A little call for help

Hi Sup Forums, i think you have seen the recent Kadokawa scandal with Kemono friends, right? Well, i have something to ask.
In this web-site:
> inquiry.bunka.go.jp/SelectInquiries.aspx
Click to the link:
> 映画以外のメディア芸術の振興に関すること[マンガ,アニメーション,ゲーム,メディアアート等](About Promoting the Media Arts other than Films)
Here you can send a letter to show concern about Kadokawa and it's practices.
These past days have been really rough for me and a lot of people, we don't have many resources from here to make change, but we don't want to just stay still seeing it happen.
Maybe it will not make the diference, maybe you don't want to attack the company that makes something you love, maybe you hate this series, or its fans, or maybe you don't have the time for this, but if you do i ask you for some help in this issue. Any little help is valuable, and i thank you to take your time to reading so far.
Peace, have a good day, and if you're on this little sad side of the conflict, then be well and take care of yourselves

Other urls found in this thread:


Why would a government agency meddle with that?
It's a better idea to contact the companies that have some leverage against Kadokawa on KF.

Pray tell, user, what is this magical entity that has leverage against Kadokawa regarding KemoFure?

who cares
fuck off, furfag

NYPA, take a hike

you fuckers are insufferable. is there not a gaia forum for this? fuck off with your gaijin activisim

Not your personal army furfag.

It's time to take anime production out of the private sector.

Sup Forums is not your personal army, fuck off.

>trying to fit this hard

>i think you have seen the recent Kadokawa scandal with Kemono friends, right?


You forgot the other link, OP

"Hi, people over at an asian discord have made a website capable of sending petition letters to KDKW related entities easier.

A full letter explaining circumstances is already provided

More details here:

This was intended to be way for people of different nations to join the petition together. Please consider it a chance to voice your concerns"

Absolutely disgusting, what's next uniting with reddit? Kill yourself.

Nice and epic. I like it.
This is just like #gamegate.

Can you keep your faggotry to one thread?

Thanks bro, i forgot that one

>Not your personal army
You get a 50%, which is a failing grade.

ironic weebs are the cancer of this site

You tell em bro
#woah #notatsukinotanoshi #KemonoFriends

I already sent several emails and I'll keep sending the whole day.

OP here
Well, to be honest, i just want people to talk about this. It would be great if as many people get informed in this situation and decide if they want to help.
I, nor anyone, is asking for an army here. Just a little bit of time to help

>I, nor anyone, is asking for an army here.
Yes you are.

How exactly? I don't ask anyone to boycot Kado, or to helpo no matter what. Just inform of what happened, and consider if you want to help. If not all fine.

I'm just waiting for some Kadokawa executive to have a nervous breakdown over this.

They were sitting on a multi million dollar thing that could have been the next big thing and now it's toxic waste and even if they rehire the guy it's still going to be toxic for months afterwards, all that money gone over night... any further partnerships over because they can't trust that the company won't go full retard again....

This is why we can't have nice things

He's trolling you, don't listen to him.

>I'm just waiting for some Kadokawa executive to have a nervous breakdown over this.
You clearly don't know Japanese business men.

what? you realize your furfag shit is most popular among actual ironic weebs, right? haha check it out guys, I just love this ugly show! look how deviant I am.

Yeah we totally need more Under the Dog

Fuck off with your activism garbage

>They were sitting on a multi million dollar thing that could have been the next big thing and now it's toxic waste
I know you faggots are in despair but I find this part hilarious. I don't think anything will be funnier this year.

some middle management heads are going to roll thats for sure, what else will happen no one can tell.
>hurr durr i am an apathetic piece of shit so everyone has to be

>Here you can send a letter to show concern about Kadokawa and it's practices.
What is there to be concerned about? They were well within their rights to move away from the director.

>template 33 1/3

apathy has nothing to do with it. japan doesn't give a fuck what a niche japanese fanbase has to say about this shit, much less what a niche gaijin fanbase has to say. know your place.

>template 62

I have no idea what this means.

He thinks he's clever by copying a futaba meme, ignore him he's just a shitposter.

You don't understand, Kadokawa didn't renew their contract with Tatsuki and that's terrible.

Not your personal army, get the fuck out of my board.

Their IP, their rules. If Kadokawa had violated any contract they'd have gotten sued already.

stop talking like a retard

>niche japanese fanbase
yeah bro, totally is just like two fucks doing all this noise.

Oh sweetie, have you ever heard of "advertisers"? You know, sponsors? Like Nissin and JRA?

Yeah! When I see the spiked cock of corporation flying in the direction of my asshole and I'm against the wall, I don't try knocking it away, I bend over, spread my cheeks, and let whatever's gonna happen happen.

Fuck activism!

Your right, I don't understand.
They didn't renew the contract but how does this mean they did something wrong?
Was it wrongful dismissal?

vocal minority. it's the internet. screaming loudly doesn't mean you have any actual influence.

Gotta say, gave me a good chuckle

It's just corporate greed.
When the explanation is "They contractor chose not to agree to contractor renewal" what it really means is "We wanted them gone so we gave them impossible conditions so there's nothing they can do but leave"

They blew the chance to get tons of revenue from a known good property and production crew, while they're bleeding cash like a stuck pig. Then they lied about partners, dragging the JRA and Nissin into the fray. It isn't pissing off Tatsuki's fans that the suits at Kadokawa need to worry about, instead its giving already pissed investors leverage right before the October stock-holders' meeting.

Kadokawa did nothing wrong. Yaoyorozu declined the new terms and withdrew. Fans think Yaoyorozu is entitled to a new contract because they got lucky.

>while they're bleeding cash like a stuck pig.
This just isn't true, their stock prices even rebound to near pre-scandal levels already which means there's confidence in the company.

Why yes they're back on their year long down ward spiral. That's a real vote of confidence by the markets.

How dare a corp exercise their right to hire whoever they want. I just wish it was like glorious NK.

Just take a car and hit Kadokawa building

>template 51

Yeah tell the world that Kemonofags are insane individuals, that will really help your cause.

So aside from their shitty damage control, they did nothing wrong?

Please do. I want to see everyone knowing how deranged Kemonofags are.

You must be fun at parties.


I believe him. They are borderline religious fanatics.

It's unclear if they did anything LEGALLY wrong. Ethically, they were very wrong.

I wouldn't know, parties are too loud to go to.

>It's unclear if they did anything LEGALLY wrong.
No it isn't, if they had we'd have seen a lawsuit pop up already.

They apparently did nothing illegal, but it's still morally wrong.

>template 34

They blew the chance to have fans throw money at them. The damage control wouldn't matter if they hadn't shot themselves in the foot.
They screwed up one of the few things that could have slowed the drain at Nico Nico. Worse, they've lost premium accounts there over this. Ethical, legal, none of that matters, they made a bad situation worse. Someone's willy is getting whacked at the shareholders' meeting and not in a good way, either.

>they did nothing wrong
If you're a corporation who is beholden to investors and you fuck up and your company starts hemorrhaging money, yes, you did something wrong.

Except that hasn't happened yet, you just think it has.

We'll see. We'll see.

They were hemorrhaging money before this screw-up, mate. NicoNico was and is an opened artery. A solid KF S2 might have turned it into an open vein instead. Instead they've got to deal with both an open artery and an open vein. The people who want the stock price to rise long term have voting stock; and the current set of suits should be worried about those peoples' next move.

All they did say is 'we cleared with kdkw'

majority of revenue for them is not advertising

An open vein is still pretty serious, user.

What's THIS?? Some CEO of a partner company is siding with the fans?

No, your google TL is just shit.

From what I understand, no. It's sweet talk.

No argument here, but it is better than an open artery.
I've had both, it sucks.

>google TL is just shit.
True, but it's all I've got.

>The president of TV Tokyo, Ltd. says.
>He mentioned the riot of Kemono Friends.
>"I feel the same as Kemono Friends' fans."
>"I think that it would be good to seek measures to make the second work of Kemono Friends made by Tatsuki, director."
source Sponichi Annex

If he said that then I feel a bit of hope in my body.

Brave man to go against Kadokawa narrative.

I'm new to this whole thing

I need a breakdown

i dont even know what happened. why would kemono friends suddenly be in the slumps instead of the next boat girls

KDKW done fucked and fired the director.

Shitstorm ensues.

but they still own KF right ?

actually why are there not already a ton of spinoffs and miniatures of spinoffs made? what takes them so long to run away with this next big thing.
where are the mobile games, the cereal ads, the toys

>The president of TV Tokyo, Ltd. says.
One the one hand, they'd be utter dicks to creative people if they could. One the other hand, the enemy of my enemy is my Friend,. One the gripping hand, only monsters can fight monsters, so hurrah for the monsters on my side.

This. Kids need to grow up one day and realise they can't get away with throwing tantrums every day.

Because KanColle devs and fans are on good terms with one another, otherwise all those collaborations would be losing them money, not to mention Kadokawa isn't the sole IP owner. Unless by next boat girls you meant some new collection game that's the next fad.

Well, someone has to make the content.

They just sacked the guy who was doing that very thing.

I'm glad we now have some inland backing.

Also I have to say thanks to all of the Korean Chinese and Taiwanese Bros out there that helped with their organized complaints to sponsors, that could have helped this big time.

>ctually why are there not already a ton of spinoffs and miniatures of spinoffs made? what takes them so long to run away with this next big thing.
>where are the mobile games, the cereal ads, the toys
There's a new game coming from one of the groups that pushed Tatsuki and Co. out. Let's hope it's as big a success as Nexon's was. Toys are in the pipeline, but lots of order cancellations have come in after Kadokawa's demonstration of incompetence.

>template 81

>mobile games
There was one, but it wasn't popular so it closed down before the anime got big. I think they were/are going to either start it up again or just start an entirely new game. No idea what's happening with that now though.

Where are all these shills/trolls coming from?

Kadomawa still owns KF, but they just got rid of the people making the bulk of the content. They can hire a new studio to make more content, but it won't be like before. To make matters worse the staff and especially the director were very well loved by the fans.

As for why not more spinoffs, games, merch, etc its because its been out for less than a yes and Kadokawa was expecting it to flop just like the previous parts of the franchise and are now playing catch up.

You must be new around these parts.

>it's the internet
>he doesn't watch Japanese news

How about keeping to your single hugbox thread.

Isn't that is personal stance? TV Tokyo is still standing with Kadokawa which is to be expected.
That's a good thing to hear nonetheless, as it almost confirms Yaoyorozu did nothing wrong or he wouldn't be saying that.

This is really getting pathetic. Just accept your fate. It's just ONE (1) anime.

>It's just ONE (1) anime.
True, but this set of circumstances seems ripe to let people bloody the noses of some of the arrogant asses that keep dragging anime down well below the lowest common denominator.