Explain Yourself, Pinkmeat

White folks
>eat raw meat
>lay with dogs and let them lick them in the face
>have hair all over their bodies
>like to lick on toes
>are often born with a tail
But black folks are the animals? I honestly don't give a shit that y'all racist, but fuck outta here with your hypocrisy.

Other urls found in this thread:


>often boorn with a tail

hey nigga are you in drugs right now? Also eating raw meat is typical from here and japan, and the hair in the body is typical around the mediterranean, not a trait of white people


Asians really are the master race.

Whoa, save some strawman for the rest of us! I wanna have a go at him too!

clotted cow blood and milk on a stick is a traditional Maasai food

Nordics are as hairy as Meds, but Anglos, Slavs and Germans have little hair. Also, if you are blonde and hairy you look less hairy than if your hair is black.

>>eat raw meat
Asians eat sushi which is almost entirely marinated raw fish, your point.
>>lay with dogs and let them lick them in the face
Where's the proof that a white person has done this ever and that it had anything to do with their race?
>>have hair all over their bodies
>Implying you'd know
>>like to lick on toes
What the fuck?
>>are often born with a tail
Seriously, are you on something?

Black people
>Eat shitty overly greasy food that tastes like they poured a mountain of a bunch of seasonings all at once
>Mooch off the government
>Braid their hair to make up for it being sentient and hideous
>Like to lick the insides of an asshole
>Are often born with apeface


Y'all also smell like dogs when you get wet.

I thought only polaks did this.

>Don't pay the note on their cars
>Throw a public tantrum when McDonalds messes up their order
>Throw a public tantrum when a lowest common denominator fast food chain fires them

>smell like dogs when you get wet.
You smell like actual shit wet or dry.

>eat raw meat
*cured meat

>lay with dogs and let them lick them in the face
Dogs are best buddies. Also, stimulates immune system.

>have hair all over their bodies
Many have hair on legs only.

>like to lick on toes

>are often born with a tail
my sides

niggers shouldn't be allowed to use the internet

>Eat shitty overly greasy food that tastes like they poured a mountain of a bunch of seasonings all at once
White people love our food. FOH hoe.

>Mooch off the government
Lazy white aristocrats brought niggas over from the homeland. But y'all want to blame us. Okay, then.

>Braid their hair to make up for it being sentient and hideous
Explain why white women curl their hair, then?

>Like to lick the insides of an asshole
Ain't no real street nigga licking assholes, senpai. You been around them trap boys too long.

>Are often born with apeface
Humans and monkeys shared a common ancestor. We are the original people. Some of us reflect the fact that Africa gave birth to the rest of the world.

You could always just leave the functional, prosperous white civilization that hate so much (and yet are magnetically attracted to for some weird reason).... but no, that would just make too much sense to the stunted, backwards mind of the non-white or muddled up equivalent

...or you know, there is the obvious answer, which is you are just a bunch of parasites utterly dependent on the charity of white people, while simultaneously trashing us at every turn and corner and pretending you're in the right when you are clearly in the wrong.

Stake tar tar is not cured. Also curing doesn't get rid of parasites.

Which means you been hanging around too many fuckbois. Explain that shit.

>are often born with a tail
>my sides
Google "vestigial tail", my nigga.

>which is you are just a bunch of parasites utterly dependent on the charity of white people
Which is why white people continue to rape and pillage Africa to this day. Y'all weren't satisfied with your caves over in Europe. Y'all think your way is the best way. Niggas been living off mud huts, grass skirts, and sharpened sticks since the beginning of time. Y'all can't survive for a week without air conditioning. FOH with that weak shit, hoe.

>Explain why white women curl their hair, then?
For fun. It doesn't turn into an afro when not properly taken care of.

do you honestly think it's common for white people to have tails? ahhaha fuck...

This is either a funny troll or a mental retard.

Afro is natural. Jesus had an afro, read your Bible. Y'all white niggas treat your women so bad that they fantasize about being black. Y'all got Taylor Swift skinny ass thinking she can twerk and shit. Shameful!

It's a non-issue. I wouldn't eat it anyway.

I just haven't checked the bare arses of my peers.

So you admit that you hang with fuckbois. Okay, then.

What's that got to do with y'all being more like animals than us?

>but black folks are the animals

Yes, monkeys to be precise

You smell like shit when you're dry

>Shitting on Taytay
Shameful! Shame! She is innocent and beautiful, like a goddess. For God's sake, if you're going to shit on white women, shit on Miley Cyrus. She's the one who thinks she can twerk.

>niggers never knew literature
>niggers never knew literature
>niggers never developed music
>niggers hardly have any culture
>niggers have courage to call whites more animal than them while living because of their mercy

Lmao, first of all niggers were enslaved by niggers, second your were disproportionately brought over by Jews, third that happened hundreds of years ago you lazy nigger. Try explaining why every nigger country is a shithole full of lazy niggers without blaming white people for things that happened hundreds of years before you were born

Like animals, you leech on that shitty car so it can't be towed. Like animals, you chimp out when you don't get your ice cream. Like animals, you chimp out and wreck shit when you get fired.

That's supposed to be y'all insult, huh? Monkeys are the closest animals to humans bc we had a common ancestor. White people are like dogs. Explain that shit.

Nah, that's your fuckbois you're thinking about, hoe. Real niggas keep the cock and balls fresh.

Forever trying to take credit. Pyramids in Egypt WHICH ARE IN AFRICA were there 1000 years when the Romans found them.

monkeys don't have tails???

>often born with tails

We should literally exterminate you. Your IQs are so low that you are literally a burden to everyone else. No wonder you've achieved less than everyone despite being on the planet longer than everyone. You are truly animals

>Pyramids in Egypt WHICH ARE IN AFRICA were there 1000 years when the Romans found them.
They were not built by niggers, also glad you're not trying to lie about literature or anything else. Niggers are animals, lack of any civilization proves it just right.

He's yet to actually say something with any value... oh and Africa is being raped by you guess it NIGGERES

Do niggers realize how bad they smell? Like it's funny, you can tell if a nigger has been in a place by the stench they leave behind. The only other people that have that trait is arguably Pajeets, but Americanized Pajeets lose the trait after they stop eating curry fucking constantly. Niggers just happen to reek all the time for no real reason.

It's a fact, you do smell like shit. Humans and chimpanzees have the closest link, not monkeys. I have no idea why we smell like wet dog, just like you have no why you literally smell like poo

>mfw gils has more facial hair than I


Negro women have asshole hair.

>White people are like dogs
Adorable, cuddly, and more worth taking care of than a nigger? I agree, 100%.

In Sub-Saharan Africa, "the practice of ritual killing and human sacrifice) continues to take place ... in contravention of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights and other human rights instruments."[1] In the 21st century, such practices have been reported in Nigeria, Uganda, Swaziland, Liberia, Tanzania, Namibia, and Zimbabwe,[1] as well as Mozambique,[2] and Mali.[3]

This is the harmful practice of removing body parts, blood or tissue from a child who is still alive.[4]

Shithole to you because you can't live for one week without simulating the caves you crawled out of. Anything hot and tropical a shithole to you, but you hurry up and put sunblock on so you can go gentrify the islands on your vacation. FOH with that weak shit, hoe.

Like animals yet y'all lined up like sheep whenever y'all get a Hitler type at the wheel. Look at your boys in Charleston, looking like they tryna find Frankenstein and shit with their tiki torches. Okay, then.

So white niggas was just chilling in a desert. Those hieroglyphs depict white folks with nappy braids. M'kay, then.


>looking like they tryna find Frankenstein and shit with their tiki torches
Okay it's official, this guy's a troll. Move on.

Thats a sexy wolverine

Not white, ancestors of koptish people, arablike so technically white.
Stop with WE WUZ KANGZ, you're just admitting that you have nothing and yo udesperatly look for some sort of validation while there's none

>>lay with dogs and let them lick them in the face
beats living with niggers and letting them lick you


>can't take a diss
>truth hurt too much for this nigga
FOH then, hoe

yeah ... you were saying?

its a mix of coco butter and sewage.


i dont eat any kind of raw meat i have a parasite phobia


in my life ive nver seen much smellier person that a black or muslims, its like even after washing they keep thee bad smell whatever they do

Imagine how it feels to brush against that velvet

>white peepoe dis
>white peepoe dat
You're boring me to tears boy, go do sonething productive.

I'm gonna need for one of y'all white niggas to explain how blacks are supposed to be the violent savages, but y'all was busy using black babies as crocodile bait.

Black people are criminals, but y'all wrote the laws. Meanwhile, when it was lawful for y'all to keep us as cattle, it wasn't good enough for you to work us in the fields. (But we the lazy ones...yeah right.) Naw...you raped, murdered, mutilated, etc. men, women AND children before new laws had to be created. Now you mad AF that you can't go back to those days so you can show your true nature. And y'all have the nerve to wonder why the Muslims hate you, don't trust you, and call you white devils.

Niggers gonna nig.

>Be black
>Have no capacity for abstract thought
>Demand to be considered human
No other race failed to invent fucking numbers on their own, only niggers. Only niggers failed to define "past" and "future" in their native languages. Only niggers struggle with mathematics. There is a pattern here, you are simply subhuman.

Niggers gonna nig.

You're always free to go back to Africa negro, you will have negro written laws there.
You've done every single one of those sins so you're not really in position to judge

This troll is actually fun as fuck. I get to laugh AND be reminded I'm superior. Thanks based black man. You people are such good entertainers.

stop calling niggers people.

Fucking niggers. Me and the gf went to the casino last night and it was fucking coon town. A group of 3 or 4 niggers were 20 feet in front of us and reeked of curry, bbq rub, and asshole. We went the other direction. Take a bath you fucking bonobo.

Yeah, but it's consistent. Like, funny thing is I met a girl a while back who was blue eyed/blonde haired with a few vaguely negro traits (curly hair, flatish nose), but not really to the point where it would be "Hi. Are you some sort of nigger?" I was in her apartment, and I realized it reeked like niggers. I realized after being around her, whenever her perfume or whatever wore off, she just reeked like niggers.

Her mom was mulatto and her dad was white. She was also French.


Look at the cheek lines and the nose. But nice try, my nigga.

Look at the hair. White baby, dark pink skin. OLED monitor calibrated like a mufukka. Try again.

No argument. Okay.

Show where black folks had the history of treating humans like animals. I'll wait.

>niggers smelling like shit
I can't speak for fuckbois, senpai. Truest niggas I know keep the cock and balls fresh at all times. Y'all need to stop hanging with hoe ass niggas.

Dude they couldn't do anything productive if they tried. They are STILL bitching about the times white people made them work and that was 150 years ago.


>why white women curl their hair.
Cause they are gorgeous and almost all hairstyles fit them, except the nigger ones which are gross.
Why do you niggers copy hairstyles from white women and their straight or wavy hair ?

>Show where black folks had the history of treating humans like animals. I'll wait.

Well tribes in Africa hunted other Africans and sold them to be used as slaves. Also the first slave owner in America was black. Oh also, white people ended slavery and we sent in the mil to ensure you all could go to school with white kids. You're welcome.