Why are white nationalist women so ugly?
This bitch is 25.
Why are white nationalist women so ugly?
This bitch is 25.
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Shut it down
Would you rather her or most women with gender studies degrees?
Also check out WN on youtube like Kirsten Lauren or Lauren Rose. This is bait, saged in all fields
Dude, you just made a fucking thread. Where are you faggots coming from?
Most women are average to ugly. At least she isn't fat.
this fucking chola was LARPing as a white nationalist? the state of spics in the US i swear
Where do you think a bunch of self loathing whites and illiterate spics and niggers came from? Its a website. You have one guess.
Hating niggers, Muslims and jews isnt exclusive to white nationalists. everyone hates them kek
Who cares she's a white nationalist God bless her
She's not ugly. She's not a 10 but she's not ugly.
OP confirmed faggot.
>waiting for (op) to post pic so we can all be dazzled by his model like good looks.
La Creatura...
They literally choose the ugliest photos to Ripick her apart
You better support her podcast now that she will never hold a job in an American school again Sup Forums.
She looks nice. I'd take her out for coffee and chat to her about the JQ.
Address of the podcast? I bet its not white nationalist in the least. Its probably some shopping podcast or Inteligence test.
Those arms could use some work, but otherwise breedable as long as testing rules out Askenazi genes.
She’s Serbian. She can marry mike peinovich.
This. You all better be blasting these lying snakes on social media wherever you're active. It's another witch hunt.
>women so ugly
So you are a faggot who has never seen women without make up, got it virgin shill. Anything else you would like to add to this comedy before I wrap up laughing at you ?
Shes probably just a conservative saying the truth, thats all it takes to be WN in the eyes of retards on the left. The left calling everyone on the right white nationalist is normalizing it too, crazy times.
Not that bad for a serb desu.
Saw an interview she did with Lana on Red Ice a while back. She has a fun personality. She's probably going to end up doind remote teachingbto homeschool children now that her ability to work in public schools has been destroyed.
Id put babies in her
I would cum in her thrice daily.
While you have a good point, in this specific case it doesn't apply. She has been on Red Ice and clearly has white nationalist views. (((They'll))) use her as an example to destroy or scare anyone with anything other than leftist views from speaking about them.
She's cute
She's actually cute kike.
Oh look! Another nigger sowing discord on pol.
Oh damn, do you know the name of her show?
I don't think shes ugly at all, also being able to talk about shit I actually like to talk about adds at least +2 points to her
This. She's at least above average.
La Creatura...
why are white nationalist girls so perfect
Would wife
Lauren Rose is mine. BACK OFF!
I was just looking for it but it appears to have been wiped off the internet along with most other info about her. She's been a guest on many podcasts but it seems everyone is panicking and removing her appearances from their archives. It's weird how extensive and quickly this has happened.
>I don't think shes ugly at all
I don't have lots of free time like most people here, so just imagine I photoshopped a 56% male goblin kissing a 56% woman goblin wearing a wedding veil
7/10. She looks just fine, would breed multiple white babies.
oh yea shes so ugly... Leftist women soooo much hotter. Oh yeah, for sure... oh baby give me that girl (boy) vgina (penis) little antifa hottie
OP is always a faggot, but in this case he's a gay faggot.
It was called "Unapologetic".
Looks good to me
You're a faggot
When will women realise that short hair makes them look like hideous dykes ?
That was the name of her podcast but she has been appearing on other people's podcasts for quite a while. Guess everyone is removing episodes with her in them to protect her from getting more of her opinions pushed out now that she has been doxxed.
She could be the exact same person with liberal views and Sup Forums would say she's ugly or "Part nigger"
Sup Forums is shallow hypocrite shit
Thats the reason they do it. They try to be as disgusting as possible to get back at their conservative mommies and daddies that paid for their college and gave them love
They're typically ugly women who claim to reject mainstream beauty standards when the truth is they do it to distract from the fact that they're unable to achieve society's standards.
Inb4 she's jewish
No trying to knock her but why did she put her face out there if she had a normie job?
Also deleting everything never works.
Link to podcast?
what is this picture from? looks like a pedo swirl behind her.
would marry, desu.
Why work out?
Why eat right?
Why put effort into your hygiene?
Why put effort into your appearance?
When you can sit at home, eat chocolate cake all day, shower once a week and call it challenging societal norms.
checked thats how media spin works desu
would marry 10/10 breeding stock who is aware of the JQ
>adopting long dead cultural norms to satisfy /polslavs/
not today, shitlord
Most people are pretty damn ugly if you look at them closely, me included. You're just used to pictures of hot women because you actively look for those.
She's yugo, not latinx
Reminder that this is how a typical shill will attack someone's persona or ideology.
Instead of:
1)refuting their arguments or central points,
2)debating them personally and publicly, or
3)discussing the things they have said in their works (books, podcasts, ect)
they will
a) attack their looks
b) attack their social status
c) attack strawmen arguments and NEVER show what these people are really saying
This is because they want you to have your mind made up BEFORE you look at the facts. God bless all white nationalists teaching our children. Such bravery.
Definitely Reddit or leftypol. The low-test places.
Are you saying Sup Forums doesn't attack people and groups over their looks and social statuses and doesn't make funny cartoon memes with mimicking voices either?
Why are JIDF faggots not executed for coming into a free country to violate people's rights? Freedom of assembly is a thing, and since you people knowingly conspire to overthrow the United Stated and the constitution while in my fucking country, I have a legal right to execute every single one of you treasonous fucks. How the fuck have all these tech ceos not retreated back to Israel? How do you honestly fucking think the way things work are you get to come waste my fucking time and nothing happens as a result of that? Imagine the outrage if I came into Israel with diplomatic immunity and started demanding that they start living life the way I want them to live. People would be encouraged to blow my fucking brains out. How are people who were so slimey a Hitler had to come to round them up and execute them still doing the same shit that lead to them getting fucked? How do you financially rape the world so bad that a war happens, then as soon as things clear up you do the exact same shit?
Don't worry, user. That day is coming and much sooner than they'd think.
No, I'm not. I'm saying let's elevate the level of discourse here. Also, shills are particularly bad at doing this, just like the MSM.
Being unattractive is not relevant when she is doing God's work -- which is promoting a non-pozzed world view to future Americans. Anyway, I'd wife her.
She's quite acceptable looking. Probably makes a damn fine casserole on Sunday and is 100% not likely to whip out a "feminine penis" and attempt to sodomize you. 10/10 would like to have a good convo with her on how to create a White ethnostate ASAP.
She used to work for Halsey News before she went from alt-lite to alt-right
It looks like she was doxxed by alt-lite types. Sad. They are worse than the left.
>1 post by this ID
>caring about whether a woman isn't a retarded libshit/feminist and has smart politics is "hypocritical" or "shallow"
Being shallow would be shitting on women who fight for their people and risk their career, having their name dragged through the ground by the media, just because they're not supermodels.
Reminder to sage and hide character assassination threads.
she's good looking, racist or otherwise
Here's a small clip of her talking
She looks like a Jew
Haha that bitch rules.
I honestly hope the commies get a chance to kill off some of the alt light just out of poetic justice.
Who listens to her podcast? is it good? Where can I listen?
I have no doubt that kike (((Halsey))) is behind her doxxing in some way. Someone ought to teach him that whites will not tolerate that for much longer.
She looks like all the jewish girls at my college.
She's Serbian.
With that nose??
>Be western woman
>Be solid 5, 6 at best with makeup
>Epsouse strong nationalistic principles
>Get instantly upgraded 2-3 points
>This is literally all western women have to do
She may be Serbian, but she's JAP passing.
It’s so simple yet they are too dumb to realize this on mass
Her friend said that a "fat conservative" doxxed her.
These alt-light faggots need to burn. Kikes and cucks. All of them. Not our friends.
They do realize it. Women do it all the time, they just do it across a variety of male personalities and so the mirrors their respectively holding up in front of these men are reflecting the diversity of opinion between them.
Would fill her womb with children through intercourse in a missionary position, as God intended.
I would espouse this one as well, and then produce many white babies for our race.
Very pretty lady. Obviously very clever too.
Go girl!
Stfu you would eat her shit if she asked you to
The most beautiful women are the most fucked up. Beauty corrupts. I fell in love with a ugly girl after like 3 years together every day from our work and she loved me like no other. Dropped her because I thought it mattered and cant make love to the bitches I find anymore. They're not like Nini
When you make love to a weemon you forget about her face. Would bang her for hours like she was a 10.
>Let's dox and bully somebody
Leftists are cowards
You called it right.
Yeah I wish she didn't try to pull everything. Should have just doubled down, gone full fash, and started publishing nationalist youth fiction.
whad she ever do to you to deserve that comment?
Beady eyed Serbs belong together.
You seem very disappointed that a cute-but-not-hot white nationalist chick will never touch your pecker.
Nah I married a virgin 5'10 blonde from Minnesota. Admittedly she was the 'ugly one' in her family but still plenty good enough.
Podcast is still out there; hopefully she won't quit speaking out, the more they scream, the more people are redpilled by her.
am i the only one that doesnt find her ugly?