Clione no Akari

Last episode and there are no subs, the bullying never stops for her it seems.
Also fuck Takashi for doing dumb comparisons.

Other urls found in this thread:

>It's out on Amazon
>HS is late for some reason
I wonder what happened.

They always have problems with Amazon it seems. There are only Ohys raws and since no one seems to care it's not like there are alternatives like Erai, etc.
Truly this show is full of bullying.


And as soon as I write that the notice comes via IRC
> [HorribleSubs] Clione no Akari - 12 [1080p].mkv

Get in here niggas.

Time for tears!

Too late to regret stuff.

Welcome, to my enclosed space.

So, what happened in the end? Who sent the message? Who sent messages to the parents? Did Minori really become phone? Will they ever meet again?

Thank god our lord and savior Haruto will rescue her in her dreams!

What I'm about to do is mental gymnastics to the extreme but bear with the crazy hypothesis.

It feels as long as they wish it with passion they can somehow send stuff through time and there are three timelines at least. One with the adult versions of Takashi and Kyouko where they somehow send the message to their past selves about the festival and to notify the parents. Minori in the hospital, longing to meet them again got a glimpse of that universe.
The other one is the anime one, they somehow meet Minori but it wasn't enough to free her from the bullying and stuff.
The last one is the new timeline, where they sent this long messages they talked about this episode, and being their strong selves now, they feel they can tell themselves how to break through the bullying this time. In this new timeline somehow Minori survives and gets to grow up happily and they see a glimpse of that universe in that closed space.

In the end they loved her so much she'll be forever with them. As adults she's in their memories and in their daughter, in the present in the love she wanted to transmit via messages, thus the phone, and in the new timeline as the person herself.

Minori's troubles are now over. Try not to be so jealous.

Keit-ai did it.


The sadness was too much for them and their mind broke down.

Strange series, you shouldn't overthink it.

>girl is kill
>lets make an episode of the classmates feeling guilty from their bullying
The fuck.

And they deserve it, dumb fuckers.

Who was phone 2 : electric boogaloo

I haven't watch since ep. 6 or 7 I think and I don't feel like watching anything for now. Spoil me. Did she died? Was she dead all along?

She suddenly died from her illness. That is all.

Died but her spirit went and had somewhat fun outing at a local festival. You can try the forbidden 2x speed technique but might as well drop it since I dont think this is worth the time even in 2x speed.


Well, the point of the book was to touch on the bullying theme. How it's bad to bully, how it happens for petty reasons, how you can hurt someone very badly while you just do it "for fun", how you can come to regret it later and be haunted from doing later down the road and maybe for a long time, how you shouldn't be afraid of defending someone just because you're afraid you're gonna get bullied yourself and so on.

If anything that was the most important part of the episode as that's the moral of the story basically.

Takashi and his dumb shit, the weakest of the main trio for sure.

>bullying theme
I understood this but holy shit man, I 'm usually one that wont complain on how should a story go and I would just enjoy what the writer and the team behind this presented to me but watching this made me go from "okay" to "fucking really? to "no shit sherlock" real quick in every episode I'm not sure if shitting on this is legal or do I even want to put some energy on posting some, which I apparently did.

Well I think the source might have been pretty weak too so it's understandable as I felt the same many episodes. What I didn't expect was the whole Clannad ending that didn't explain anything and you need to probably resort to the source to get a grasp on what really happened if that's explained at all.

Well in any case we got to see Minori-chan one more time so I'm satisfied with that.

Turns out minori was phone all along

I guess her spirit resides in a phone now or like some kind of electromagnet wave that would contact her friends once in a while seeing japan or any culture has the "spirit in things" stuff.Filling in the blanks for whatever "missing" ourselves work I guess.

Felt like a weak copout for an ending.


Well I guess this is it, see you around anons on maybe another unpopular show or probably those "Shows that nobody but you saw" threads later down the road.
And like a Clione, keep shining bright (not that they really shine bright but at least the anime made it look so).

A bullied girl falls in love with a pair of tomodachi. She acquires a cellphone from her aunt which lets her send instant message them, but the sent messages are instead sent to another world. The bullied girl who loves the tomodachi dies, but the local takoyaki bros and bitchy bullies felt such regret that they sent Dragonballs to another route, where they were used to save the life of the Minori from another world. To this day the tomodachi still exchange messages with Minori.

Minori deserved better

They got me.

Though I'm glad the bullies didn't get freed from their guilt with a happy ending. Timelines were the best way to handle it in my opinion.


In the end, she truly was the clione of light.

I can only imagine her doing the caramelldansen dance.

Will we ever get the OST?

I was right, Minori basically fucked cursed them all from beyond the grave, and now they'll pretty much feel like shit forever because no its too late to even apologize.

Either it will get released and it will be lost in time since nobody will buy it or it will come bundled with the BDs like many other series' ones and we'll never get a chance due to nobody buying those either.
But I still have hope we'll get them somehow, liked a couple of pieces from the OST.

please do not bully her she's unaware that they stopped doing that dance 20 years ago

>no love triangle sequel in the good timeline

I unironically would want that. And I'd want it to be a TRUE harem end, too, because fuck rules they should stick together.

Obviously the only option for Kyouko to get a chance to win, otherwise I'm sure Minori would win hands down in an instant. Remember Takashi was crying this episode as he wanted to text Minori and have fun, while also spent probably a good fortune getting the pufferfish doll for her. It was only a matter of time before he won, second time a blonde best girl has snatched victory from her due to deathly illness.

Too sad to know this cutie also got bullied.

Minori's hair isn't blonde, it's PUKE green.

I will never get to hear Minori's cute giggle anymore.


Sorry, please forgive me.

Her hair isn't blonde though.


Autism not welcome here.



I thank you for trying to keep the thread alive, but I think at this moment pretty much every user that is caught up on the series and wanted to comment could do so. In fact, I remember the threads peaked at something around 30 IPs or so around episodes 3-4 and then stayed on the 15s aside from that one from episode 10 I think when the brief 2000s anime vibe talk went by. So at 20 right now we can more or less be sure that most of the anons that were interested on the show already posted so thanks for the company anons.

We'll keep the thread going until season 2.

>Minori was phone all along

I was going to say this is the worst show I have seen in a while, but then I remembered I had watched Musekinin Galaxy Tylor this season. Still utter trash.

No nigger, that was just a metaphor. As pointed by OP and other anons Takashi was just being dumb comparing her to the fucking phone of all things.

Hey don't be rude, it's not even that bad.

>Musekinin Galaxy Tylor
I wanted to watch this for the loli, but I've put it on backlog. What is so bad about it?

>It was just a metaphor
Then what was going on with the mysterious text message and the calls to the parents? There has to be something magical going on. And if her spirit turns into a phone at least that is hilarious.

>Its not even that bad
Did we watch the same show? I am very lenient to stuff I watch, and I struggle to find anything redeeming about this show. Art, characters, music, story were all bad.

>What is so bad about Musekinin Galaxy Tylor?
It is a kind of bad that is hard to put into words. In short its not funny. It also manages to make a 3 minute short incredibly boring and unengaging. I normally love shorts and will watch anything since its over quickly, but Tylor was so bad that I found myself having to take breaks across 3 minute episodes. Just watch the original series, which is a hilarious classic.

>Then what was going on with the mysterious text message and the calls to the parents? There has to be something magical going on.

There are various options for the conclusion, for example , or , or if you're willing to go the extra mile go with . In the end it felt as if it lacked resolution on that regard but it anything the "she became the phone" just doesn't seem plausible, if anything she inbued it with her feelings for them so it was a medium for them to feel as if she was still there with them, forever.

That makes the most sense, didn't even consider another timeline but it sounds more logical than a random Minori appearance with winter clothes out of nowhere to make the MCs feel good.


It happens quite often that I watch these obscure shows everyone else already dropped so we will probably talk to each other in upcoming threads user.

Any Meshi bros still around?

I guess not.

Yama no Susume OVA soon!

Though YnS got quite popular.


user don't you get it? Its deep or something