Why did men give up their power over women?
Why did men give up their power over women?
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controlling women is basically micromanaging autistic kids.
beta males have always existed, the left has just tried to make them seem "trendy"
The Justin Trudeau and Barack Obama types of a previous age.
Hes a sorry pussy that has a shitty sense of humor. Nice meme tho...
It was either the jews or its just that beta men started to out number alphas as society got easier
No no. You don't understand at all.
Women gave up their power over men. Completely.
Men do ANYTHING for a proper, beautiful, pure woman.
No longer. And society is going to fall because men are no longer motivated. They no longer care.
i would like to agree, but i don't think i can necessarily, mostly because it's just the way it way it is in the world, when people don't have things to complain about, they invent more things to complain, like the whole 3rd wave feminism retardation
Are beta males really to blame? The average Indian is a skinnyfat weakling but they still understand that men should be in charge.
fuck off
Domination and cuckolding is the patrician thinking mans fetish.
Cucks are below even betas though. At least the latter tries to score some pussy.
Industralisation, secluralisation, world wars' death toll on European men and sweet, sweet tax from double the workforce. In short, the jews did it.
This entire internet is beta males fighting with other beta males.
That picture is so awesome
no it isn't
Why does a Canadian post this kid, he's visibly a Slav.
Because pegging exists
this nigga tho
>Only men are able to vote for politicians
>For some reason politicians decide to pass laws allowing women to vote
Literally why?
>implying women care about men who effectively feel entitled to a sex slave
in the garden
Medieval selection pressure caused white people to become overly empathetic.
>Many commenters on this matter like to blame Jewish influence for these shifts in social attitudes, and it is true that Ashkenazi Jews commonly hold and have promoted progressive agendas. But what these commenters ignore is this: why do people listen? Or more to the point, why have some people (and peoples) embraced these views and not others? A promoted agenda is only as good as the traction it gains. Clearly, the trend towards universalism has been the purview of Northwestern European societies almost exclusively. If Jewish influence has had any role, it is only in the form of a rush in a much larger prevailing current.
>Indeed, Jews are a vanishingly small portion of the population in many of the most progressive countries, such as the Scandinavian ones. Sweden for example is known for being a foremost champion of progressive causes
>ashkenazis are fucking bleeding hearts
>Christianity is too bleeding heart like
>stop doing that and oy vey and so forth and so on
my goodness
Jewish-owned companies broadcasting 24/7 feminist propaganda to the stay-at-home housewives through the radio, effectively making them whine and nag their husbands to do something and protesting in the streets.
because the amount of fat in your body forbids you to lift a finger Jonah.
fuck off peterson tranny. too much ayn rand social security in here
>Why did you give up power over your appetite?
I can feel this happening as well, but I don't know if I'm really just imagining it or not. Is there any study or statistics on this trend? I'm sure people are keeping an eye on this sort of thing.
there was just no way he could recover
Because of weakness, we should have stood strong, we are imperialists, we are men, we are patriarchial.
With their right to suffrage and gained economic independence they started to use sex as a bargain chip. Men are weak and just surrendered.
Its all there is to it.
How many pics has this guy uploaded to Sup Forums? I think people have whole folders of him just doing faces kek
kind of true but jews helped by fighting christianity and funding feminist groups
> (((the jew)))
> mfw foreshadowed by 2 post by ID op
> hello JDL
that eye is a sky pussy. basically witchcraft
Women were manipulated into that position though. They're highly suggestible vaginal-socialists by nature. Because it's feelz > realz from the day they're born to the day they die. Weak men have been manipulated into buying into the feminist fantasy too, men aren't naturally that pussy whipped.
Democracy. Alpha men are always in the minority. Beta cucks + women = majority
The state took aways men's power through divorce, domestic violence laws and mandatory child support.
For the same reason the kings lost their heads.
The library of a burger
I blame the Jewish world wars. Alphas should be the dominant, not trout mouth betas.
Manipulation by jews and women after a huge portion of the real men in the western world were killed in WWI. The shell-shocked men who made it back were weak and did not have the strength to fight off the bolsheviks and their allies, the suffragettes.
Then you should blame democracy. The only system that works is one where you only get to vote if you own land. That keeps the gibs voters and the low iq voters out.
>Why did I give up my power over women?
You never had any to begin with
This is a very jewish picture
Speak for yourself, cuck.
High test males were killed off in world wars. Beta men leftover when they had sex with women didn't treat women as the weak sex they are and stopped having sex in the position where the woman bends over and exposes her reproductive organs and ass. This lack of sex where the woman is completely submissive has kept effecting the male mindset and made them the submissive sex. A strong man will exert dominance over his potential mate that will be future mother to his children by having her face down in the cooking area of the household when having sex
television political correctness, they put it in everyones faces. people start trying to do the same things
End secularisation and T will flow back in our blood
>hah, youve never had power over us stupid beta!
Women are schizophrenicm cognitivie dissonant, conformist sociopathic liars.
As the context of a subject changes, your lies also change.
All women are two-faced. They have a different persona for every setting.
>One for church, around their "christian" friends.
>One for their "gerlfrieeeends"
>One for their boyfriend (multiple stages, first stage is giggling and acting dumb and vulnerable, second stage is a slight nagging and verbal abuse, third stage is all out white roastie masculinity)
One for school
One for family (which is their true root personality, and its always shitty and disgusting,
God i hate white girls.
I doubt they could foresee the absolute shitshow society would turn into by letting women vote. They just figured we would be able to go on forever controlling women.
this 100x
because whining
when we gave them democratic power in government, they always vote for a welfare state
>A strong man will exert dominance over his potential mate that will be future mother to his children by having her face down in the cooking area of the household when having sex
they foresaw it
Women convinced us, if blacks could vote, they could too.
In retrospect there was a better option we could have taken.
>bread on the table with no plate underneath
Problem is they will not hand it back, or at least it won't be seen as acceptable. But I have a solution to take it back from both of them: one vote per family which is undivorced parents + 2 childrens.
Lack of real war.
>1800: american war of independence, war of 1812 shortly thereafter, war with the indians afterwards for manifest destiny, meanwhile everyone in europe was fighting eachother
>1865: civil war, continued wars in europe amongst eachother, at this point ottomans start genociding whites as well
>1900-1945: world wars and the spanish flu of 1918
Just think about the implications of that timeline. You never had a moment to sit down be you a man or a woman. But more importantly both man and woman appreciated the sacrifices they made for each other.
This. Men gave up their power to be slaves to pussy.
A generation of men were foolish enough to think women wanted to be their equals, so they gave them rights and privileges of men thinking it would lead to some equalist utopia. They threw away centuries of hard work their ancestors spent building western civilization trying to appease their women.
You see to make a woman loyal you must see her as purely the mating means that has access to biological functions unique for the nurturing aspect of raising offspring. Whereas the man raises the offspring in later years for the nature aspect. To have a successful mate one must play psycholigical tricks and rely on mental intimidation to bring in a woman. It is about offering something a child would need but dangling this offer. Isolate and avoid political and philisophical thoughts you have about life towards her, women do not understand complexities of nature and will respond like a child will to something they don't understand. Then when she is in the mental trap you have made on her you must finish the job with physical intimidation, pleasure, and fear all at once. This is where isolating the woman and first exhibiting friendly relationship through casual contact with kissses and hugs work but then as she falls into your trust web you hook the bait with aggressive sex where you smash her doggie style with all your physical strength and rage. Over the course of the next few days you play it off and say you lost yourself and come off as playful and cheerful towards her. You have secured all levels of mental and physical intimidation while building trust therefore setting up the proper role of the male in a relationship
As I recall the first lawyer who pushed for feminism in america was indeed jewish. He was credited for successfully giving women sovereignty, sort of. History scholars will first tell you about all the women involved and maybe a footnote (if that) about the jew who convinced these women to go through with supporting these policies.
What hentai is he watching?
most places in the Internet effeminates men. Sup Forums and /fit/ turns beta males into alpha males.
when the bull preps the cuck