Recovery of stolen property is not stealing.
South Africa
no one cares now fuck off
kill yourself for posting plebbit shit you massive fucking faggot.
Homesteading is not stealing
that what you crackers get, HAIL WAKANDA
shoot the boer
Whites go back to Europe.
Bantus go back to Gabon
I'm Somali though
Show us your flag
That clearly doesn't apply to you, then.
Unless you're not in Somalia, in which case go back to Somalia.
Sage all fields. This is becoming an immigration issue in the US and the shills are out. White farmers bought their farms and will have mortgages or in many cases settled on empty land.
Not in Somalia though so I can't
>trusting a plebbitor
>trusting a Sup Forumstard.
If you want whites out of Africa, what's your position on black immigrants in non african countries?
He is one.
They should return to Africa.
>land was expropriated without compensation by the Apartheid government
Is there, like, any evidence of this? I don't remember niggers ever being able to farm or buy lands (lands which must have originally belonged to whites anyway, since no one was living in South Africa before they colonized it).
You are a white male in the United States
But that would be like hypocrite stuff user!
I am not, I am a Somali refugee in Aotearoa.
tells whites who built a first world country in the untamed wilderness of south africa to go back to europe while at the same time leeching off of whites in a white country.
your somali-iq is showing you dumb hypocrite.
I don't think you know what apartheid actually was...
Besides, there's a lot more going on than stealing people's land. I'm more concerned about the violent rape and murder of white farmers, with no attempt made by authorities to arrest the culprits.
so what is a redpilled history of apartheid?
Sup Forums BTFO
Whites on suicide watch
So Minnesota then
If youre going to troll around as a non white you might as well pick a type with an iq high enough to use a computer
>I don't want it
>except I do
It's funny to me they never tell us where their land was. The stories I've heard from SA indicate, usually that "their" land is pretty much always in the urban areas like the District 6 slum that was demolished because the coloureds there lived in such filthy conditions they threatened the rest of Capetown with plague.
Legally all farmlands owned by blacks were part of the Bantustans- that was in fact how the bantustans or Black Homelands were created- from lands already owned by blacks.
This meme that nignogs wuz happily farming and then whitey came in, took the farm and got rich is the biggest pile of bullshit ever- niggers couldn't even farm beyond subsistence levels
What did they mean by this?
According to the land act of 1913 which regulated land ownership no one could buy land from the blacks, and blacks could only buy land with government approval.
It is a massive lie that all these niggers living near places like Pretoria or Bloemfontein claim that "this productive farm was my granddaddy's- he told me!". In fact about 70% of niggers were born after 1980 so most of them don't even remember Apartheid- it's all lies and nigger bullshit to get handouts.
You have to go back. Somalia needs you to return there with all your family and other African friends!
How could you betray your country and leave like a coward?
These people will still call themselves victims as they slide the blade through your throat.
Less and less people are buying this horseshit.
Originally Apartheid under Malan meant "niggers who were brought in from the Bantu Homelands/reservations by British Jews during WWII to steal jobs previously worked by whites who were conscripted to fight a war for the Empire against Germany need to go the fuck back to their reservations in the middle of nowhere and leave the factory work to the white veterans"
In the 1950s Hendrik Verwoerd came to power. Verwoerd created the concept of apartheid in the 1940s which Malan used as an election slogan- its literal definition translates to "apartness". However Verwoerd was actually a sociologist and a liberal cuck who believed that culture rather than race was the most important factor. He wanted Indians to go back to Asia and to give blacks their own independent nations so whites and mixed people would be the citizens of the Republic of South Africa. He also put nigger communists who wanted to seize all of South Africa in prison, so the ANC has immortalized Verwoerd as literally hitler despite the fact he didn't believe in race.
kill yourself, go get some rope and hang yourself from a sturdy ceiling fan or support beam.
Youo'll never appease them, it will never be enough, they want it all. This isn't about what's fair, it's a power game. Farmers should take over and restore Apartheid, they'll be pariahs for a while but kikes, poos and chinks won't stop doing business with them.
wh*Te boys are CATTLE
i wanna c they boipoissies PENETRATED
You dense piece of shit. There were NOT any niggers in south Africa before whites came.
What don't you fucking idiots understand? Whites create, niggers desicrate.
yeah i think you're right. it's most likely bait
>whypipo stoles muh land
there were barely any niggers in the major parts
they moved towards the gibs me dats
>Not in Somalia though so I can't
so where are you Schlomo?
Do you get deported if you're convicted of a serious crime? I know the growing Somalian population here is already displaying how fucked it is
you best be trolling boy
Niggers operate on lower instincts.
Africa has always operated on envy of the neighbour and stealing his land and cattle.
They have no psychological basis to create win-win solutions through capital investment and rising productivity.
All they can do is steal, and after there is no foreigner to steal from, they will steal from each other.
Also, niggers like Malema INSIST on no compensation, where it would make it easier to achieve their alleged goal of getting land to black farmers, by providing some form of compensation without changing of the constitution.
This proves that this is about revenge, and hurting Whites out of nigger spite. Malema is literally talking in his speeches how this will hurt Whites more than killing them.
>be tasked with translating 'peaceful' African songs and tribal hymns from Swahili to English
>every song contains some form of 'KILL WHITEY, WHITE DEVIL WILL BURN'
Source for that map?
It's expropriation, not recovery.
It's all part of the same machine
You have arrived at the same conclusions just by listening to what they say. It's only western liberal whites who are saying the same blacks aren't aren't doing this When it isn't their goal.
you can tell this was written by a white liberal
Reminder: These are the same people who will argue that a squatter who's been illegally residing on your property is entitled to part of your land.