Let's face it, Kadokawa will make everyone forget about their Kemono Friends debacle once they announce new stuff at Dengeki Bunko Fall Festival in 3 days.
(Kadokawa owns Dengeki Bunko)
Let's face it, Kadokawa will make everyone forget about their Kemono Friends debacle once they announce new stuff at Dengeki Bunko Fall Festival in 3 days.
(Kadokawa owns Dengeki Bunko)
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Is this where they announce Index S3? I thought the LN sales declined hard and no one cared anymore.
Just like how everyone forgot about the Kokoro Connect incident.
Kokoro Connect was going to flop anyway.
Thanks for reminding me Kino is getting shat on too.
Nope, this is a meme perpetuated by people who stopped following the series.
There was a Kokoro Connect incident? What happened?
All I remember is that it had K-On! designs and wasn't very good outside of a niche audience.
SAO 3 will overshadow everything
Mahouka S2, or I won't give a shit
It's not going to happen after the disastrous US movie premiere
>It's not going to happen after the disastrous US movie premiere
Ohh, give me the juicy details!
Nobody gives a flying fuck about the US. Amerifat companies have to practically beg japan to license their shit. Mahouka cleaned the table in Japan and that's all that matters.
If anything, this might ruin the Festival.
Imagine the crowd booing loudly whenever the Kadokawa reps get on stage.
Production team and two of the VAs in the show pulled a prank on an upcoming VA by lying to him that he had a job so that he quit his job, making him record a bunch of fake lines that they never intended to use while mocking him the whole time behind his back for how hard he was trying, making him do a bunch of dangerous stuff claiming it was for 'promotion' including fucking electrocuting him, and then filming his live reaction to finding out he'd never actually had a job and everything he'd done was for nothing which included the guy actually breaking down and sobbing in front of a live audience.
There's no way this isn't going to happen. It's gonna be a shit show and a half.
US cut the movie off before the post-credit scene and had numerous poor planning mistakes with the director and producer of the movie as VIPs for the event. They were unhappy and didn't attend the Q&A session later.
What did this have to do with Kokoro Connect and what was the point of it?
That has no bearing on the japanese market though
>It's not going to happen after the disastrous US movie premiere
ay lmao
LN sales have gone down but that's just due to natural decline in popularity. Every franchise goes through it. Index 3 might be an attempt to bring those numbers up. I don't know if it will work. It probably won't bring them up but it could stabilize them.
More like the stage will get shouted down/swarmed by an angry mob whenever it gets to Kemono Friends. Forget about it? That event is going to be their fucking reckoning, probably even if they don't do any KF stuff at all people will just start shouting about it and probably go nuts at the end of the festival over it.
Miki didn't get stabbed in 2014, I wouldn't expect much
I hate 3D.
Kadokawa owns the entirety of Dengeki Bunko though, so if people are angry and protesting, they would not go to the festival in the first place, or trash it from the front door.
He's only getting stronger with every yen earned
>template 23
Yo...that's actually fucked up.
>might be
Adaptations are ads, pure and simple.
They also tasered him in a car for fun. Not cool.
Oh shit you already said that. Sorry, I'm drunk.
Yeah, because they're doing such a spectacular job of damage control so far.
If anything that's why it needs another season, to boost it sales back to 200k.
nah you're good I never knew about the car part that's even more dangerous
Why the fuck would a Dengeki Bunko event in which they announce stuff for the label do anything about KF when KF has nothing published under the Dengeki label? Are you furfags really this retarded? If it was a Kadokawa Shoten label then you could make an argument but you're just being retarded now.
The sales decline is natural for long runners, but after what they did in 2014 they can't do any of Kamachi's newer works without shooting themselves in the foot again. Relatedly, they can bounce whichever LN they choose to do next off of Index S3 like they tried to do with HO only it would actually work this time.
A lot of famous people got involved in this shit and even got news coverage. Shit is even more hot topic than their own political landscape and North Korean threat.
And you think that everyone would just forget about KF?
These people are not just fans, they are all parents who believes and understands the moral value that Kadokawa just got exposed in
Yeah fucking with Indexfags that way back then really fucked over any chances of them supporting the HO anime, even if a good chunk of them were Kamachifags in general.
Yes, stop being delusional.
It's amazing how all their attempts at damage control so far have horribly blown up in their faces.
Yes but I was referring more to not being solely limited to increasing novel sales. I really don't think they're going to go up that much. Which is why they've also been pushing these new games coming out which could potentially make more money being advertised through s3 than novels will.
Kadokawa owns Dengeki and stands to profit from anything Kemono Friends, even if it's indirectly related to the event. They obviously goes where the money takes them, so it's not unexpected that they would've sold or promoted KF stuff at Dengeki Bunko's festival.
Dengeki's owned by Kadokawa; it's the first place that nips can start to get back at them for KF on a public stage where it can no longer be denied that it's a fucking shitstorm of the century. Because it is.
It IS unexpected you fucking retard, Dengeki Bunko Festival is only for LIGHT NOVELS.
Does Kadokawa only indirectly profit from its anime through boosted LN sales or are there other ways for it get revenue from anime?
Masayoshi Ooishi (anison singer, Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun OP, Overlord OP, etc) - 117k followers
Mewhan (Sandcat seiyuu and KF ED singer) - 190k followers
Tsutomu Mizushima (director of Shirobako, Girls und Panzer, Prison School, etc) - 69k followers
Amazake no Hisago (author of Knight's & Magic) - 4k followers
Chiyomaru (5pb director, Steins;Gate, etc) - 158k followers
Heck, even Nissin, Japanese Racing Association, and fucking Nico Nico got involved in KF
This is no longer about Kemono Friends, everyone is raging at Kadokawa's greed
Why don't you shitters stop trying to kill off other people's favorite series already? Kill yourselves.
If they already had tickets to go before the Kemono Friends shitstorm and also like Kemono Friends, which is likely considering that it truly attained phenomenon status in Japan, then they'll probably find some point to start shouting at someone over it.
Is that some goalpost moving I see
Should have just made this a normal thread about the fall festival instead of KF crisis thread #5236157.
What if
Kemono Friends LN announcement
>I was reborn in a zoo from another world but all animals are girls?!
Then it would be published under the Kadokawa Shoten label, the same as Haruhi's.
>Abe jumps out and punches the Kadokawa PR guys on stage
Was this all part of Miki's plan to avoid getting hit?
Why can you punch some old men for us, Touma
Break their delusions and tell them they're living life incorrectly
Don't forget the brain scientist guy who started the online petition
>TFW you sent your dick to KitaEri
Anyone else here?
And don't forget about sending picture of dicks to Kita Eri
I thought that was all Daiz's plan
>Kadokawa's greed
Honestly, I don't mind the greed. It's the utter incompetence at managing a hugely profitable product that makes me doubt the current leadership's competency. If I were a holder of significant amounts of voting stock, I'd be at the October share-holders meeting with a lot of pointed questions and edged weapons.
Okay KF fags, I need you to listen to this. Do you really need to drag your shit into any tangentially related threads just because the series is published by Kadokawa? Did it ever occur to you that not everyone gives a shit about your drama and they just want to talk about their favorite series or an upcoming announcement? Why are you trying to drag everyone else down with you?
>Template 77
>I will just disregard other people's opinions because they aren't a hate drone
This is you right now.
>i will suck kadokawa cock so hard until they ruin what i love
>this post again
Too many people care and there's bound to be a handful that just can't let it go
>Template 53
Who's doing that? Other than the people rushing to make a thread, most of us are keeping it in one place.
I'm asking you to stop shitting up the board. Keep it in one thread and leave the rest of the board alone already.
They can't let go.
They can't accept it.
They're not living their life correctly.
Please don't use TouMAN for your shit.
>stop liking what i don't like bawww
Please stick to templates and stop embarrassing yourself.
>I'm asking you
Here's some news for you, fanbases here aren't necessarily a hivemind like where you come from
You're definitely coming off that way considering your threads.
Okay, now go post that in a thread that doesn't begin by whining about KFfags.
Please stop addressing me in the singular
You can always go complain on Reddit
I refuse to read every thread on Sup Forums, so I've no idea if is just whining or not. That said, if people are being asses in threads about other Kadokawa properties, they're not helping the people who are pissed about their treatment of Yaoyorozu and Tatsuki.
News flash motherfucker, the plural of you is you.
This is obviously a very personal issue for you
I think you need to go lie down
I found one pretty easily
Only smelly otaku cared about Kokoro Connect. Kemono Friends is actually enjoyed by children and normalfags in Japan.
>implying you're not a smelly otaku
I can't believe that there are really useless assholes on Sup Forums. My faith in humanity is shaken to its core.
Okay, not really. Feel free to tell them to fuck off, because they're of no help to angry KF / Tatsuki fans, and not relevant to Index fans.
Just don't call them furries while you do it, because that makes the accuser look like a moron.
Raildexfags should be the last people I want to have a say about morals concerning being annoying and loud bastards who shit up the board
Raildexfags at least stick to their thread except during the Dengeki Bunko Festivals during the year to lament no Index 3. If ghost posting hadn't been disabled you wouldn't even see any threads.
I'm more interested in if there will any stb announcement now that Taneda and Hosoya returned to work from their sick leave.
Only for the last few years but how about those whole fucking five years full of shitposting and constant toilet leaking?
Shhh, don't expect some newfag to know anything about Sup Forums history older than last summer.
Did Kadokawa send any more shills?
There are no real shills, just people pretending to be ones for easy replies.
>shit on every other show during the season
>ruin sales threads for the season
>"p-please join us to bring down big bad corporate greed"
You reap what you sow. You aren't "friends".
>shit on every other show during the season
The only people I saw get shit on were salty sales-fags; and face it, almost everyone hates them.
You're a salesfag. You aren't even human.
>shit on every other show during the season
Butthurt over flavor of the month shit not selling
>ruin sales threads for the season
>sales threads
Don't forget that if anything, KF has been the one constantly shat on anywhere that's not a KF thread.
I don't even-
Bullying is a national pastime in Japan. They didn't stop to think that their target audience might have been on the receiving end of it already, though.
Thats terrible! Usually pranks are played out carefully and with consideration.
Kadokawa owns a good chunk of the industry. Kemonofags are just trying to ruin everything because their feelings were hurt.
Same user, I just want to add that both sides of the party should be happy by the end of it. That's how pranks worked.
>go to festival
>all the authors make tongue-in-cheek nuances about how they're pissed they aren't getting Kemofre S2