Would you call Sup Forums a culture?

Would you call Sup Forums a culture?

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It's called Autism

no, fuck off



its a subculture, so yes

No it is an imageboard you moron. Maybe a water hole for several cultures

I would say so, yes. There are plenty of different terms and memes that only somebody from this place would understand.

no fuck off, you double nigger

In the same sense that I'd call Treponema pallidum or Mycobacterium leprae cultures, sure.

A satirical culture promoting the art of argument and discourse on a peaceful Japanese anime platform.

cool flag mate, I'll take it. Also, fpbp

It has, however, various cultures. that's it until The Great Flood which Diluted a lot of boards' cultures

This, and let no one tell you otherwise in this bar fight of a board.


A culture of autists, virgins, sociopaths, pedophiles, and genocidal freaks? Yeah.


based gay pride island

Stupid thread idea
>Let it die.

What; I’ll murder you in your sleep.


Sup Forums is a wesbsite you shitpost on because you have a shit life with nothing better to do. Retards come here thinking this is the forefront of internet life and the best thing since life itself.

But you can culture M leprae, it just takes selective media and a long ass time.

the kike mods just gassed the redpill thread. it was a very good thread, a lot of new and intellectual stuff.


No you won't

A collective with no definitive purpose.

I come here for the copypasta and the lulz.

Probably not, I’m in my moms basement.

I love reading what everyone posts and finding funny shit.

it's.... something

Kys faggot. Or thereabouts

Not being offended on any level

I know right, it really is an oasis in a world of hypersensitivity and other politically correct groupthink. Muh can’t talk/joke that way or don’t offend someone’s feels.

He says, emphatically and emotionally on a Sup Forums meta thread.

Sup Forums is the perfect example of what happens to a culture when it's overrun by outsiders.

I think it's like a soundboard that culture seems to bounce off. Like radio or tv or irc at their primes. It's a fucking phenomenon.


A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

It becomes racist and wants to gas the jews?

Hmm, this unironically is making me think.

Not if you called them stenchblossoms

Sup Forums is a website

It's an enlightened breakaway society, the one of its kind.

No, it's a website for anime discussion and other topics.

Ever since mainstream internet took down comment threads people are going to find a place to go. Can’t reply or call out MSN. How can an organization provide state of the art customer service without a feedback loop. It’s one way. Any 6sigma organization knows this.



But I'd definitely call OP a faggot.

I love the propaganda. Here.

It’s awesome

>He really believes these images

but that always happens user. 4chins was never a sekrit club

I really like how people here are so friendly and willing to upvote my posts. It's actually nice to see in a world so far gone.

Keep it up, my fellow channers!

What flag is this

What the fuck I love mass immigration now


Propaganda doesn’t have to be true you fucking troglodyte.

Global Chan culture has been a thing since shortly after this site began. It is wholly different now than in the early and mid years but still has some glimmerings of what once was.

>He's really defending his images

i am english you gay turtle pooper

It happens on occasion. Jannie-kun gets BTFO on an hourly basis to he has to take it out on some tasty breads.

Lots of bots detected there too. They're OCR capable and have been for some time too.

No. Its a symptom of a socially dysfunctional species determined to destroy itself. And screwing that up too.

Can’t read and comprehend. It’s an either or with you.

Absolutely. A rape culture that leaves you with mind aids.

Break out the Guy Fawkes masks!

You won't survive what's coming.

No we just shit post. I would argue most of us don’t or act the way we do in our everyday lives. Most of us have jobs, relationships, etc. we are for lack of a better word, normal.



None of us will survive unless we pull our collective heads out of our collective asses.

Speak for yourself faggot. I'm an agorophobic neet that only opens the door to call the paper boy a nigger.

Hover over it, stupid

"You go first" NO, YOU go first"

> the year of our lord 2018
>still getting the paper delivered

Do you get your milk delivered too?

Please leave

Sadly the Captain went first to drink from the waters of Lethe.


>He's buttmad hitlerposting now
Stay angry, mutt

seriously consider suicide.

Why would I be mad?

it's a fucking website retard

Alright who sent this faggot in here?


Yes we have our own language in a pseudo way (kek, normie, also varies between boards) also we have art and everything else you would define as a culture

>the lulz
What is this, 2006?

There is an archive on encyclopedia dramatica with thousands of copypasta, no need wade through shit here.

These anons are actually funny. Have you read reddit? Pretty gay.

Everytime I read the word lulz I think of Hepkitten's LiveJournal and can't remember if it was did it all for the lolz or lulz.

It is a race

Lurk 2 years before posting faggot.

They always get shoahded
You need to keep the thread active.
If the bumping stops then its kill.

hes phoneposting

i view it as the undercurrents of american culture. I understand many countries post here but, Sup Forums atleast seems to center mainly around american politics and whatnot.

Of course

You seem upset


>click on flag
>window opens up
>flag pic is called something like 'pe.gif'
>google that

Sup Forums is one fraction of an emerging global culture that began with modernization and hit stride when the protonormalfag discovered the internet.

It really is.