
I don't want STDs and I don't wanna risk fucking a man, so I would probably stick with my loyal submissive wife thank you very much.

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>ywn bust you NUTT inside a bargirl on her first night at work

they are tested weekly, and if you honestly cant tell the difference between a woman and a man with tits then you deserve to fuck one

>farm fresh girls

mhmmm I am a sexpat, I have been to Thailand many times, fucking a farm fresh girl isn't all that great, they have a huge bush and are pretty much a starfish in bed unless you get a confident one.

Because paying for sex is for chumps.

>herp derp we all pay one way or another user

Only if you let your thirst make stupid decisions.

>tested weekly

LOL biggest lie ever, none of them are tested, the only place I know who test their girls monthly are Devils Den girls in Pattaya, literally no girls test until they feel sick from STD's and then go get checked out.

Works for the Alt Right and Andrew Anglin .. why not for others.

Can you imagine being a man growing up a country where like 6% of girls are prostitutes for Westerners and Chinese

I would go full fashy overnight

>Because paying for sex is for chumps

says the healthy attractive man.

Okay Chad

i heard filipina girls are better than thai

Why are Brits such sex tourists?

Because SEAsians are literal niggers, I rather fuck an HIV infected Russian then go near these monkeys.

the flips will bareback no questions asked but their state of living is worse than thai's and you can see the poverty, esp in sexpat locations like Angeles City, cheaper too and worth a change of scene, been twice myself.

I never bareback them tho but they're personality's are nice and they speak English most of the time too.

>I rather fuck an HIV infected Russian then go near these monkeys.

We know

>they have a huge bush and are pretty much a starfish in bed
Are you going to list the negative points after these positives?

Projecting faggot detected.

Nothing better than paying a chick to be a filthy whore and leave

I mean holy shit what more is there to say? Get what you want out of them then you never have to worry about them again. Sure companionship is awesome but paying whores has it's place as well. Now paying 2 dollars to a toothless street bitch is a bit much but man a high quality whore is worth your time.

trust me user, the starfish girls are fucking awful, they're so robotic, it's jump in the shower, pull, whip off their towel, legs apart and pump and dump, I would rather rub one out.

>it's jump in the shower, pull, whip off their towel
sounds hot m8

agogo girls are pretty experienced, I've banged pic related when she had just started, looks a lil different now, more expensive tho if they work in a gogo bar.

We have seen your women we understand

Filipinos emulate Black Americans in almost every single way minus their appearence. We should’ve let Japan keep them so they would be killed off. If you seriously prefer Sea monkeys over Slavs or hell even better Asians like the Japanese. You’re pretty much unfuckable.

Most of the sexpats who go to SEA countries are first timers. If you literally think having sex with pic related is better then say a Japanese or Taiwanese chick. You really need to get better tastes.

Because they just like to immerse themselves in the local culture. For example:


>"Going to Thailand and not fucking a ladyboy is like going to Turkey and not having a kebab.

bar girls are tested monthly to be able to work at the bar and they are condom nazis

Still why would you fuck literal asian niggers over something like this?

Or if you’re into Slavs

no they aren't LOL, and condom nazi's is also false, if you wave 1k baht extra in their face they'll forget what a condom is......

I loved Singapore. My dick was greatful

because not all thai's look like niggers, I've been with this girl, met her at the place I rented my condo for the month from, 2k baht and up we went.

photo's from her line account


>Not a literal monkey

Dude you’ve never even seen an attractive woman in your life if you consider that “thing” to be hot. This is what a hot asian looks like.

i've mongerd in japan before, it isn't foriegner friendly, all the best girls work in jap only bars where farang can't go, yes they look good but they're expensive too and not worth it.

also the remotely looking jap girls in pattaya or bangkok who are usually born from a jap fucking their mom work in the japan and korean only bars in pattaya where whites, indians and blacks and arabs can't get into.

Dude I’ve been in those bars before without a problem. Either you’re too ugly or poor. I’ve got to fuck chicks that look exactly like that. But keep having fun with that monkey of yours. At least I’m fucking chicks who weren’t the rapebabies of Chinks amen Negroites.

Thank god, we don't need british genes ruining cute asian girls.

okay lad

Most of the people who like them either couldn’t get an attractive Slav or East Asian chick. Or are really desperate for first time sex. I feel sorry for them

They must like fatties.

REMINDER : When every you hear about Asian girls that White men get, 90% of the time they are poor brown 3rd worlders from shitholes in SOUTHEAST ASIA.

It's difficult to tell a difference between an asian man and an asian woman. They're both short, weak and have very little facial hair.

Flat noses
Brown skin
Simian appearance from their negrito / Aboriginal / Denivosan ancestors
Low IQ

>They're both short, weak and have very little facial hair.
Northern Asians are taller than Southern Europeans and have plenty of facial hair.

I'm into slavery.

I married one.

Absolute victory!

not really, once you've been out there a few days you can tell who is a ladyboy, especially if they're wearing a dress, their back is completely different.

the most convincing ones are the ladyboys from laos if they've been on hormones for a long time.

They're hated in all the East Asian countries, Basically their version of our niggers and beaners.

Most of the bar girls are pretty ugly. Their ladyboys are hot, but not female. Plus I am not that much of an autist, that my only means of getting laid is to pay some impoverished girl.

>Most of the bar girls are pretty ugly.
You dont think this is hot?

the average salary of some girl working in a 7/11 is like 12k baht a month, the official min wage is 500 baht a day for like minimum skill jobs like farming but it;s normally lower

these girls if they get 1 short time in the day for like 1.5k/2k baht and then meet a foriegner at night for long time for like 2k baht 2.5k baht and they buy the drinks etc etc, they earn more than doctors etc but bargirls are awful with money and literally blow it all and never save it for their future while working in their prime years 18-30, after that they latch on to a foriegner to try and marry them or w/e

also many girls have 1-2 guys sending them like 200 bucks a month, they're very well off if they were smart.

>Britbong literally trying to convince people to waste their money on smelly monkeys

You might as well fuck a roastie

race mixing is an abomination and a sin

this Thailand/Flip shit is also utterly immoral as well being one of the greatest insults to a foreign people you could possibly commit.

How are any of you different from Saudi oil shitskins, who degrade white women, throwing $10,000 for a night of being shit on, literally, and gang raped.

kill yourselves

would bang


those are obviously men


Not slavery.

Fucking auto correct

I am a regular sex tourist and I slept with over 200 ladyboys.
They are pretty cool and fun to be around.
Prefer them to gg's(genetic girls).
I wouldn't want marriage and relationship with a woman, although I fuck women hookers from time to time.
They are so incredibly annoying and you need to spend so much time and money on them.It isn't worth it.

Tingtong farang, kdoi myi ktoi tested
Louis Chang yet

Of course you would, la creatura

I plan on marrying a Slavic chick, but in the meantime I'll fuck some Japanese strippers.

And to think I respected you....

i have a high sex drive. i fuck females. you must be one of these guys who excuses their incelness by saying "i only fuck 10s"

I plan on becoming one when I win next week's mega or powerball. I'm gonna play it safe and get tests and pay for my fuck buddies test too. Honestly can't wait to drown in ladyboy feminine penises.

>Fucks literal apes of asia
>I have a high sex drive

Get on my level, whenever I go to Japan, I fuck countless Japanese strippers and hookers, most of which are 8-10s. Because they aren't genetic rapebabies.

I laughed harder than I should of at that picture and question.

If it were the US then yeah those would probably be guys but Thai ladyboys try their hardest to look more like women than the women do.

How do you think they got into that position in their lives that turned them into prostitutes. Well off Thais don't have to fuck people for money.

You'll regret it when it comes to SEAsians, they smell like dog piss. The ones in Japan (yes they do exist) are far better.

You have no idea what you are talking about
>inb4 butthurt flip
Filipinos are like the Mexicans of the pacific. Trade their drug crime issues for some basic Asian manner (def not East Asian, but general Asia courtesy). They work hard and live in big homes, tend towards engineering and construction.
You'd be right about there being way too many in my society, but they are hardly niggerish. Micronesians are the roach niggers of the pacific and the feds promised them eternal social services for letting us nuke their islands.
So no, not niggers- mexicans.
t. Jap-wh*te Hapa from Hawaii

good for you bro, you want a cookie?

id fuck both the japs and the thais

WTF . Pol/
My ladyboys are better than your ladyboy
WTF my degenerates are better than your degenerates

>Working Hard

Also there's pretty much no difference between American Mexicans and Niggers minus their style of crime. Even Mexicans in their home country fucking hate their American counterparts who only come to this country because they're genetic trash. The fact we even have 4 million of them in America is pretty bad. Most of them chimp out a lot as well.

If you're telling the truth, kill yourself.

If you're larping, kill yourself anyway.

I don't know if you're joking. They're not even remotely attractive.
I honestly don't understand the appeal of going to those countries for sex. The climate is horrible, it's basically just tourist traps, etc.
You can have a supermodel-like European escort in pretty much any European capital city for 200 to 400 euros (depending on the city).

Asians are so fucking ugly though. I legitimately do not understand gook lovers. Asians look like monkeys.

I was actually in Siem Riep a month ago. Was tempted as fuck. Then I saw this guy get beat the fuck up for not buying some bar girl a drink.

Returned home without doing anything at all.

Keep it up Jew.
The poison you spread is doing you in first.
I'll enjoy watching.

You can find girls the same level down the sois for a fifth of the price
Don’t use walking street

>Spending 400 dollars on a jap for anal sex

Nigger please

They cost less then 30 dollars, I've even got free passes simply because of my looks. lmao

They're probably expensive for you because you're a spic.

> If you're telling the truth, kill yourself.
Why? I am enjoying my life.
Truth to be said, I see men with women and wives as slaves.

CMon man . Monkeys have tails.
Apes on the other hand.
Orangpendex ( 1/2 orangutan 1/2 south east Asian )
Abo's (1/2 orangpendex 1/2nigger)
Which one M8

Hello poofter

>tfw Jews will holocaust themselves

Is that you Steve?

Im not attractive enough for an asian girl. All i can get are lousy white girls.
What do?

>those glasses

>implying Asians don't cut the tails off at birth and eat them

>britbong pedophiles

>You like sex? Wow dude you're literally a fucking PEDO

Just roll with it, either marry one or if you're not into that. Just pump and dump all of them. It would help increase the white demographic of America.

>they have a huge bush

Im on nofap now but I've busted over 1000 loads to Thai trannies alone. I think I know what to expect for the right price.

Calm down, you sound like a fantasising delusional permavirgin

Its a white roastie who is referencing the fact that asian girls dont age ever. This is what makes you a pedophile apparently.

Meanwhile, youre only a real man if you date a used up old white hag who looks 45 when shes actually 20.

yeah their style and dress sense is a bit of a meme sometimes, they tend to dress like niggers and for some reason a few wear fake braces.

lolno, i always check their ID before taking them back to my room and the hotel reception takes their ID card from them and checks it and gives it back to them when they leave.

the pedo thing is a meme in thailand, maybe in cambodia but only degenerates go there.

Pay a cheap Asian hooker on backpage

It's actually true though mate, The more attractive the cheaper it is.

There are better Asians to fuck then SEA mutts though. Seriously who would want to actually raise children with some Filipino Goblin over a Slavic or Japanese goddess.

>they cost less than 30$

well duh, STEP UP!

If I were a sex pat I would way rather go to Columbia where the prostitutes are 1000000000000000000000x hotter than island rat gooks . You know what those asians do they put the really hot girls out in front of the bar but you can never fuck one of them, you go in and what you're offered is the hideously ugly ones. And the few "hot" bar girls are not really girls and that is not my thing at all. Even in the dominican republic you can get an 18 year old for like $10, and if the police catch you you just have to pay an additional $10.

>You don't like the same type of women I do?! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?

yes user, go to beach road and pick up a freelancer for 1000 baht for short time, it's what all the pajeets do.

>asian girls dont age ever
lmao, haven't spent much time around Asians have you? They age like fish left in the sun. It's actually a bit of a meme anyway as Asians look like dog shit from day one whereas at least White girls look decent enough between 14 and 25.

>Not fucking Japanese boys

They're cute as fuck and if you're white and over 6 foot tall you'll be swimming in twink boibutts. I'm not gay and like Asian women but since they're much easier than Jap women I've done it before.

>download app
>set girls to worldwide
>set ethnicity to Asian
>two weeks later, line account has 6 different Thai girls sending me porn
Thai girls are the future