Niggers are such natural born thieves that they would even try to steal Egyptian history making claims that they were in fact the rulers of ancient Egypt.
ITT: Nigger Hate Thread
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Why are those black men performing surgery on those white men?
Who cares about JewGYPT we're the original Romans
African American here.. you guys aren't hurting anyone but yourselves by spewing all this hatred.
>you guys
Sup Forums is a monolith
Anyone have some comfy documentaries or youtube series of niggers getting btfo?
Funny thing is the we wuz kangs bs was floated around over 150 years ago by abolitionists and was thoroughly refuted back then too, look up an 1851 book called Negromania.
>tfw niggers and spics are trannies at higher rates
muhh dikkkkk
I don't define groups of people by a single person's mental health problems.
All I know is that some how the Superior and mighty race of black people were enslaved by lil dick white people for hundreds of years. So you tell me, Who is really a man?
Lol Texas
Whites are only 16% of the world's population, yet are the most industrious and innovative race the world has known. Whites unlocked the secrets of DNA and relativity, launched satellites, created automation, discovered electricity and nuclear energy, invented automobiles, aircraft, submarines, radio, television, computers, medicine, telephones, light bulbs, photography, and countless other technological miracles. Whites were the first to circumnavigate the planet by ship, orbit it by spacecraft, walk on the moon, probe beyond the solar system, climb the highest peaks, reach both poles, exceed the sound barrier, descend to the oceans depths... Blacks cannot even feed themselves.
Whites have to provide food, medical, financial, and engineering aid to every Black nation. Blacks cannot survive without White charity.
No pre-contact Black society ever created a written language, or weaved cloth, or forged steel, or invented the wheel, or plow, or devised a calendar, or code of laws, or system of measurement, or math, or built a multi-story structure, or sewer, or drilled a well, or irrigated, or created any agriculture, or built a road, or sea-worthy vessel. They never domesticated animals, or exploited underground natural resources, or produced anything that could be considered a mechanical device.
Blacks were still living in the Stone Age when Whites discovered them just 400 years ago.
Blacks are the oldest race, so they should be the most advanced — but they never advanced at all. Blacks lived alone in Africa, a vast continent with temperate climates and abundant resources for 60,000 years so they cannot blame slavery, racism, colonialism, culture, environment, or anything else for their failures.
>implying north italians are white
Is this the kind of racist crap you scum bags post on here? I'm a 60 year old truck driver, get a job you low lives! My wife who happens to be black is the greatest fucking real woman I've ever met in my life scum bags!! I can't believe it's this shit my son does all day, sitting on his ass on this Sup Forums Sup Forums website. You fucking ruined him. I can't believe my son is a white supremacist. All his lazy loser ass does is sit in his room looking at this shit, fuck you. When I was his age at 24 I was already a home owner making 27k a year. You fucking kids are pathetic low life scum bags who are LAZY. Fuck all you scum bags I hate all of you for ruining my son.
teaching them medicine,
daily reminder to filter all nigger flags.
ebony trannies are hot hot hot search on xhamster for twerking videos
How can your son be a 'white supremacist' if he is a mutt?
so it's true that niggers don't feel pain like we do
> When blacks create civilization
My son is half white scum bag
he's gotta be tripping on something
what an idiot
>being a vampire in Africa
I would assume they're all extinct from aids.
>Whites are only 16% of the world's population
And yet cause the majority of the worlds problems
>my mongrel
A lot of the things in your list weren't invented by whites
No such thing.
said to be the same individual here,
>pic related
notice the lack of kinky hair in this pic and in yours, the rather small nose and lips of your supposed "kang"
a question you should ask yourself: Is that the same skin tone today that was painted on 3k years ago, or could it have darkened over time?
forgot pic
Such as? Whites pretty much invented everything but gun powder, thanks to based asians
ITT: sexually insecure, totally emasculated inbred yokel retards who feel threatened by black men because the women they lust after prefer them over a little faggot racist white boy.
So wait...are you saying the Egyptians were white?
right? these uneducated, gas huffing products of incest are total fucking embarrassments.
>everyone who's not white is a nigger
Mutt education.
oh, this meme again
Daily reminder England is closer to Egypt than the parts of Africa the Afro-Americans left from such as Seirra Leone, which alone is 5000 miles away from Thebes, London for comparison is 1000 miles closer
The Afro-American has NOTHING in common with ancient Egypt, neither in language, Law, Religion, Art, Architecture NOTHING
Ironically, Afro-Americans share far more with ancient Rome through European Imperialism who to this day still share common arts, language, law, politics, architecture, religion etc etc
This kills the Kang
Ypipo btfo'd
New fag
holy shiet
Are you sure your gay black mom thinks that?
The worst part is this is actually true. I legitimately think those cases should be punished with the rope.
Well if you know egyptian history, or world history at all,
and for once took a break from raping your sister in your hillbilly welfare shack while watching alex jones on endless repeat,
youd know ancient egypt has had Black Pharohos. Es called history baby boooooiiiiiiiii. Look it up.
Also, ancient nubian empire. Black people with black kings.
Why are these Sup Forums tier threads allowed? Do your assigned job mods.
Stupid watermarks