Elliot Rodger was the first alt right killer....
Elliot Rodger was the first alt right killer
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wtf alt-right wasn't even a thing when he did it
Well you see GamerGate blah blah
I miss Elliot
But Anders Breivik was the most effective.
His K/D ratio was the tits.
Turns out Hitler was also part of the alt-right too...
Didn't Elliot Rodger like TYT?
It's amazing how many white supremacists and white nationalists aren't white
yes, and he was a fucking registered democrat, lmoa
>New research shows
What do you mean new research? Shouldn't it be a new discovery??? He seems to be apolitical and more of a socially angered person than politically mad
Do you notice a trend here? What the media calls """white supremacists""" (Elliot Rodger, Nicolas Cruz, etc), are all 56% looking goblins.
Elliot Rodger was always a creepy narcissistic faggot, I dont understand why people celebrate that loser.
He searched some stuff relating to hitler on jewgle, compelling stuff. Typical journalistic Jewry.
bitch plz.
oh course the jews are trying to retcon this. classic jewry.
The alt-right existed long before gamer gate.
Look up dark enlightenment, and even before then there were people who didn't like the dominant direction of academic thought. For example as over 10 years ago I remember warnings about radical traditionalists and even Varg Vikernes if one was getting too interested in Norse Mythology. For example this journal, which began publication in 2002 is very much up the alt-right alley. en.wikipedia.org
>new research
Lenin hypothesized that Imperialist Capitalism being toppled in Russia where the society was just on the cusp of transitioning from Feudalism to Capitalism was the chain breaking at its weakest link.
Could it be that half-white mutts going on shooting rampages are an example of white supremacy breaking at its weak link? As a 100% white man I have always experienced my whiteness fully. Perhaps I am like a fish unaware of the water because I know nothing else. The Perfect Gentleman, and Nick Cruz on the other hand partake much less fully in whiteness and in some contexts not at all. Roger's plaintive claim "I'm half white myself" is hilarious because it's a statement of someone who clearly is experiencing the suffering of not being white. And he obviously saw this non-whiteness as something that deprived him of what he thought was his rightful access to beautifuf blonde girls. This caused him even more rage when people who did not even raise a pretense toward whiteness availed themselves to such girls because unlike Elliot they weren't total self absorbed freaks.
Doctor shekelstein wrote a memo
>Elliot Rodger was the first alt right killer....
What about Ted Kaczinksi or Tim McVeigh?
>using a Ryder Truck filled with fertilizer instead of a gun
It seems kind of out of their idiom
Elliot is more /r9k/ than Sup Forums and alt-right
the supreme gentile
>Elliot Rodger
Indeed he was a self sufficient internet hate machine that didn't require any maintenance checks.
He's a Happa though. He can't be alt-right.
It's the reason behind the attack.
Waco was waged over gunsmithing. McVeigh was a staunch supporter of gun rights.