Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa 188 LQ

The final volume.



When we last saw our heroes, they were being dorks.


The strongest weapon known to man.




Oh wow. Thank you.


Time to go home.


But the future refused to change...

See you next week!

Don't even pretend.

Just kidding. We shounen now.

Bitch I'll do what I want!





See you next week!

For real this time. I'm out of pages. Don't yell at me.

>See you next week!
Haha, but for real keep going now.

21 pages. I ain't got shit. You'll have to wait till next week~

so is finally ending?i need to pick up the manga i really liked the anime

Wow, 22 volumes? I hope the official release finish it all

That was a pretty good chapter. Thanks Tarage.

They are two different beasts entirely. The last chapter will be 196 on November 22nd.

Go get em kid


Thanks for everything, Tarage. You're the best.

This entire sequence is all kinds of FUUUUCK YEEEAH! all the way to the end, holy shit.

...Just wait for next chapter.

Why did jitsu wa anime flop again?

>that little wah from the principal
school officials shouldn't be this cute

I feel like it didn't really capture the manga's unique art style, and a lot of things get skipped to get to confession drama, but then it all kind of ends without anything happening. The whole thing just didn't come together imo, and it seems like they made it assuming it wouldn't get a second season.


I wouldn't know since I didn't watch it, but I always thought the first 10 or so chapters aren't great. Series doesn't get good until Dumon comes in, and that'd be pretty late into an anime if it faithfully followed the manga.

Oh boy, that was so damn .
Thanks! Next one is the last one, right?

No. 196.

Dumbninja gotta save one of her grandparents

the LQ hurts so much

how am i supposed to wait one week. Thanks Tarage

Ain't got no redrawer. Asked for weeks...

What about the scan threads in Sup Forums?

Why is Youko so stupid? Should've just let the bitch die. Oh wait she's a ghost so it wouldn't have mattered.

It was a very monster-centric season, jistu wa season 1 is too slice of life to capture attention

I asked...

wew lads

thanks as always tarage

It's alright. It ain't duwang and still better than late 90's early 2000's. This is acceptable so no need to go crazy looking for one. When the time comes someone will volunteer.


>Shimada arc never ever

I'm certain he was by far the one people were most curious about.

His secret will be revealed.


Jesus. Is Youko gonna grow like eight extra eyes too?

Eight legs.

Seven vaginas.

Thanks Tarage.

The cover page is really nice.


I honestly love any sort of "stepping stone in the sky" thing they did here, but I think Kiryuin's participation is a little less impactful since he didn't get a lot of screentime.

(also i can't believe you guys put this little 'wah' in here)

It was in the raws, how could I not?




thanks, based tarage!


>mfw he was a beta bitch boy chapter 1
>mfw the brass balls of today

Holy shit, I didn't think Kuromine had it in him to make such a badass confession.
Thanks Tarage.

Hype levels: Maximum!



Bad direction, ruined a lot of jokes, overdid slutwolf and Shima. Fucked with running gags.

We're at 188, so 8 more chapters to go.



Broken and confused Shirayuki is great.
OP Alabasta and this.
I'm such a sucker for that kind of scene. That was fucking great, thanks.

T-Thanks Grimsby.

The manga ended a while ago
Translations are catching up

A MC whose character development involving him growing balls of steel, that doesn't only last for one tiny scene in the entire series and still retains his personality instead of it being a disjointed overhaul. I truly love stories like this.

I can't tell if Kuromine's inability to lie to people just got phased out by the author or if it was supposed to be subtle character development over time. I've been reading weekly so it's entirely possible I've forgotten a scene where he outright lies to someone though,

I think he's gone from 'can't lie' to 'terrible liar'. Hell, look at this chapter- he's obviously trying to convince people that Youko's still human, and doing a shit job of it. Mind you, I doubt anyone would be able to salvage this mess.

Their voice doesn't sound as good as the manga

Thank you

The big difference is that last time Genjirou was freaking out by himself. This time, Youko growing wings and flying away is one of the least weird parts of the whole incident. Genjirou's probably going to have to explain the whole cross-dressing thing to the students now.

Did Dumon just jump that high?

That or she teleported. She has dumon powers.