They are a joke of a white people who are admixed with nigger, Asiatic Indian and Malaysian blood.
And they're invaders in African territory to boot. Just like Africans are invaders in European lands.
They are a joke of a white people who are admixed with nigger, Asiatic Indian and Malaysian blood.
And they're invaders in African territory to boot. Just like Africans are invaders in European lands.
Other urls found in this thread:
They did have a lot of time for prepare for this and clearly didn't. Mandate of heaven and all that
Yes indeed.
And they already had Zimbabwe as an example of what might happen to them.
this won't work
simply google 'South African farm attacks'
the thousands of mutilated/tortured photographs of little blonde children defeat you
thank god for Saffers with cameras
tf are you heartless or a shill, we need to help afrikaaners as much as we can
This slide thread is being derailed
The white people with 5% non-white ancestry, some of which is black African?
In the Jim Crow South Afrikaners wouldn't be allowed to drink out of the white water fountain. Yet we're supposed to let them in as refugees?
whiter than you mohammed, your attempts at shilling are so pitiful, you will never turn whites against each other moron,
I'm not a Muslim. I'm an American who's much whiter than these Boer and Afrikaner jokes. I'd actually be allowed to drink from the white water fountain in the one drop rule South. I've even had a DNA test that came out as 100% European.
Look at this mutt LARP
You're such an idiot it's unbelievable, this thread is a good example of shilling to newfags, your method at shilling is so horribly clumsy, you are only making it harder for you to subvert the board
I bet you're one of the c#ucks who thinks Slavs are white too, you degenerate sheep fucker, you're no better than """"mohammed""", stop watering down whiteness, next thing you know you'll be saying Jews are white too because of their fucking skin color
The look i've changed my IP look at how racist i am!, shills begone!
Grow the fuck up faggot
You're a fucking burger sit the fuck down
South Africa, America and Europe's self-inflicted future.
Boers and Afrikaners are actual mutts. Americans are not.
I hope that you end up marrying a "white" South African refugee. And she ends up shitting out a Sandra Laing coon as your first child. Then you'll know what I'm talking about when I say Boers are mongrels.
You aren’t white. You don’t get it. We would sniff you out of a pack in seconds, draw you out, but you and laugh as you squirm.
You will never be one of us.
spotted the jew
You know what race Boers would be under our country's Jim Crow laws? Try to guess?
>Living in SA means you racemix with niggers and other alien residents
I personally know 3 families who kept their bloodlines ethnically pure. Do you have proof of your fantasies or is it some kind of retarded reasoning that dna is airborne etc?
>I'm an American who's much whiter
Afrikaners are whiter than Americans.
>Boers and Afrikaners are actual mutts. Americans are not.
Oooohhh ok I get your logic now. You are projecting the very thing your muttnation is doing onto Afrikaners while denying your own. Fair enough albeit pathetic. Sage
white mohammed
I've seen 32 of their DNA kits. For the 10,000th time. All 32 of them had nigger ancestry. Usually over 1%. They all Malaysian and Indian blood to boot.
How does that bait taste, pekka?
Afrikaners average 2.2% sub-Saharan African ancestry. Americans average 0.19%. These are the facts.
I saw 32 Afrikaner kits and there were exactly zero who lacked sub-Saharan African ancestry.
thats not how ancestry works moron, you get half dna from both parents so 50 White/50 Black turns into 75% white 25% black, then goes to quadroons,
>invaders to European lands
No they aren't. Land and borders only exist if you're willing to defend them. If you're letting foreigners into your country then you are making no claim to the land. The African or Muslim being INVITED in without resistance proves the point.
You have no right to land or to exist. Nature doesn't give a fuck about all of that. You either struggle or die and Europeans have given up the struggle world wide and deserve whats coming for failing to adhere to natures simple rules. That includes America.
>muh one drop rule
t. nihilist, get off this board
Can somebody cite one example of an American producing a Sandra Laing?
wew lad not even a coherent argument, people like you are the same rot that makes the libtards absolutely disgusting
It's not nihilism retard it's common sense. Does Ancient Egypt belong to people who call themselves Egyptians now? No. Just as we were pushed off Egypt and North Africa you can be pushed off Europe.
White people didn’t steal any land from anyone there. Black people didn’t start going to South Africa till white people made the area livable.
>europeans deserve whats coming to them
it sounds like you are giving up the fight
I bleach Ethio girls
sorry i've gone autistic, too many slide threads today
That was the actual law in the US.
I can get tolerating a small amount of Native American or even Jew ancestry.
But why the hell would you tolerate any amount, no matter how small, of either sub-Saharan African or Australian Aborigines ancestry? You might as well accept somebody who's only 2% chimpanzee as being human if you do that.
>obviously hasn't met a boer yet, else he'd be kakking himself
Agreed, fellow goyim, in a land of 56% why would we prefer to allow them to immigrate to immigrate over them being raped and burned alive. Loyalty to your race is stupid. CNN told me! We should take some 70IQ hard working blacks instead!
Murdoch covered the story of my people in that vid before lauren or anyone else. Its just a cartoon but its so accurate. I still get tears in my eyes no matter how many times i watch it.
Do you know what it feels like to see your people systematically destroyed? You culture and history wiped away and your friends made poor...
I'd rather die on a battlefield than see this happen. I left when I realised there wouldnt be a fight.
The only South African I can recall meeting was a quadroon. She was even more admixed than a typical South African.
Don't u have any better bait
If Boers are allowed in as refugees, they will pose more of a threat to the purity of the race race in America and Europe than full blooded niggers do.
Almost all white women know not to fuck a full blooded nigger. And even if there occasionally is a stupid coal burner, her mulattoes will likely marry black since white people will be smart enough not to mate with mulattoes.
However, white people will not necessarily refuse to mate somebody who's 2 or 3 percent nigger. Especially if they aren't aware of the other person's nigger blood. (And perhaps even if they are aware.)
That's an actual fact. It's not a joke.
Have you got any better responses other than saying bait all the time? You know like can you find any DNA kits of any actual pure white South Africans? Because I've already found 32 South Africa kits, and none were pure white or even 99% white.
> Why care about your fellow people
Shills are prominent on Sup Forums these days
Purity of white race not purity of race race. Typo.
They aren't one of my fellow people. They are far too admixed with non white ancestry.
>32 kits
>thinks south african = white
>doesn't know south africa has 11 official languages and way more races and cultures
Cheze lad. Where do I begin? You tried to sound so intellectual but you're actually sub par IQ it would seem.