing is, the rest 40% where you play as Bazett is really good. I think its better written than all 3 routes of Fate/Stay Night. Bazett/Avenger is a very interesting duo, imo.
The biggest downside of playing now is that theres no voice patch yet, AFAIK. Otherwise, I think its worth playing it because Bazett scenes are amazing, but be prepared for a lot of ecchi/fanservice/comedy.
No, seriously. Don't fight pic related if you care for your life. They didn't make her op in kaleid, I'd say they even nerfed her.
Nigga, it's literally a fan disc. The entire thing is fanservice.
Sells better, thats the usual answer.
I know, but this fandisc also happens to have the best story of mainline F/SN (imo ofc).
I'm complaining because the comedy scenes just turn me off. A different approach in making this game and it could've been a masterpiece.
>idiots starting HA now
>idiots encouraging people to start HA now
>I'm complaining because the comedy scenes just turn me off.
Why though? I thought most of it was fucking hilarious. Like the scene with Lancer fishing.
Its not out yet?
Literally everyone is saying that the voice patch isn't out yet and that you should wait for it.
You didn't read the posts, right?
Not at all. You have to understand that Bazett's powerlevel is very conditional. She's not even the most powerful human in Nasu's world.
VS. Kuzuki: First encounter, Kuzuki wins. If Bazett somehow managed to survive that encounter, then she'd win the next go-around.
VS. Kotomine: Bazett would get thrashed. Church Executors are tough bastards.
VS. Ciel: Not even a contest. The current Bazett would never be able to beat Ciel in a million years.
VS. Ryougi Shiki: Primary personality is one thing, but she'd be terribly outclassed by " ".
Welp, guess people are just different. There were 2 or 3 scenes that made me laugh, and they weren't memorable enough for me to point them here.
Nice that you liked them, though. Perhaps most people did and I'm the exception.
I'm really considering only F/SN and F/HA characters, though. By what was shown in those 2 games, I don't think Kirei would win against Bazett in any 1v1 situation (despite Nasu stating otherwise if I'm not mistaken).
Kuzuki is the same, though I think it depends on wether Caster is enhancing him or not.
I mentioned kaleid because some friends saw bazett for the first time there and thought "that girl is strong". I could just think "guys, you have no idea".
>I don't think Kirei would win against Bazett in any 1v1 situation
He did, that's how he got Lancer.
Didn't he chop her arm while she was sleeping?
Kuzuki even managed to beat Rider and nearly killed Saber.
Bazett's ability to fight Servants is extremely conditional. She got one-sidedly killed in every single encounter until Avenger revealed his trump card. Fragarach is a Noble Phantasm that can only display its true power when facing its opponent's trump card. Bazett, on her own, cannot force most Servants to reveal their trump cards.
Kuzuki would do to Bazett what he did to Rider and Saber. And unlike Saber, Bazett doesn't have A-rank Instinct.
Church Executors are different beasts altogether. In general, Executors are overall superior to the Magus Association's equivalent Enforcers. Kotomine is past his prime, but in terms of experience he's far above Bazett. Also, Kotomine is basically Bazett's natural enemy.
Kuzuki with caster buffs absolutely demolishes Kirei and Bazett, it's not even remotely close
And Kirei literally kills Bazett
>not enjoying the absurdities like in pic related
I'm so sorry user. I do like the main plot in F/HA, but the slice of life shenanigans was a huge part of why I enjoyed it so much.
Kotomine wouldn't bother taking Kuzuki on from the front anyway.
So the F/HA voice patch, hows' it gonna deal with the H scenes?
There won't be any voices for those scenes obviously.
The answer is money
>Got caught while sleeping.
Low tier fighter.
>different artist draw characters differently
>not all of them are as good as Takeuchi
I had the impression reading the VN that he "killed" her when she was sleeping, no?
>She got one-sidedly killed in every single encounter until Avenger revealed his trump card.
Yeah, but she was essentially battling alone in every encounter. The most useful I remember Avenger being was when Bazett meets Hercules in the forest and leaves him to die so she can go to the castle.
> Church Executors are different beasts altogether. In general, Executors are overall superior to the Magus Association's equivalent Enforcers. Kotomine is past his prime, but in terms of experience he's far above Bazett. Also, Kotomine is basically Bazett's natural enemy.
This is shown in material other than F/SN and F/HA. In Fate route, Kotomine dies after a very simple attack from a "weak" Shirou. The only route he looks and acts stronger is Heaven's Feel. There was nothing specific in HF that "enhanced" his abilities, so I see if as his strength being inconsistent as far as writing goes.
Bazett, on the other side, was always shown as a power house in every fight, never looking weak against any servant (except maybe Assassin).
>Can walk on water.
>Why would she matter learn to swim.
Sounds legit. I'm going to play this, the day the voice patch get out.
I remember that scene, I didn't even smile desu. I was just hoping for those beach/caffee/data scenes to end so I could play with Bazett and Avenger.
I think pink related was one of the very few moments I laughed playing this
shit happens
According to Complete Material, Kotomine's weakness was due to sheer shock. The sight of Shirou breaking free of that mud not once but twice temporarily fizzled out his brain.
>Kaleido Ruby
So, Kaleid was foreshadowed all this time... I know what to do now.
user, I really don't think you understand.
Ciel can only fight defensively against Servants. Bazett is weaker than Ciel. Bazett would get her ass kicked if she tried to fight most Servants alone. Altria, Cu Chulainn, Emiya, "Kojiro", Medea, all of them would wipe the floor with her. Herakles and Gilgamesh don't even bear mentioning.
That's also the impression I got from reading the VN. It wasn't so much that he was outskilled by Shirou. He was just too mindfucked to do anything.
About time to fill my mouth with words of Lord
Because those are the actual "sprites" you see in game, that's like cheating-desu
Wait a second, Isthar has boots?
I thought she was always bare-feet.
Well, I can't help but say it looked strange. I believe that if this is the reason he got defeated, the game should make this clear, not an extra material. If someone reads the Fate route and stops there, it'll look like Kirei can't fight properly (contradicting HF). I think that a bit more careful writing would've avoided this situation and the authors wouldn't need an extra book to explain how that was possible.
Ciel never appeared nor is mentioned in Fate/Stay Night or Fate/Hollow Ataraxia.
>Bazett would get her ass kicked if she tried to fight most Servants alone. Altria, Cu Chulainn, Emiya, "Kojiro", Medea, all of them would wipe the floor with her. Herakles and Gilgamesh don't even bear mentioning.
I don't see it that way, imo this doesn't match what was shown in F/HA. Correct me if I'm wrong, but as I remember:
1) she fought against Saber and Saber Alter at the same time, lost;
2) fought Saber alone, defeated her;
3) died once to True Assassin, details of this fight are not known
4) got a drawn with Cú Chulainn
afaik this is a pretty good score, better than any other master from F/SN would achieve if they tried to fight servants.
Man, how fucking cool is it that Kojiro achieved something somewhat close to a True Magic just by sheer mindless training.
Fuck man, why the fuck is he a 1*. It's not fucking fair.
You can do the impossible when powered by autism
Well he does show shock when Shirou does it.
The Ciel VS Bazett thing was stated by Nasu himself.
>2) fought Saber alone, defeated her;
No. What happened was that Avenger forced Saber to activate Excalibur, which in turn allowed Bazett to activate Fragarach's True Name. Without Fragarach, Bazett cannot defeat Saber. Saber's martial prowess completely trumps hers.
>3) died once to True Assassin, details of this fight are not known
She never fought True Assassin, or as he's more commonly known, Hassan of the Cursed Arm.
>4) got a drawn with Cú Chulainn
Lancer DELIBERATELY used Gae Bolg on her, even though he KNEW that this would result in mutual destruction. Lancer actually explains the weaknesses of Fragarach to Shirou outright, AND he says that it's nothing to be afraid of as long he doesn't use Gae Bolg. He chose to use it anyway.
in addition to Cu vs Bazett, Cu only wants to give Bazett a message, if Cu was actually serious kill her, he could easily do so without Gae bolg. Not to mention, that the servants actually knows about the time loop.
> The Ciel VS Bazett thing was stated by Nasu himself.
Its the same as he stating that Kotomine in his prime was stronger than Bazett. Imo, if we are using interviews or other stuff than the source material, then theres a problem with the writing since it doesn't make that clear.
If someone plays the original 2 games, the name Ciel isn't mentioned at any point. I don't see it as relevant when discussing power levels of those 2 games.
> Without Fragarach, Bazett cannot defeat Saber. Saber's martial prowess completely trumps hers.
I don't see how this is relevant. We're not discussing bare hand fightning, so why mention "Bazett without fragarach"?
> She never fought True Assassin, or as he's more commonly known, Hassan of the Cursed Arm.
She did fight true assasin (as in, "not Kojirou" Assassin). If I'm not mistaken, theres even a CG piece of a small Assassin on top of her arm, before killing her.
> Lancer DELIBERATELY used Gae Bolg on her, even though he KNEW that this would result in mutual destruction. Lancer actually explains the weaknesses of Fragarach to Shirou outright, AND he says that it's nothing to be afraid of as long he doesn't use Gae Bolg. He chose to use it anyway.
Which ended up in both being killed (a draw). Weather the fight could've ended differently, we don't know because she only fought Cú once.
> Cu only wants to give Bazett a message,
I also see it that way.
> if Cu was actually serious kill her, he could easily do so without Gae bolg.
Probably, but here we're entering in speculation territory.
>I don't see how this is relevant. We're not discussing bare hand fightning, so why mention "Bazett without fragarach"?
Because Bazett can't force Saber to use Excalibur on her own.
>Which ended up in both being killed (a draw). Weather the fight could've ended differently, we don't know because she only fought Cú once.
If Lancer chose to fight Bazett without activating Gae Bolg, he would have won easily.
You're seriously overblowing Bazett's ability, user. Bazett's showing against Servants isn't actually as impressive as you think it is. We only saw half a dozen out of countless fights. According to Avenger, they lost over and over. Bazett's martial prowess isn't enough to get her to force a Servant to use their trump card against her. And if they don't use their trump card, Bazett can't use hers.
>She did fight true assasin (as in, "not Kojirou" Assassin). If I'm not mistaken, theres even a CG piece of a small Assassin on top of her arm, before killing her.
On a second note, I'm starting to doubt myself as I can't find any mention of this in the Internet, nor I found said image of Assassin. Someone please clarify if that statement is correct or if my memory is playing tricks on me
gonna sleep now guys, thanks for the chat. I haven't posted that much in Sup Forums in the last years and this was fun and civil. Good night you all
No, you are discussing fighting, and in a fight the only way Bazett has to defeat servants is Fragarach, and since she can't force them to use their Noble Phantasm so she can counter it on her own you can't just ignore their martial prowess and stats
She fought the Hassan that was summoned in the Third War, a midget who can turn a person's heart into gunpowder and make it explode. He killed her pretty easily.
So she can't win against regular ISIS. Pretty weak if you ask me
Why is Saber so perfect?
She's bad against surprise attacks. Unlike Shirou, she doesn't have a convenient "Holy shit something's gonna kill me right this second" instinct that warns her of danger. As a result, she always tries to be on the offensive.
>BB especially is in no way Sakura.
She is a facet of Sakura, Nurse Blossom is basically just Sakura, and BB is just Nurse who let go and unchained herself, decided to live free in a sense. All the Alter Egos are literally facets of FSN Sakura overtly cut off and disected into their own characters, because the entire game is revealed in the end to be an exploration of Sakura as you realize you're in Sakura's heart the entire time. Final dungeon is Sakura veil grande.
Sakura is a dangerous girl if she decides to let go a bit, as Ataraxia already showed.
Seto Kaiba from Yugioh
I feel a little bad when I read ataraxia being so praised. I'm also not a fan of the comedy so I ended up uninstalling it. Wasn't really willing to go through the meme days to have an actual plot.
I mean, it's not like it was good or anything, but still
>The 3 right most are outright different characters.
Saber Lancer is literally the same as other saber in every way, Excalibur Excalibur+Avalon didn't stop her aging in that world-line. So she grew up normally. Personality is the same though.
Rintar is literally Rin in every way; her body, her soul, her mind. Except she's possessed by a goddess, who is said to have the same personality as her. Ishtar says she only chooses a host who's almost the entire same as herself in every way. Both personalities that are the same in the first place fused together, and created a double tsundere. Its entirely Rin though.
What's that suppose to mean? I couldn't stand Ataraxia because of all the pointless jibber jabber.
Ishtar doesn't do girls though.