Boku no Hero Academia

Come up with a good way to give him back his quirk that isn't an asspull before the arc is over.

Already there, boyo

Healing Quirk, maybe Eri can reverse/rebuild her quirk. However he'll need to slowly heal and basically restart his journey.
But best option is you don't give him back his quirk. He can still Batman it up.

The serum can't be a cure.

can someone explain why he just didn't let the girl get shot?

if she's immune to her own effect, so what, and if she's not, wouldn't that have freed her from the gang's grasp due to her becoming worthless to them?

The power of friendship.

I guess Tintin just was such a hero he didn't want her to be hurt and abandoned even by something nonfatal. He just wanted her to believe in a world where she could be saved.
Also at the same time getting shot in the face probably would've done more damage to a little girl's face than a grown ass man's back.

then what the serum for?

did he actually know if it was a regular gun or not? and could he afford the risk of it being a real one?

>Having to explain why letting a little girl get shot is bad in any context

So are we going to get spoilers tonight? or is it better not to even bother now?

He thought it was a real bullet.

>They take one of the perfected quirk bullets and reverse engineer it and find a cure
>if they find someone besides afo who can take a quirk and give it maybe mirios dad could give his up for his son
>eri can alter the effects her quirk does
>turns out the yakuza had an antidote the whole time in case they got hit with their own bullet
>chisaki overhauls mirio and gives him back his quirk somehow just to spite the league

the boss breaking him down and rebuilding him

synthesizing the drug

Toga is MINE!!!

>Come up with a good way to give him back his quirk that isn't an asspull before the arc is over.

not without an explanation of eri's quirk

this week chapter was in the catalog so its sure we are gona get it, spoilers are always a gamble fucking korean post them last

>as long as we have the FINISHED product
>AND this serum

Why don't heroes use guns? Literally half these niggas could get dropped with a quick RATATATATAT. Namsayin?

finished product to show, serum to make more

it's probably harder to reverse engineering than having the prime material

We fridays now buddy, i doubt spoilers will come tonight.

its nipland this aint murika or brazil

this arc is some predictable shit

you mean like the hero that uses a fucking gun?

what? friday?

post suffering

Eri has been convinced for so long that her Quirk is solely for shutting down or destroying other Quirks that she doesn't realize that the real effect of her Quirk is dependent on her will or mindset.

Thinking that she was solely able to destroy other's Quirks is what caused her to be able to actually shut them down. Being convinced that she can help will let her reverse the effects.

There's precedent for this in All Might's speech about how sometimes people update their Quirk registrations after discovering how they really work.

Nip cops have guns

One horned newsman lives a hard life


He got hit with the back side of the bullet

i always hate interesting story expansions being outside the manga

yea but they dont shot you 5 warning shots in the back


Since FA is dead, our god is now Nigga Stream.

I'm not sure if he knew the bullets were the anti-quirk bullets.

I think it's gonna be a long, arduous process. Maybe he shows up again at the end, with his powers restored, to help in the final battle, but I doubt they'd just give them back immediately.

I dunno a time limit? Its not like they've been tested. That I know of at least.

>our competitor is dead
>better release the chapters friday
kek this fucking niggers

I mean
>gun is real
>he dies
>they shoot Eri
>she dies
>plan falls apart

>gun is anti quirk
>they shoot Eri
>nothing happens
>beatings ensue

What is it with MHA and 4chinners with terrible art making autistic comics? You're like the 3rd person this year now.

Only explanation.

What was her power? I didn't really care about any of them and barely realized the existed after the camp attack until she was found all raped and shit.
Was she the one in the comic seeing all might's true self?

We need a new competitor, too bad fan scanlation is dead

So is Koda, Sato, and Aoyama friends with anyone? I don't just mean sometimes talking to others once in a while.

sad rock is friends whit birb

She had the ability to keep track of the statuses and locations of up to 60 people at a time and know their weaknesses, friend or foe.

Kouda and Satou are friends with each other and the Bird, Aoyama is friends with himself

Some user already mentioned it. him and his dad has the same quirk but his dad wasnt autistic enough to master it the way mirio did.

Someone with a transfer quirk can give it to him

I like what they've Already done with him. He doesn't have is quirk, but he's still plenty strong enough to beat the shit out of you anyway.


I just realized those are the pussycats, I thought it was some random family.

Am i on deviant art? Kill yourself. Fucking underage fuck

You now realize Bird boy is just being controlled to be friends with Koda to make it look like he isn't the traitor. He did it with the Principle so this wouldn't be too hard too pull off.

follow up with Nejire getting her aids please

>Aoyama is friends with himself
I pity that guy tbhfamalam

They weren't going to kill Eri, Overhaul even already said if she dies he can just bring her back.

But again it' was all about saving her from pain.

I love the hand down the shirt.

chuuni birb is cute!

No more please.

No no, don't get it wrong, that announcement was before FA quited, both MS and FA were going to be delayed to fridays because the provider of spoilers. Maybe sudoku or forced sudoku or whatever.
But yeah, a new competitor would be good to force some actual quality.

birb is a mutant not an animal

But Mirio didn't know that, seriously if that was a real bullet he would have died for nothing.
And can't he only reconstruct things he's destroyed? Does that not count with a gun?

>Nejire's insatiable lust is too much even for Toga
I believe it

It's the drug to boost their quirk powers

how hard is to pay a korean weeb to send you raws?

Humans are animals.

Why would they shoot her?

I already said that i'm sorry

It would've been a chance.

He won't be cured.

cucking is also suffering right?

Exactly, he should have called their bluff.

I guess jail is something to consider

Why wouldn't they shoot her? All they have to do is overhaul her back together. If that were to happen though Mirio would have to watch her scream and cry and heros don't do that.

are the other spoilers delayed as well or did we get the end of the stick as usual?


Why does she have red spots? Does HIV do that?

i would wear toga t-shirt if i were nuclear

>He jumps in front of deku as bad guy is about to obliterate him, hes also holding Eri
>Bad guy is forced to rebuild him and eri, creating a fused being like bad guy turned into
Then they go on to be a new hero

Overhaul could cure him

Bakugo suffering is my favorite kind


Why would he?

Post the ahegao version of this I forgot to save it

shinsou will force him

you fucking asshole

Is that the mind control guy from the tournament?


Fuck you, paint-fag is the hero we need but don't deserve.

This pretty much, only a fucking retard would let a little girl get shot when you're as righteous as tintin, I honestly can't even see bakugou doing it.

What about Deku or All Might?

bakugou would btfo overhole in less than 30 seconds

What do you think your favorite character's fetish is?

Is that from a doujin?

Just give him One for All. Fuck Deku.

Pony's fetish is cowgirl position

No, it's canon.

All Might roleplay

He doesn't. Against all odds, he becomes the quirkless hero Deku could never be.