Should pedophilia automaticly result in the death penalty?
are you sure
If they actually commit a crime with it then yes, but if they haven't acted on it you might be able to treat their illness.
rape is rape doesnt matter how old the victim is
all rape should be treated equel
There should be an exception made
for Hollywood bigshots and democrat
party leaders.
Otherwise anarchy could result.
Is this goofy looking motherfucker dead yet? Didn't they get him with that heart attack gun? Or it was botched and he recovered?
Complicated topic to get into. Let me start off by saying I'd likely end up murdering a child molester if I ever caught them.
Here's where it gets tricky. If they just feel the odd urge, that is something that can be helped. When they attach to the urge and start giving it a body and allowing it to grow into something that makes up a component of their personality to where they'd identify as a pedo? That's where you run into the issue. Human psychology is sculptable, yet when the person has effectively fostered something like that to the point where it becomes a problem, they identify with it. The only way to fix them at that point is to break them. And it requires them being actually willing to fix the problem. Not "willing" and in the hope of a magic cure. Actively wanting to stop it. Because if you actively want to stop something psychologically, you can stop it. It's all willpower.
he's still around. just hiding in the shadows.
No. Its a crime, but its overblown, just like sexual harassment is overblown. Ive had my ass grabbled by multiple girls who i wasnt atracted to and, GUESS WHAT??? It didnt ruin my life. It didnt even ruin my day.
If you get your ass grabbed you need to shut up and be grateful for it.
Most feminist ogres have dreams about guys grabbing their ass. Its their fucking sexual fantasy to have a guy grab their ass.
conflating ass grabbing with child fucking, what a shit eating shill if I've ever seen one
>child fucking
kill your self
Fuck off, pedo.
Yes. By electric chair.
Is this a rare flag? I’m on my phone.
I agree, death penalty for all rapists.
Half of the people on here are against age of consent laws
Only Lolbertarians and communists
i believe so. Ghana.
Most of them are far right trads. Pic related
>Lolbertarian/Alt right fag
No National Socialist accepts pedophilia
There was just a thread made by one a few hours ago
That's a Alt Right fag, probably the type that bitches about "purity spiraling"
Chemical castration is the correct answer for sexual assault on a minor based on pedophilia or repeated sexual assaults on adults.
Life sentence and death penalty should only be applied in cases of murder of the victims.
Antis are the absolute worst. What's with all the hate? Who did we ever hurt?
I know you mean well, but you're no different from the people telling gays to do some kind of unscientific drug/shock therapy to cure them from their "illness". There's nothing to cure. It's a natural sexual preference some people have. If they're not hurting anybody and they're happy with their life, you have no business judging them. I do agree that it should be easier to get psychological help though in case you're struggling.
Ask that in the UK.
Wow a whopping 36 replies!
Yes. On the spot.
no, it should be normal